Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1927, p. 3

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Mita Meter Stolen nother Boyce Motor Meter was stolen in this city over the past week- end, according to a report which was received at local police headquarters at hali past eight Sunday evening. The motor meter was the property of Carman Pouley, 132 Colborne street east, and was taken from his car while it was parked in front of Simcoe street United church during the evening ser- vice. The motor meter had a Hup- mobile cap. Knocked Down By Car Knocked down by an automobile but fortunately only slightly injured, Sam- _uel Gilchrist was the victim of an au- tomobile accident at King and Simcoe streets Sunday morning. He was cros- sing King street near the Simcoe street intersection and going morth when he was struck by a car driven bby E. H. Anderson, 207 Simcoe street south, who was turning east on King street. Anderson picked him up in his car and took him to the eoffice*of Dr. G. L. Bird, who found that he was on- ly slightly bruised and that there were no serious injuries, . For Your' PHONE 22 ti weet Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe 8¢t, 8, We Deliver KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC» Amy, 18 SIMCOE STREET This fact Is fairly obvious, *Tis worry, S'r, that kills, If from your life you'd banish care. Start taking Beecham's Pills. w oe 9 THE a) TIONS LAXATIVE REXALL STORE" Jury 8 Lovell . King St, East Phone 78 POSTPONE MEETING ON FIRE PROTECTION (Continued from page 1) that salary adjustments should not, be made by a Council which is near- ing its annual dissolution in the civie election, A recommendtion to consideration may, however, go forward to the 1928 Council from the one now in being, provided Chief Cameron will consent to let his recent request, coupled with a statement that he would be forced to resign on Decem- her 1, stand in abeyance until the new year. : Fire Protection will very probably Je an issue of some importance in he civic election campaign in De- ember, With which, incidentally, he matter of police protection will be given equal if not greater em- chasis. A platform of adequate police pro- 'ection would, it is believed, influ- 'nce a very large section of the pub- ie, and the property owners in par- icular are much concerned about the 'ire department's equipment and 'umerieal strength. Mayor Preston believes that in- reased fire protection efficiency can "e gained 'without any huge expendi- ure of money. He suggests increas- ng the part paid staff, and that plan 3 further elaborated by a proposal that a number of part pay single men might be given permanent sleep- ng quarters near the fire hall where hey would be immediately available n case of a night fire. BOWMANVILLE GIRL MISSING (Continued from page 1) lerge dress, and black shoes and stockings, Miss Ward is of fair com- nlexion, has dark brown hair, which 's bobbed and wears heavy tortoise shell rim glasses. Miss Ward is known by residents f Bowmanville to be a very quiet and retiring girl of pleasing person- lity. People are at a loss to account for the girl's disappearance, point- 'ng out that she had not been brood- ing or acting despondently when seen shopping on Saturday night, That Miss Ward accepted a car ride from pepole who failed to let her out of the car is not counten- inced by people who know her, In- itances are remembered that the rirl had refused on several occasions 'o board a strange car even with 'everal close girl companions. Authorities at the Oshawa Hos- ~ INBOWMANVILLE BOGUS U. 5. MONEY Seven Merchants in that Town Are Victims of the Swindlers (By Staff Re) ) Bowmanville, Nov. 14.---Seven Bowmanville merchants have noti- fied Chief of Police Jarvis that they have been victimized by the swind- lers who have been passing counter- feit five and tem dollar counterfeit American Federal Reserve bank notes, The license number of the Hudson ear in which the swindlers are riding was taken when it was going east, where they were caught by Newcastle merchants but released when money was returned. The license number of the car as taken then was 32-908, the plate being issued in the Michigan au- thorities, When the car was going west, the swindlers apparently doubling back on their track, 92- 908 was the number of the plate as taken by one of the men who recog- nized the car but was unable to chase them as he did not have a car. The license this time was also frem the state of Michigan. Those victimized locally were David Rosner, Blake Wilkens, Wil- liam Bagnell, James Ingantine, Wil- liam P. Corbett, and Arthur Cole. Others have also been victims of the swindlers but have not notified as et, The $10 bills, in the opinion of J. A. McClellan, manager of the local} branch of the Bank of Montreal, are photographs made of the Jack- son series, The impression has been made on | bank note paper, but the bill may | be known by the indistinctness of the characters in the bill and by the hard reading of the printing on the reverse side. The characters on the obverse! side are a picture of Andrew Jack- | son, former president of the United States, a farming scene and an in-! dustrial scene. At the bottom on the | reverse side the words, "This note is | receivable--" The word receivable is practically illegible. The far famed silk threads of the American notes is not an infallible test of these counterfeit bills, as the colored threads are seen also in the | ones passed, By means of a sharp knife, the threads in the hills being passed | locally may be pulled out of the paper, To the experienced bank | employee, the hills will be known | to be counterfeit by tne feel of the | paper, but the layman will know | them to be no good by the indistinct- ness of the characters, | MINOR MISHAPS vital and the Bowmanville Hospital | have heen notified but report that | 10 one answering Miss Ward's de- | 'cription has heen admitted, | Chief of Police Richard Jarvis has been notified and is working on the case, and citizens of Bowman- ville are also keeping a lookout for he girl, It is likely that H. Storey, nrovineial Constable stationed at Co- yourg, and Provincial Constable Mit- 'hell of Oshawa, will be called into the case. It was not known definitely that the girl had disappeared until this morning, when Mrs. Ross Stevens, 't whose home on the Kingston road the missing girl is employed, called Migs Dunn, a close friend of the girl on Liberty street, and asked if the %irl had stayed there all night, Miss Dunn was to have accompan- 'ed the girl to Trinity Church and waited until church was nearly call- aed before leaving without her No more is known ot the Gysappearance, hut the general impression is that 'he girl has been kidnapped against her will, Too Late to Classify 'HREE "or - UNFURNISHED ROOMS rent Conveniences. Apply 107 Eldon Ave, (112h) PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION, Cheap for quick sale, Box "M" Times. (112e¢) CLIENT DESIE®=-$1,000 ON SEC- md mortgage on $6,000. Residence »n Carnegie Ave, First mortgage $3,000. Will pay honus of $200. Louis 8. Hyman & Co., Barristers. Phone 67. (112¢) GARAGE WANTED, VICINITY AR- 'ington and Simcoe Sts. Louis 8. Hyman, Barrister. Phone 67, (112¢) ACKHEADS Blackheads simply dissolve and disappear by this one simple, safe and sure withod. Get two ounces of ne wder from any drug store-- bie Fs hot, wet cloth, rub the face briskly--every blackhead will be gone. 1519 - MERGES, . BONDS | © SPECIALISTS IN MINING SECURITIES LISTED AND UNLISTED HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto \ PRIVATE WIBE SYSTEM _ 11 King Street 'East, Oshawa Above C,P.R. Office, Phone 144 8 F. Everson, Local Manager RLONG re (w; OVER WEEK-END No One Injured But Motor | Cars Are Slightly Damaged | Besides the more or less serious! accidents which occurred over the! week-end, three minor mishaps hap- | pened in the vicinity of Oshawa | from which no personal injuries re- | sulted, In each case slight damage | was done to the cars in collision. | Mary street was the scene of the | two accidents which occurred within | the city limits, one of them bheing | at the Willian street intersection and the other at Brock, The frequency of accidents on this thoroughfa e is | another good reason for making Mary street a through street, When A. Rocheleau, 321 Kings- dale avenue,: was driving his car, license number 379-606, south on Mary street, he was struck by a car driven by Thomas Owens, whose automobile license number is 69-635. The accident happened at the Wil- liam street corner about one o'clock Saturday afternoon. Two out-of-town men figured in an accident at the Brock street in- tersection of Mary street just hefore three o'clock Sunday afternoon. The two cars which collided were owned by Norman H. Clarke, 69 Peel street, Lindsay, and William H, Wat- son of Seagrave, The third minor accident, one which occurred east of the eity, re- sulted in hoth of the cars being somewhat damaged. Daniel Vallieres, Harmony, was driving his car on the Oshawa Missionary College grounds about two o'clock Saturday afternoon when it was struck by a car driven by M. J. Lowry, 23 On- tario street, WILL OPEN 3. 3. NOVEMBER 30 Building at Arlington Avenue and North Simcoe About Ready The new Sundgy School erected ul Arlington avenu® and North Simcoe street will be opened Sunday after- noon, November 30, with services at 3 o'clock, it was announced today. The building is practically ready for oceupaney now, the finishing touches at present being administered. i Special services will be conducted and the speaker will be Rev, J. M. Duncan, D.D., of Toronto. Other features in connection with the ser-| vice, music, ete., will be announced , later. Interesting in every respeet will be the services to which all Sunday School 'workers of Oshawa and those who in any way sympathize with the! new enterprise, are cordially invited) to attend. It will be remembered that the new Sunday School building was erected by the City Church Exten- sion and Mission Board with a view Next PO, to taking care of the increased pop- vation of the north section of the city, { BULGARIA'S KING TEETOTALL- , E 4 £ | known that King Beris is a teeto- | taller and a fervent admirer of the dry regime in the United States. [ ago. When at the (school he was witness of a particu- [larly revolting i hetween drunken officers, Stock and Mining Exchange for the | week just ended eclipsea all pre- vious trading records in mining securities, The sales list for the holiday week (four and one-half ac- E---------------------- PAGE THREE Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver also affords prompt and timely help for pale, sickly, listiess, anaemic girls just budding into womanhood. If taken regularly it wil! improve the impaired ap- pele. a Veany color to wah, ™ p ; Price - - $100 I] W. H. KARN Phone 378 RR CONVERTED BY DRUNKEN FIGHT Berlin, Nov. 13.--During the Bul- arian monareh's visit it became Boris took the pledge some years military high arly revolting and bloody combat MILLION AN HOUR Transactions on the Standard ive market days only)) fell short of 12,000,000 shares by a small mar- STAFF CITY TREASURER Is Request of the Legal Pro- fession to Be Made to Council NOT CRITICISM a N Appointment of an Assistant City Treasurer is Reorganization of the City Treasur- er's office through increase in its staff will be asked of the City Council at its meeting the evening of November 21. The legal profession of Oshawa is making the request claiming that the transfer of real estate and drawing up staffff now employed is not large enough to handle the business. One prominent legal firm declares that they have had to keep a girl practically that certificates of arrears of taxes paid might be obtained as promtply as possible. The protests which will be voiced at the Council session are not offered as eritizism of City Treasurer Blackburn or his staff except in a constructive way. They merely point out that civic service, in this particular, has not+kept pace with the city's growth. ; Appointment of an assistant city treasurer is discussed in this connec- tion, hut those favoring the appoint- men point cut that the existing Coun- cil might not be acting advisedly to make the appointment in vie wof the looming civic election, BATTALION OF WARDENS TO WATCH BIRD-HUNTERS St. Catharines, Nov. 11--One hun- dred and forty-six specially appoint- el game wardens and inspectors will be on duty in the Niagara Peninsula tomorrow to see that the hunters do not violate the game laws on the final open day of pheasant shooting. These officers will be assisted by ru- ral, city and Provincial Police. Some of mortgages is held up because the | constantly at the city offices in order J cense, that he does not kill any hen Never Before and ~ Never AGAIN Such an opportunity to secure one of the finest five tube Radio Sets on the market, at such a remarkably low price, Enjoy itin your own home D. J. Brown The Jeweller 10 King Street West Phone 189 ers will be about three thousand, 1t , of remembrance. is estimated by Joseph Hodgins, and the duty of the wardens will be to see that each hunter has a gun li- pheasants, and that three cock peasants, he kills only everyday conversation, AIM TO ENSURE PEACE London, Nov. 11---The Prince of even very troughts, aim to ensure peace." | "If we are to save ourselves anl those coming after us from even a more frightful renewal of the sufferings of the Great War we must, by our every action, in our our ei The S8 ge » difference hw BD} 4 Ein. The Sirover assed the hus of the Wardens will he paid for the | Wales, in addressing "Old Comrades Ie pe Sitercuce between spite) end | On Saturday morning mining securi- | day's work, while many will give |and Friends," at Albert Memorial #°¢ 181 'abor Worts ONY eight ties changed handssat the rate of 1,- | their services merely for the sake | Hall, said Armistice Day was once a hours a day. -- Tom Masson, in Col- 000,000 shares per hour, of the sport, The number of hunt- | day of rejoicing, but was now a day |lier's, S| -- i quality Marquicette C complete with tie-backs, day and Wednescay, Pair Bess abs sRsRsFREIeces FRILLED CHECK MAR. QUISETTE CURTAINS White, Ivory and Ecru, very fine $1.95 DEWLANDS easonable Merchandise for TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY At Prices that mean a Distinct Saving to the Family Pocket Book TWO DAYS ONLY KIMONA EIDERDOWNS urtains, Tues- Colored Dimities 36" Colors wide, Green, Extra Special 21c yd Neat small cross bar pattern Mauve, Peach, Blue, White, Pink and Lemon. 36" wide, are, terns to choose from, day and Wednesday, nesday, each .... PURE IRISH LINEN TABLE DAMASK 66" wide, rich, handsome pat- Pink, Nile, Tues- 98¢c 250 Yards Crepe-de-Chene O8c Colors are, Blue, White, Maize, Nile, Copen, wood, Orange and Sandalwood, Beautiful Quality Georgettes 40" wide, Colors, Navy, Mother Goose, Crane, Peach, Almond and Six choice patterns, beautiful patterns and delightful color combinations, Also patterns suit- able for Children's Kimonas, 36" wide, Beg, Phe Yad. Tuesday an nesday Special Xard .... ... 1c Tapestry Cushion Tops Oriental Patterns=--On Sale Basement Gift Shoppe Tuesday and Wednesday i7e¢ 36" VELVETS The season's most Pink, Rose- Yellow, (] ' fabric, Navy, "ee S148 Green, $1.48 ALPHORA BEDSPREADS 27" STRIPED 70" x 80", large size, white LA NNELEITIS or only, Reg. $2.75. Tues- White Ground, 'uesday day and Wed- $2 39 and Wednesday, LJ 500 Terry Bath Towels White and Colored---Tuesday and Wednesday 24¢ each ' Sheeting at a new unheard 92 Inch Factory Collen 36" LONGCLOTH outstanding value for Tues- day sud Wiedousiey. 190 LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES Big range of colors and sizes, Tuesday and Wednesday 44> pair of price, 31c yard, for Tuesday and Wednesday 2 Stores Phone 2595 OSHAWA DEWL Splendid heavy quality, an AND § Phone J 2 Stores 318 WHITBY"

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