Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1927, p. 1

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VOL. 1---NO. 112 aa Daily Times == 5. VCH - --_ The Oshawa'Daily Reformer VOL. I-No.Mi2 ESE esme "All the OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER | 14, 1927 me 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. FOURTEEN PAGES OSHAWA TO HAVE LIQUOR STORE SOON Over Fourteen Dead in Pittsburg Explosion CHINESE 00T ON BALL SET S. F. Kenny, Charged With Arson in Alger Block Fire, Raises Amount . SETS RECORD HERE Will Appear for Preliminary Hearing on Thursday, November 17 Bail of $20,000 has been granted _ to Sidney Kenney, Chinese, charged with arson in connection with the Alger Block fire of October 26th. Kenney was released from .custody Saturday after Magistrate Hind had fixed the amount of bail on recom- mendation of the Crown Attorney, J. A. MeGibbon, This amount is thought to be un- precedented in court circles in Osh- awa, as it is understood that never before has as much as $20,000 been asked for bail of any one here, Ken- ney's attorney appeared before His Honour Justice Logie in Toronto and asked for a reduction but this was refused on the ground that he had not first applied to the magis- trate for a lowering of the amount set, Kenney was remanded until Thursday, November 17, when he ap- pears to answer a charge, a preliminary hearing of the case th XY ¥ ot AC fie Was * probably be held in the local Police | Firemen, not knowing just Wi Court on that date, YOUTH PLEADS GUILTY T0 THEFT Charles. Bowerman, 18, is Given Suspended Sentence in Court Today Suspended sentence was granted Charles Bowerman, a local youth of 18, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of theft in Police Court this morning. The theft to which Bow- erman pleaded guilty was that of stealing welding metal from the grounds of General Motors, which was the property of the Purdy-Man- son Co, of Toronto, Bowerman stat- ed that the foreman had told him that the metal was of no use, and this fact, coupled with his youth 'and his previously clear record, prompt- ed Crown Attorney McGibbon to rec ommend suspended sentence, which was granted by Magistrate Hind. Bowerman will have to report to the local police once every month, and 'was also ordered to pay the Soda, | POSTRONE NEETING ON FIRE PROTECTION Aldermen E. Marks, with the con- currence of Mavor Preston, has post: poned the meeting of the City Coun- cil as a committee of the whole to consider fire protection matter un- till Thursday night at which time it is anticipated, a representatiy« from the Provincial Fire Marshal' Department will probably be in at tendance, The matter of Chief Cameron': resignation may be adjusted before that session it was stated in alder manie circles today. Most of the al dermen, while viewing the chief' position with sympathy, point out (Continued on page 3) WILL PROBE ERSKINE UNITED CHURCH FIRE Toro, N IAF. Heston ov. Marshall of Ontaie, has or which destroyed ot A huied Shean 4 , Disney Forbes, bas that blage started by until the enquiry is com lon The Up; Deafening Roar Pittsbure- teer workers were digging into the than one hundred persons ha The first. warning the Mammoth Gas TankBlows Several Hundred Are Hurtin Terrific Blast Death and Destruction Spread Throughout North Side of Pittsburg -- Hospitals Crowded With Victims, Many of Whom Are in Critical Condition -- Buildings Wreck: ed for Some Distance -- So Heavy Was the Shock Res: idents Thought Earthquake Had Occurred -- Ball of Fire Seen Shooting Into the Air, Later Bursting With ¢ (By Associated Press) Pa., Nov, 14 --Fourteen persons were known to have met death and more than five hundred were injured, some seriously, here today when the giant natural gas storage tank at the Manchester works of the Equitable Gas Company exploded, spreading death and destruction over an area one mile square, Firemen, police and volun- ruins of scores of buildings in the helief that others had been killed and their bodies buried in debris, Pittsburg, Nov. 14.--More_than a score of persons were known o have been killed and several. hundred injured here today when a nammoth gas storage tank exploded, spreading death and destruetion hroughout the lower north side district. Firemen who reached the scene of the explosion within a few minutes found seven bodies, and newspapermen at the scene said they had counted at least twenty dead in the streets and wrecked houses Firemen, police and volunteer workers expressed the belief that scores of persons, in their homes and in the factories of the region, had been trapped when buildings collapsed. erowded with injured, all available doctors were summoned to assist in treating them, The Presbyterian Hospital Every hospital in the city was reported that more been treated for cuts and wounds A i nN d of the. Aisastor apparatus and stood ready to respp at the first alarm. When the fire ond) near the scene sounded, the first com- pany dashed for the district, and when the district captain saw what had hap- pened he sounded a general alarm Firemen said that when they reached the scene, they found scores of men, women and children, terrified, runn- 'na about the streets, It is estimated by hospital officials that between five and six hundred were 'njured, some seriously. The gas works were said to employ more than, three hundred men, but just how many of those were at work at the time was not known, It was feared the death list would grow to a. great extent because many of those in hospitals were reported in v critical condition, Doctors said that many of the victims had suffered in- ternal hurts. Several hours after the blast oceyr- red rescuers were finding it hard to vet into the centre of the wrecked listrict, In the midst of the section was the (Continued on page 6) "SLANS ARE COMPLETED FOR WALKERTON SHOW Walkerton, Nov. 13--A special meet- ing of the Walkerton Poultry Associa- tion was held here last evening for the purpose of completing arrangements for the seventh annual Walkerton Poultry Show which will be held here m Nov. 23, 24 and 25. A large prize ist has been prepared this year, with 'ix silver cups offered, together with many other splendid prizes, It was iso decided to have a special produe- tion class at this year's show, as a means of encouraging exhibits by far- mers, There are the following six ypes of birds in this particular class: Barred 'Rocks, White Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, Anconas and minorecas, It is exp hat the special production class this vear will attract a large number of ntries from rural poultry men throughout Western Ontario, It is dlanned to make this year's show the yest in the history of the Walkerton \ssociation, WEATHER Southerly winds, rain and early Tuesday, LIQUOR CONTROL BD. LEASES NEW STORE OWNED BY C. T. OKE The new store erected by C, T. Oke on Simcoe Street North next to the Bowra Electric Shop, was leased Joday by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, The store will be opened there in the near future, it is understood, The whole building was leased, HAS LEG BROKEN IN AUTO CRASH R. P. Murphy Seriously Hurt When Car Hits a Rail Fence (By staff Reporter) Whithy, Nov. 14.--R. P. Murphy, 162 Oshawa Boulevard; Oshawa, sus- tained a broken leg when the car which he was driving west about 1 o'clock Sunday morning, on the 4th Concession, Whithy, left the road and crashed through a rail fence, forcing a post six feet through the front of the car and into the driver's gent. Provincial Constable Cookman who was called to the scene, stated that the car travelled for thirty yards in the ditch before striking the fence, Murphy was attended by Dr. James Moore of Brooklin and later taken to the Oshawa Hospital, Pwo ther men in the car at the time, eorge Stacey and Gordon Gerrard jgaenped with a shaking up. VIERA IS DEAD DEAD Montevideo, Uruguay, Nov, 13 --Dr Felichiano Viera, former President of Uruguay, died Saturday, Dr. Viera was a Liberal leader, and had long been a nrominent figure in Urigua- yan polities, Ringion ey gp bo Nat mile west of here, to attend the services at the Trinity United Ch , Winnie May , 26 year old ¢ of Mr. -- Bowmanville Girl Missing Believed to Be Kida pped Winnie May y Ward, 26, Left | Trinity United apd Mrs. Levi Ward, who live north of Bowmanville, has not it pon seen by anyone who knows her. a Jasty is pine or, ui and Miss Dunn, of "Bowmasil le, a 's Brother, is Mundy Printing about five nl 10 inches in height, land weighing 147 pounds. At the time of her disappearance she was wearing a black velvet hat with gold trimming, 2a fawn burberry coat with coon collar and cuffs, a navy blue (Continued on page 3) ANOTHER STEP FOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Aldermen and Others Who "Are Interested to Meet Tuesday EXPERT TO ATTEND John P. Mack, Director Amer ican City Bureau, Will Give Advice Steps which are expected to lead to the immediate revival of the Oshawa Board of Trade or to the organiza- tion of a Chamber of Commerce will be taken at the Council chamber Tuesday night when the aldermen and others deeply concerned in the plan are meeting to discuss further plans with John P., Mack, director af business extension of the Ameri- can City Bureau, who happens: to be in Ontario at this time. Mr. Mack is one of the greatest experts on city development on this continent, and the committee which has been working for some time to arouse interest in the organiza- tion of a live Chamber of Commerce is deemed particularly fortunate in obtaining bis promise to attend and sive advice, The.meeting Tuesday night will PR rain Ysoived from prectically every city of any importance in Ontario, These letters tell the value of (Continued on page 5) OSHAWA BUILDERS REMAIN ACTIVE Building Permits on Saturday Reach a Total of $12,500 This is November and it may be the season of melancholy days in all the higher poetic circles, but Oshawa builders are carrying on just as if it were June with vesper thrushes carolling on evgry lilac tree. In proof of which Saturday's building permits are offered as evidence. A total of $12,500 of new building authorized was recorded, Canfield Brothers took the lion's share of that day with warrants for two handsome two storey brick strue- tures which are being erected on Sim- coe Street at a cost of $9,000--8$4,500 each, J. W. Pascoe, on Gibbs Street, is putting up a one storey frame house to cost $2,000. J. Poberezyn is building a one storey frame house on Ritson Road to cost $1,500, DIXON COAL OFFICE RIFLED BY THUGS Secure $70 in Cash and Stamps and Make Their Escape Breaking into the office of the Dix- on Coal Co. last might, a thief or theives secured almost $70 in cash and stamps and made a clean get-away. Police were notified early this morning of the burglary and are working on the case. Entry was made into the office by breaking a window in the garage in the rear, and then by coming through the garage and breaking the glass is the door which divides it from the of- fice, The cash drawer was then rifled, and three pay envelopes and $8 in two-. (cent stamps taken. No other damage was done in the building and the safe was not touched. The cash drawer had been left unlocked so was not damaged ®, | by the theives. CHARGED WITH THEFT OF DIAMOND RINGS pp -- (By Press) London, Ont, Nov. 14.--A warrant has been issued for the arrest of John Murphy, 35, charging him with the theft of five diamond rings valued at one thousand dollars from his board- ing-house keeper, Mrs. Julius Siskino. Store in This City to Be Established For the "Public's Convenience" Chairman D. B. Hanna in Announcement Today Says Ac- tion is in Keeping With Policy of Board -- Not Due to Petition Signed By 2,000 Citizens -- Says No Legal Difficulties in the Way -- Will Be Opened as Soon as Arrangements Can Be Made (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Nov. 14.--'*A liquor soon as the necessary arrangemer D. B. Hanna, of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario today. store will be opened in Oshawa as its can be made,'"' said Chairman "We have delayed the decision for several reasons, there are no legal diffi- culties, a petition was presented asking for the establishment of liquor store in Oshawa signed by 2,000 citizens, many being prominent residents, There have also been deputations in eppesition. The store is not being opened by reason of the petition, but is in keeping with the palicy to establish liquor stores iE} for the convenience of the publie. HAS MANY THRILLING EXPERIENCES IN NEW ENGLAND C. NN, Henry, Local Manager | RE of Dominion Bank Tells of Conditions in Stricken District WithFlood at its Height Encountered Many Dangers -- Motor Car Obliged te Plough Through Water Several Feet Deep on Highway. Cat a ni "They call Canada the frozen north, but I saw cold weather and as much snow last week in Syracuse, Albany and Hartford, as we get at any time in the winter here in Oshawa." This was part of the experience of Mr, C N. Henry of the Dominion Bank on his trip through the New England States last week, as it was related to a Times representative, Mr, Henry was one of a party of three men who made a trip through the flood region in the United States when the deluge of a week ago was at its height, the party passing sometimes within a few feet of certain disaster. Ploughing through roads that could not be seen on account of the depth of water; passing: by towns with houses and barns ingndated, and finally being brought to a dead stop when the water rose and flooded the engine of their automobile, the party zon- tinued in spite of difficulties, reached their destination and returned to Can- ada by many detours and side roads. "The most welcome sight of that whole trip was Niagara Falls, Ontario, as we crossed the Peace Bridge," said -Mr. Henry, The party left Oshawa Thursday, (Continued on page 5) MAN IS STRUCK BY MOTOR CAR (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Nov. 14--While driving east toward Oshawa on 'Saturday night, Sheriff J. T. Paxton struck C. Virgin who was standing with a bicy- cle at the Whitby and Lindsay rail- way crossing, shaking Virgin up and smashing his wheel completely. Ignor- ant of the fact that he had struck any- one, Mr, Paxton kept on until the dri- ver of a car following who had seen what had happened, croweded him into the side of the road and stopped him. In order to avoid the rough crossing, the Sheriff swerved out to the extreme right and unknowingly. struck the man who was standing back off the pave- ment entirely. The bicycle was a total wreck but the man was able to go about his business in a few minutes, TOBACCO STOLEN By Canadian Press) Toronto, Nov. 14--Tobaccos va'ued at. six thousand dollars was stolen from Karry's warehouse on Teraulay Street last night. Thieves broke through second the story rear window md left by front the window. FLOODJAREA RETURNS FROM TRIP THROUGH FLOOD AREA C. N, HENRY Manager of the Dominion Bank who had many thrilling experiences during trip through New England States, and saw floods at their height, CARS CRASH NEAR CITY, WOMAN HURT One Was a Stolen Car and Was Travelling on Wrong Side of Road (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Nov, 14.--A serious accident occurred last night on the Kingston Highway west of the Union Cemetery, when a car travelling east on the wiong side of the road struck a car driven by Wm, Robinson, editor of the Cannington Gleaner. The three occupants of the offending car vanish- ed at once from the scene. Provincial police officers Cookman and Mitchell were called and on reaching the place and inspecting the cars, found that the deserted car was one which had been reported stolen in Oshawa a week ago by Rev. D. A. Little, 112 Lutton Boule- vard, Toronto. Both cars were badly damaged. Mrs. Robinson received minor injuries. Another automobile driven by C, C, Box, of Toronto, struck the rear of Robinson's car. after it had collided with the stolen machine but no appre- ciable further damage was done, It is believed that the three men secured a ride into Oshawa with 'some passing motorist, and the police are anxious to get. in touch with any per- the scene. Eight Horses From "Parkwood" Stables Go to Royal Horse Show Eight horses from R. S. McLaugh- lin's stables were taken to Toronto to- day for the Royal Horse Show, which is being held in the colliseum, The Royal Horse Show is one of the out- stannding annual events of its kind on the continent, and is as noted for its brilliancy in the social s-nse as for the number and distinction of the horses entered from practically every ya stable ow the eont'nent. The theft took place Saturday. McLaughlin's eatrics are "My Delight," Kentucky bred saddle hose: "Sligo," "Jerry," "Michael" and "Hinskenstown," Irish hunters' and "Diana," * "Talisman" anc "Seven Oaks," Capadian hunters. "Seven Oaks" is a native of Osh awa and great things are hoped of him Richard Mosscrop, trainer of the Parkwood stables, will be in charge o Mr. Mclaughlin's entries at the hors show. He is not at all superstitiou and is in no way dismayed by th far' th~* his charg~s are assigned 1 siabic 13 at the arena. son who gave a lift to strangers near $250,000 OF BUILDING FOR EASTMOUNT Ground Broken Today for First of Block of Forty Houses DREW PROPERTY Section Purchased Recently By A. P. Torrance and Company $250,000 building program for fa tmouny Heights was announced today by Lambert & Van Peteghen, who have broken ground for the first of a block of forty houses in this property. Fifteen of the houses will be erected immediately, and the balance as fast as it is possible to do so, lumber and other material being already on the grounds. An emn- deavor will be made to erect the whole of the block of dwellings this fall and early winter, These houses are being erected on the former Drew property, Wilson Road, a section of which was pur- chased a few days ago from A, P, Torrance & Co., 14% King street east, This location was selected by Lambert & Van Peteghen firm, as the best one for the class of home which they are erecting, and which will have a selling value of $5,500 to $6,600. Brick veneer finish will (Continued on page 5) DOES $35 DAMAGE Started from an Overheated Stove at 112 William Street West About $35 damage was done to the house and contents of 112 Wil- liam street west early Saturday af- ternoon by fire, The blaze started from an overheated stove and stove- pipes and a chimney fire. The resi- dence is occupied by Roy Valentine and owned by Mrs. M. A. Gerrow, 106 William street, and is part of a double house which also includes 110 William street west. Chemical was used by the firemen to exting- nish the blaze. A high wind was blowing at the time, which would have made the fire a very hard one to fight had it been in the open. Damage was divided as approximate. ly $15 to the house and $20 to the contents. SAMMY LOWE TO MANAGE OSHAWA INTERMEDIATE , TEAM At an exccutive meeting of the Intermediate Hockey team held in Welsh's Parlors today, Sam Lowe i ae or were or 8 Wed aon with the rink committee y when details of the banged season will be discussed. will also be held in Welsh's P Coming Events RATES 8 Cents per word each inse Mintwnm charge for eanh Assertion, Bbc. MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST; 267 French St. Phone 710J, 2 tod. EET (112-114-116) ILLUSTRATED LECTURE BY MR: Siytield under auspices of Home and School Coun-il. Auditorium of Contre 8, School, Tuesday, No- vember 15, 8 o'clock. - ( y RUMMAGE SALE IN ST. GEO Hall, Centre St., Priday, Novem ber 18 at 2 o'clock. (112-115) AZAAR UNDER THE AUSPICES of" Puabeam Chapter O.ES. in K ' Hall, Thursday afternoon Nov. 3 at 3 pm. Afternoon tea be' rerved. (110-112 14% MADAME ROSE, PALMIST, 21 Male St. Phone 2372F. Hours 2 (1070) RUMMAGE B Asaph ST. GEORGE'S Parish Hall. ntre St. Tuesday, November 15th, 1 p.m. g PHOENIX LODG™, Come and epjoy = ~~~ om Tresday eve~'n~ way "5th at 8.20 AN PAP bors are invited. You a i cone.

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