Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Nov 1927, p. 8

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PACE EIGHT -- "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 Prohibitionists Score Win In Australian Liquor Bill J (Canadian Press Oable Via Reuters) Wellington, N.Z., Nov. 17.--Pro- hibitionists won a notable victory in the House of Representatives today when the Liquor License Amendment Bill was considered in the committee stage. Though it was drawn up by Premier J. C. Coates it was not a cabinet measure and supporters of the Government were left free to vote as they personally wished. The Bill provided for the taking .0f a referendum on the licensing question every six years instead of every three years as at present, and it also provided that 55 percent of the total vote in the referendum would be necessary to carry the measure. Despite the fact that the bill had passed its second reading in the House by a vote of sixteen to ten, and by 68 votes to sevem when it came before the ' committee of the House, the 55 percent. majority pro- posal was defeated by 43 votes to 32, NORTH OSHAWA MAN COMMITS SUICIDE (Continued from page 1) further investigation disclosed that he had threatened to commit suicide on previous occasions, and even by the very method that he employed finally a web of evidence was woven and the resolution substituting for! 56 percent. vote a bare majority of 'hee, votes in the referendum being car- ried. which satisified. the authorities in charge of the case that suicide had n committed by the deceased. Living with his wife in a little house just east of the first cormer The proposal to hold a referendum : ,,pty, of the C. N.-R. tracks, in North every six years instead of every three years was rejected by 51 votes to 23. The bill provides for a two issue bal- lot, namely, for or against liquor licenses, and it eliminates state con- trol issue which has figured in the ballot papers here to fore. jJCcrerEX]y Shut out winter's piercing cold by | Celorexing your home HIS winter your home can be snug and warm, regardless of outside tem- peratures. ? A better way of building, cz'led Celotexing, gives vi- tal protection during zero months. Built into walls, ceilings and roof, broad strong Celotex boards shut out the cold that creeps in through unprotected brick; stone or wood. : And Celotex holds valu- able furnace heat in the house; soon pays for itself FLINTOFF & SONS 15 King Street West Phone 1500 in defnite savings of fuel money. In your own home you can easily have these com- forts and economies. No need to wait till you buy or build, for Celotexing the attic and basement of your present home provides effective protection. Let us tell you more about this better way to live. A letter or phone call will bring the free Celotex Book giving complete informa tion. Act today. 528 Simcoe Street South Phone 826 | | OSHAWA, SUCCESSORS TO THOS. MILLER & LIMITED SON | FRIDAY and SATURDAY || | | This is a genuine free offer, We are going to sell Fur Trimmed Coats at ; Special Low Prices | $20.75 $39.75 $45.00 All beautifully trimmed with rich furs and former values up to $49.75 - With each Coat sold at advertised prices we will give Fre= Your choice of over 50 Dresses with values included up to $10.95. Get A Dress Free | Come, buy your coat here. FUR COAT SALE At Manufacturers' Prices Sold on Our Convenient Easy Payment Terms These Prices for FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY Oshawa--in fact it is the first house on the right hand side as one turns onto this road--John Rejd had re- mained in almost complete retire- ment, just holding intercourse with the few neighbors who dropped in to see him occasionally about matters on the form of the raising of hogs, which was Mr. Reid's chief oceupa- tion, He had a considerable piggery hehind his house, and most of his Aaya, in had weather, were spent here, caring for his animals. He had installed a steam heater with which ha nrepared cooked foods for the pies, and which kent the building warm so that he could work there for hours. Tt was here that the fatal cun of paris ereen was found. In the summer time, Mr. Reid had the intereats of his farm to command hig attention when not engaged in his favorite ocenpation, and these ¥ant his mird huev, Rut since the fall wanther set in he had hecome de- snondent, and althoneh he had not mentioned the conection within the raat few dave, it ig stated that ten Aava Ap twa weaka aro he had told hig enn.inlaw that ha wished he was in hia prava, and that he wag cron. oidarine takine hia 1i%a hy the naris eran mothad Ha fe alag sa'd ta have mantinnad eammittine anieide to enma af hia neighbors whn wera honing with the chores some days awn Wandav and Muacdaw ha pamniain, nA nf? nat fapline wall tn a neirhhne, T WM (vasa, and ahant fanpe o'clock WadAnaodav npftarnann Mr. Crossn Argnned in ta see him, to sneak ahont pettine erme cooked feed for wig hnge and slea 'a he'n him with the chores. if nead ha Camin~ into tha honge he noticed that Reid was ving on the floor near a couch in the kitchen, with hig face -- have Central Ontario in its grip be- | fore morning. ' Ny The weather bureau, however, Té- fuses to comment on that probability with any precision. They'vé had enough. FATTY a Perhaps the weather's goes Bol- shevik. > CITY MOURNS LOSS ESTEEMED CITIZ . (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Philip J). Jones, Toronto, her daughters. Her three surviving brothers are Sir Henry Pellatt, Fred Pellatt and Mill Pellatt, of Toronto; Mrs. R. B. Ham ilton and Mrs. E. R. Rogers, of To: ronto, mourn the loss of their sister. Mrs. Morphy's death followed an illness of some seven months. The end of her noble career as wife, mo- ther and benefactress came very peacefully with the members of the bereaved family who had been sum- moned about her. One of Mrs. Morphy's deep interests was the Children's Aid Society which she had served both/ as a director and as convenor and treasurer of tine Shelter Committee. She was also very active in the work of the Oshawa General Hospital, and had rendered effective service both as a member of the Hospital Board and as treasurer of the Ladies' Auxil- iary of that institution, Mrs, Morphy had also long been in- terested in the work of the Red Cross Society, being a member of the local branch's executive at the time of her death. During the late war, Mrs. Mor- phy was in the forefront of that or- ganization's great work into which the womanhood poured out the very es- sence of their souls in service for the men overseas. St. George's church loses a valued worker in Mrs, Morphy's death. A past vice-president of the Women's Guild of the parish, her faithful ser- vice is witnessed by those with whom | ested officials, she worked and by those who knew the great and understanding charity | of her character, The Oshawa Golf Club numbered Mrs. Morphy as one of its most inter- She had been a mem- ber of the club executive since its or- ganization, and here interest in the 'game was not academic but practical. to the | couch and anparently sleeping, He ' Mr. H. P. Schell, president of the Children's Aid society, pays a feeling stepped over to wake him, and found | tribute to Mrs. Morphy: that he had been dead several hours, i for rigor mortis had set in. Immedi- ately calling the authorities, Mr. Grose went to the barn and found that no chores had been done that day. Provincial officers Cookman and Mitchell on being notified immedi- ately went to Reid's house, and af- ter makng an investigation notified | County ' Constable W. T. Stevens, who was detailed to guard the body throughout the night. In the morn- ing a thorough investigation was held, neighbors and relatives of the | deceased being questioned, and the decision that suicide was the cause ot death, was reacnea. Besides his wife, Mr. Reid leaves two sons and two daughters, Ever- ett C and Wilfred Reid of Kenmore, N. Y. and Mrs. George of Toronto and Mrs Enston of Hamilton. CITY PAVING IS HELD UP BY RAIN (Continued from page 1) as they were in the trenches during the war, and the rain continues to pour down with sodden, relentless pertinancity, Not so in other districts, however. Complaints ranging from the pitiful, the humorous to the highly indig- nant are keeping city office wires busy; and the mayor and aldermen are going about with the look of hunted men, starting each time they hear a telephone ring. The present weather has thor- nughly upset the weather bureau at Toronto. A few days ago,, following a day of May-time splendor, the weatherman warned that a cold wave was on its way from the west and that within 24 hours the thermo- meter would drop 40 degrees by the Fahrenheit scale. But it didn't. The rain came, and with it éame a somewhat irascible statement that the cold wave had "slipped" by in the night to invade the New England States. However. it would be back with redoubled fufy, But it hasn .. Rain and more rain is the damp record of the past 48 hours. A few flakes of snow now and then are perhaps sent down as a sort of joke on the weather bureau, then it rains some more. This morning hail was | mingled with the rain and that is taken by amateur prophets as a clear indication that cold weather is on its way and will, very probably, GREY CARACUL COATS Misses' Grey Caracul Ooats; CHAPAL SEAL COATS Ladies' Chapel Seal Coats, beautifully made. $155 HUDSON SEAL COATS Cont, self (rimmed 9329 CALF COATS Misses' Calf Coats, Nutria trimmed. , .. $100 ELECTRIC SEAL COATS Extraordinary value iw this serviceable self trimmed $85 HUDSON SEAL COATS Ladies' Hudson Seal Coats, Shop at THE ARCADE SIMCOE ST. NORTH =) ' Johns Piano Stove 80 Simeoe St. N, "The Society suffers a great loss in Mrs. Morphy s death," Mr. Schell stated. "She was a very active work- er when work was required, generous both of her time and other resources. Everything for the Baby Kayser Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear Phone 528 F. T. LAMBLE p-- Warm Kimonas for the cold mornings. Beautiful heavy Blanket Cloth and Beacon Cloth Kimonas. sateen trimmed collar and pockets, silk cord. Come in all the pretty shades of rose, blue, fawn, sand and gre3, Ses 0) 10 36044. .................... $5.00 to Dainty Corduroy Kimonas Lined and unlined. Come in cherry, poppy, orchid and blue. Price, $10.75 $5.75 to Children's Cosy Kimonas Come in Flowered Blanket Cloth, collar and pockets trimmed with narrow silk cord, silk ean ore 378 to S419 $2.75 Jaeger Wool Slippers to match the Kimonas. .............. $2.00 to OREO Children's JAI Wool ABClHose | and | rib. This is the ideal Children's Stocking. Comes in fawn, cream, buf! and black, sizes 4 to 10. Price $1 00 : LJ Web reresigeares insert rrosay «... 40c to Children's Sleepers with feet and pockets, white or $1 45 natural... inn 90c to { { i Ladies' Jaeger all ~ WooltHose mami 04.25 CLEARANCE CHILDREN'S HATS Velours and Velvets, regular up to $3.95, to clear - $1.79 0 In Council, har clear vision guided us through many difficult situations," Mrs. F. W. Cowan, president of the Oshaw1 Red Cross Society, declares that Mrs. Morphy's death is a loss that organization will deplore not only for | the first to act on her own suggestions her service but for herself. wan declared that Mrs, Morphy had the power to inspire other with her own enthusiasm, and that she was ever | Mrs, Morphy's death, Mrs, Co- | of service, Officials of St. George's Women's Guild express a deep sense of loss in i Soeforforiororiosfesfrolroded of to * 6 I a rriving to : Special News for the : Week-End Shopper did gift. Woollen Bed Covers Bed Covers in pure wool bound with corded silk 2t ends Mauve, Gold. These make a splen- in Rose, Blue, $23.45, for $7.50 Simmons Bed Outtit Simmons' walnut finished Bedstead, fitted with strong Link Spring and guaranteed Pure Felt Mattress. Reg. $19.75 Cedar Chests Natural Red Cedar Chests in various designs and sizes. finished and well constructed. From 814.25 4 Special Features at This Store [3% They are nicely tonne. 3-Piece Fibre Suites : Charming Fibre Suites in this smart looking Furniture finished in coffee shade. The seats are auto spring con- struction and covered in smart cre- $49.50 4 x 3-Piece Fibre Suite This Fibre Suite has large settee that will seat three persons, with chair and rocker. Has fancy design in backs. auto spring construction and covered in high grade Cretonne. $83.50 The seats are Y tions, Walnut Ceaar Chests A large assortment of these handsome and useful chests are now on display. If you are thinking of buying one for Christ- mas come in now and make your selec- They are lined with Red Cedar and are mothproof, From - A) | J ; : AW / i i SN < Phone 2351 $19.50 to $49.75 Visit Our Store This Week 7%. Our Displaysare Wonderfu wn ~~ J fm J 'a LUKE FURNITURE CO, 63 KING ST, E. PHONE 79 "Where Good Values Come From'

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