Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Nov 1927, p. 8

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/ PAGE EIGHT EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS TO CONTEST CONSTITUENCY Alan Johnston of Grafton has been nominated to contest the Rid- ing of West Northumberland for election to the Older Boys' Parlia- ment of Ontario. Yesterday Mr. Johnston addressed a Young Peo- ple's rally at Gore's Landing. THIEVES SENTENCED Two Ottawa men, Wilfred Levere and Rossario Gosselin, were senten- ced to five and three yearg in the Penitentiary. respectively, when they pleaded guilty at Kemptville, yesterday, to breaking into stores in Cardinal, Ont., and stealing goods valued at $1,300, + WINS SCHOLARSHIP AWARD The Dr. 8. J. Keyes Scholarship, of value of $100, has been awarded to Miss O. McNab of Aranprior for the session of 1927-28, it was an- nounced at Queen's University yes- terday. This scholarship is award- ed to graduates of Ottawa Normal School who have completed, by ex- tramural or extramural and summer school work, four courses selected from Courses 1 and 2 in the vari- ous subjects, PURCHASES RESIDENCE Senator M. J. O'Brien, Kingston, who purchased some time ago the laree grounds and spacions residence of the late Dr, James Mann, Ren- frew, and presented them to the Sis- ters of the Holy Cross. who teach in Renfrew separate schools, as a residence, has now purchased the old Bdward HacKay home and deed- ed It to the Sisters of St. Joseph, of Pembroke diocese, who will estab- lish an academy for the education of girls, HAS NOVEL SCHEME Co-operation on the part of town- ships in regard to help needed in their municipalities was asked hy Dr. J. W. BEdwards, M.P., in an ad- dress at Kingston before Frontenac DEWARE THE COUGH OR COLD THAT HANES ON Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble, You ean stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified ereosote that is pleasant to take, Creomulsion is a pew medical discovery with two-fold action, it soothes and heals the inflamed mem- branes and inhibits germ growth. Of all known drugs, ereosote is recognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for persistens coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles, Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the ercosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat County Council. His plan is to have Township Councils receive all ap- plications for farm help. These could be sent to the County Clerk, who would them be in a position to inform the Uovernwmen, at either Toronto or Ottawa, just what help is needed in the county, DIES AFTER FEW DAYS ILLNESS Arthur Adams died Tuesday night at his Mome, Jessup Street, Pres- cott. after an illners of only a few days" duration. Mr. Adams was born in Hamilton 54 years ago, but had resided in that town practically all his life and had been in the employ of the Elliott Brothers Manufactur- ing Company for 31 years, where he was in charge of the cloth de- partment, In religion he was an Anglican and a member of St. John's Church, Jel SUGGRSTED NEW HIGHWAY A new highway from Lake of Bays to Smith's Falls along the Lauven- tians, was suggested hy Hon. Wil- liam D. Black, as the best means of opening up the vast playground country in the north of Frontenae and Addington. Speaking at a din- ner given hy the Kingston Board that he had convinced Hon. George 8. Henry of the tourist possibilities of the new road, and was endeavor- ing to convince other members of the Government, Members of Prontenae¢ County Council were guerts at the dinner, and ways and means of providing easy access to the land of a thonsand lakes were discusred. Other speakers were: -- Merrill Dennison, Warden Freeman, Indge Lavell, T. A, Kidd, M.P.P,, Hugh C. Nickle and H. B. Muir, T. (i. Bishop, president of the Board of Trade, presided, CLAREMONT Claremont, 23. At hop home in Claremont on Sunday. No- vember 20th, Mar~aret MeNabh Pal- passed peacefnlly awav in her vieht-eighth year, Mrs, Palmer was worn in Maseaw, Seotland. and came to Canada with her father when ourteen years of age. They took their residence in Claremont, where she has resided ever since Nearly sixty years ago, she hecame the wife of Shackel Palmer. a pros perous business man of Claremont, no whom she proved a devoted wife Nov. or ind helpful comp nion. To the nnion were horn one son, William Claremont and Mrs Thoma (reve (deearsed) Her hushand eredereased her fourteen years avo she was the last surviving member fa family of four hrothers #nd nne sister, Peter, Wiliam. John ard Dunean MeNahh of (Maremont mm? Mrs. Ross, of Glakgow, Sent land During her long lines: which she bore with Christian soli eitude and for hy her son patience she was cared William, who ig lef! te survive and to mourn her loss An appropriate and impressive ser vice was conducted at her home on Tuesday last, and the remains wers of the trouble and checks the growth of the ECerms. --- Creomulsion fs guaranteed satisfactory | in the treatment of persistent coughs and | colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of respiratory diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after eolds or flu. Money refu if any | cough or cold jis not relieved after taking | seconding to dimetions. Ask your druggist. | Creomulsion Co., Limited, "Toronto, Ont. | | ontop '2id to rest in Claremont 1'nion | Cemelery. Mr. Geo the Palmer Rev. Me. Osborne. of charch has ac epted a to Poon tt. Church, Toronto, and reaches his farewell sermon on Sunday the 27th. The evening ser- and Mrs. iended ate Mrs, The Qaptist Cerow, of Tor funeral of the the call of Trade last night, Mr. Black said' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1927 _~ ------ vice in the United Church will be withdrawn. Mr, David Gregg. we are sorry to note is on the sick lst, but is im- proving. A number of our boys who were harvesting in the West have return- ed and report it cold in the west. Mr. Thomas Scott, underwent a serious operation in Christie street hospital last week and is doing as well as could be expected. Mr. Maginis Morgan section fore- man on the C.P.R., had a narrow escape with his crew on Tuesday vening, when their hand car was smashed by a fast freight train in a heavy fog. Mr. D. A. Scott is visiting his in an automobile accident. Miss Margaret Graham, Cairn- brogie, is spending a few days with iriends at Richmond Hill Rev. Mr. Rackain, of Whitevale, preached very acceptably in the 'nited Church on Sunday evening last. The Rev. A. McLellan con- ducting . anniversary serviees in Whitevale 'Reeve (i. M. Forsythe is attend- ing county council this week at Whithy. The Stouffville and Bethesda Telephone Company have bougnt the building occupied by the late Makinis Henders n, and intend mov- ing their office into it in the near future, Mrs. Jas, Nickle, of Toronto, spent the week end with her friend, Miss Margaret Graham. ~ MYRTLE Myrtle, Nov. 23. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Albert Timms (nee Elsie Shell) who were married at Oshawa hy the Rev. Mr. DeMille on Thursday, November 17. They have leased Mr. Ball's house at Myrtle Station and ave Making immediate possession, Mr, Ed. Whippey now sports a fancy driver, which he purchased trom Mr. I. Masters, of Prince Al hert, Mr. Bert Duff attended the Roval Winter Fair in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr, and Mis. Wm. Tarvis spent Sunday with (heir daughter in Cherrywood. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair MacDonald and Mr. Prank MacDonald, of 1'ti cu, were week end guests of Mr. Mrs, John Quinn. Mr. Carman Rodd and Mr. Mur ray Williams visited at the hom ol Mr. James MeKenzie, Columbus, on Sunday. Miss Effie Graham spent the week apd with Claremon; friends. Mr. Charlie Luke has had a new radio installed in his home and | ana is ow "listening in." Mr. Cecil Sleep, of Lindsay, wus around the neighborhood on Tues dav in the interests of life insurance Mrs Wiltred Graham visited - EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN Take ZUTOO Tablets and are free of the Griping Pain and Sick Headaches, Read what Mrs, Wright says : "I received your sample of Zutoo Tab- lets, and took them for severe pain (monthly) and headache. At the end of 30 minutes, | was entirely free of pais and experienced no more throughout the period. I suffer a great deal atthese times and feel grateful that I have s remedy which affords quick relief. Every woman in the land should know about Zutoe Tablets and what they willdo," Mrs. ALLEN WRICHT, Fulford, Que, 3 TAKE ZUTO Ladies Fur Coats A fine assortment of Ladies Fur Trimmed Coats, worth up tw $25.00, to go al $14.95 Men's Coals Men's Coats of every variety, including Mues, ohinohillas, broadoloths, blanket cloth, ote. Regular $32.50, now 24.50 Special Value Special A alue? Pay while yom woar. A line of Men's Blue Ovoroomts going at $20. MEN'S AND LADIES' OVERCOATS Pay While You Wear Every large size woman can buy a coat to fit, 40, 42, 44, 45 and 46. Pile fabrics, velours, broadeloths; all pichly farred with large col- Jars and cufls. Reg. $37.50, $25.00 Overcoats An extra good line of Blue Overcoats in a conded waterial, mioedy trimmed with plush lin- ing. Regular $35. Wook end, $29.50 A Nice Assortment of LADIES' DRESSES Moderately Priced BR Coats for Stouts? ENGEL & SON 21 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA Children': Coats Just a few Jeft--Ohildren's Coats, trimmed with fur cols lars and cuffs, sizes ranging from 6 to 14 years. Regularly sold for $12.50, now 8.95 Boy's Overcoats Boys" Oyercomts, including chinchilla and other cloths. Sizes 26 0 32. Specially priced an 95 Flannelette Blankets Large Double Bod Size Fianol- ote Blankots. Per pair, $1.98 Auto Robes Large Size Amtomohiie Robes, goey with white chook plaid. Regular $700, now selling for $4.95 aaa 1 The scribe was misinformed about | Miss Susie Bray of Raglan, rent-| ing Mrs. Aggie Fisher's house, as it| was Mr. Andrews who is moving frome Mr. Harry Ball's house at Myrtle station here. Some from here attended the spe- clal service in Raglan on Sunday! evening when Mr. Newman, of! Lorneville, gave a very impressive! talk on missions. Service will he held nevt Sabbath at 7 p.m. Sunday school and Bible class at the usual hour, a quarter to two. Mr. Willlam Hoar has been econ-| fined to his bell through illness, | for the past week. His many friends | trust that he may soon be able tol be around arain. The members of the league are rreparing a drama to be given pub- liclv in a short time. Those who had their driveways, tern un by ditching operations on| the highway are experiencing great difficulty in getting in and out to thelr yards since the continuous wet | srall. as there was no gravel sup- plied to put on ton of the earth which the trucks dumped in the | culverts, | | Mr. Roy Perey has heen suffering from a severe attack of flu during the week whi'h has confined him' to hig hed, | [ Mr. Tom Brookes spent Sunday, | with his parents in Utica. | : ---- RAGLAN . aid | Raglan, Nov. 21.--Miss Edna Me- Kee, of Manchester, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. Evans, last week. | We are sorry to renort Mrs. Mel- | ville Knapp on the sick list. A (speedy recovery is looked for Messrs, Jnek Stanton ard Frank Stek have retnrped to) their homes at Wheaton, Illinois, after spending a pleasant vacation with the form- ter's sister, Mrys. Roy Mann. | Mrs, Norm~n Hughson visited her [RISter, Mrs R. J. Radhourne, of To- |ronto, for a few days last werk, | Mr. snd Mrg Sturgess and Master "ek Blan"ard, of Oshawa spent Sundoav at Mrs 0 Blanchard's, | Owine the the inclement on Snnday weather evening there was not a |vory lare attendance at church, hat [those who were nresent had the { Mleasn 8 nf bearine a yepy imnrron. {Eve sermon nreached hy Mr» Wm I orvenville, The chojr e annronriote anthems, Mr. and Mre 1, MeKee, of Man. rheator vicited relatives in this | vieinity last week, Mr. and Mg | vewman nf rendered then vey dl Roy Moon and nn, : » 2PM bp fer Aays with [tives in tha city Jast week | The hesye storm I»2st week Aamared the telephone wires tn sneh "noextent ibat it will take some time » er | service | { Miss Gillhank «nent the week end | rela- fop to mron-ve shy § at her home in Bowmanville A number from herve attended the \ Aarce held at Columbus hall last { Friday evening Mr. and Mrs Slydep. of Whithy, [were guests of Ms. C | Surday 1 The Mt Carmel and Raglan schools are busy nreporing their an- nual Christmas concert | Migs Ina Stacey, of Oshawa. spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stacey Quite » number are taking in the Winter Fair at Toronto, : { Mr. and Mrs. J Evans and family . Blanchard on he visited relatives in Lindsay last weok | Mr. and Mrs Norman Hughes spent Sunday wit), his mother at Myrtle | Miss Hazel Akmney visited her home at Epsom over the week end | Mr. and Mrs Wm. Rlatch and {danehter Muriel. of Oshawa. were |euests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pow- ad on Monday. | COLUMBUS Columbus, Nov. 22--Don't forget the Box Social to be held in the East United Church on Wednesday November 30th. under the auspices of the Community Rink. Ladies with | boxes free. | Mr. Harold Wilson of Oshawa | Spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson. | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Purves visit- od in Toronto and attended the Roy- al Winter Fair this week. Quite a number from here attend- od the special services at Enfield on | Sunday, when Rev. J. F. Clugston | conducted the services and our choir i helped with the music. Quite a mumber from here at- tended the Royal Winter Fair at To- | ronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Wilson of Osh- | awa spent Sunday with ithe fTor- | mer"s pagents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wil- 1 Son. EN Miss Redman of Detroit, Michi- san, visited with her aunt, Mrs. J. (dames, this week. | ¢ Mr. Fred Tarves spent Sundar | with friends at Blackstock. | The Young People's class wi'® hold their monthly meeting at the home of one of their members, Miss | Doris Nesbitt, on Friday night. | The Ladies' Aid held a social eve- | ning in the basement of the church 'on Wednesday might. when every- | ming. A true radical is leant get as excited as he does. -- Joseph News-Press [the week body present enjorved a pleasant eve- | Ebenezer, Nov. 21.--Three splen- did services were held at Ebenezer on Sunday and fairly good comngre- gations gathered to each. Im the morning the speaker was Rev. Fen- ton, a returned missionary from China, who gave a very interesting talk on work there. In the evening our nastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, gave an illustrated talk en "India." This was very intere<tine indeed. The choir rendered heantiful musie in hoth services. Sunday School was he'd as usual in the afternoon. Mrs. Wager and Miss Nellie spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, W. tather in London, who was injured friends in Toronto during the week. |H. Nichols'. Regular lea ue meeting was held on Thursday evening, November 17, in the Sundav Schoal room. The weather was not very fine but a fairly good meeting was held. Two Bowmanville boys were present in the interests of the Roys' Parlia- ment. Mr. J. Devitt first gave a short speech, introducing Mr. C. (regorv, who is the memhey for the Bovs' Parllament. Mr (regory then vave a fine sneech which may help him cansiderahly In the election. The remainder af the program consisted of the Bible study, by Mr, ©. Par- rons, a reading hy Mr. Robertson and a story hy little Miss Velma Pearce. The meeting this week is in charge of the young people's group and Miss Hattie Oshorne will take the topic. Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Rundle snent end with their son, Mr. Elmer Rimdle in Toronto. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle was held om Sat- urday, November 19, at the home of Mrs. Herbert Nichols. A splendid number of girls were present and the program. which was in charge of Mrs. Walter Snider's group, was excellent. A special feature was the annual election of officers, when the following officers © were elected: President, Mrs. Arthur Pascoe, 1st vice president, Mrs. Cecil Found; 2nd vice president, Miss Allie Worden: treasurer, Miss Hazel Rundle; sec- retary, Mrs. William Bickle. This will form a splendid executive and we wish the mission circle all sae- cess when they begin on their new year. Mr. Thomas Jackson, of Bowman- ville, spent Sunday with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Russell Gay. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Berean Class will be held on Thursday afternoon, November 24, in the Sunday School room. The meeting is in charge of Mrs. Cecil Found's group and promises to he good. The topic will he eiven hy Mrs. Penberthy. All the ladies are invited to attend. We are very glad to see Mr. Keith Worden back among us again after Wis long absence in the Western Provinces, Don't fail ta be at Ebenezer on Sunday evehing, next, as there is to be a service of special interest. Special announcement will appear later. A thorough canvas of the com- munity is being made this week for the maintenance and extension of the United Church, a---- > ood eat Clark's Pork & Beans with their excelient sauce are really goed. Young and old alike relish this *: nourishing, strengthening dish 'CLARK'S Pork..Beans --Simply heat and serve; save time and money. Sold everywhere W. CLARK Limited, Montreal 30-20 -- Beay In mind the week evangelistic services which is being held at Ebenezer during the week beginning December 4. In the Sunday evening service of December 4 Mv. Ross will he the speaker and Mr. Nicholls will lead the singing. Re- member this and be at Ebenezer on of Sunday, December 4. where Before making your purchase see GLASS BROS. IS GOOD Very Exceptional Buying Opportunities Afforded at Glass Bros., Simcoe St. N. LADIES' COATS Finpeint, Duvetyne, ete. Luxurious linings; fur collars. Upwards from 95 A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF MEN" MEN'S & BOYS' SUITS & O'COATS Our Special Navy Blue Suits, Two Trouser Models, won- derful values $12. ALSO Nee our Shimmering Sat- ins, Daingy Goor- guites, Modols fo eXeLN tue evening dress and office in the latest. shades sizes ap Moder at -- FI'R COATS Here's Your Chance-- Read This! Velvots, oovasion wear season's in 0. ES LE

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