now. Oysters ateSa Seal Shipt IY tors fresh daily at the Savoy, (67d) Arrested Here for Guelph Police Mike Hustka was arrested at an early hour this morning for the Guelph police. He was taken to the Royal City today. 'Ritson The fire department was called to Ritson road dump at 12.40 o™- clock this morning and were busily engaged in fighting fire until afte 6 o'clock this morning. About 1,10( feet of hose were used. This is the third time this week that the ue partment has found it necessary tc go out to this dump, New Millinery Individual styles, all new mater fals, of the Fall modes, Large head sizes a specialty, At Miss Caldwell's Millinery Shop, ,456 King St. W, (68h) Boys Captured Two juveniles who escaped re cently from the Bowmanville Train ing School and who stole a local au tomobile were captured this weel wind this morning they appeared be fore Magistrate Hind in Juvenil( court, They were allowed to go oO! suspended sentence and were taker back to the institution by officer: following the session, Harvest Home Services Next Sunday, the members of the Salvation Army, will hold their har vest Thanksgiving services in the Citadel, Simcoe street south, unde' the direction of Commandant Ga) way, of the editorial staff of the Wary Cry, from Toronto. There wil be services at 11 am, and at 7 p.m., with an open air service 11 the afternoon. The band and the Bongster brigade will render specia music, --- WE LEAD IN RADIO Adams Furniture Co Davidson & Samells 88 Simcoe St. N, Phone 227 "For Better Shoe Values" Work Sweaters, Ware gwestens, $1.90 Leader Dry Goods Store 87 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 740 SA ---------- -- PHONE 22 222 2 | Drug Needs Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe S¢. 8. We Deliver 7 KARN THE FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Auto Hits Horses William Gallant reported to the po- lice today that an automobile had run into his horses at the Five Points, north of the city, and injured the ani mals fore legs. rr---- Collide , ; A Hudson automobile driven by Charles Davis, Oshawa, was struck by | another car driven by a young lad this city, according to information re- sorted to the police at 8.30 o'clock this morning. The accident occurred at the corier of Albert and King streets, Slight damage was done to the Hudson car. Remanded on Theft Count Pleading guilty to a charge of theft, | William Bonner of Toronto, was re- nanded until Tuesday when he appear- :d before Magistrate A. F, Hind in wlice court this morning. Bonner it s alleged stole a purse from a house wshere he was soliciting. The accused represents a magazine firm, He was wrested at 9.30 o'clock this morning, Arraigned on Liquor Charge Jack McMillan, arrested last night harged with keeping liquor for sale ontrary to the Liquor Control Act vas granted an adjournment until next Vednesday morning when he appeared | vefore Magistrate A, F. Hind in police' sourt this morning. J, P. Mangan ppeared for the defendant while Col. I. F. Grierson prosecuted, Bail of "1,000 was arranged, Engagements Mr, and Mrs, H, T, Elliott wish to announce the engagement of| their daughter, Vivian, to Mr, Joseph Cyril Bark, of Kent, Eng- land, the marriage to take place quietly early in October, (68a) Born Oshawa, September to Mr, and Mrs, S. no GLOVER--In 19th, 1927, Glover, a son, BADGEROW---In Oshawa, Sept ber 19th, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs, 0. Badgerow, 279 Jarvis St, a -| | | daughter (Agnes Elinben), 24] STOCK WARRETS 108 . 189 Ask | 108% | 191 | 32 13% 41 | 664 | 170 | 3934 | 160 31% 334 0934 ! | 381% | Abitibi Paper drazilian Br, Amer, Oil .... B.C. Fishing Brompton Burt, F.N. Can, Bread Can. Ind. Alcohol .... 'ity Dairy Canada Malting 'ons. Smelters Int. Nickel Inter. Petroleum Imperial Oil Massey Harris Too Late to Classify FOR SALE-- McLAUGHLIN 45 Touring, also 303 Rifle, new. Apply 172 Celina St. (68¢c) FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. Suit two gentlemen, 150 Mill St, (68h) FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM BRICK. All conveniences. near Motors, large lot. Price thirty-nine hundred. Small payment down, Balance 'monthly. Phone 1297. (68c) FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM, BRICK veneer, Westmount, new, vacant, ready. $3300. $300 down, Murdoen, 139 Agnes St. (68c) 6 ROOM BRICK CLOSE TO MOT- ors. All conveniences. $4300. $300 cash, baalnce as rént. W, G. Miller, 8 Bond St. W. Phone 1851. (68¢c) named Shellencroff, 382 Olive avenue, R Area ... Argonaut Teck Hughes dole EE x THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1927 [First of C Competitive Amateur Plays Given By Northers Bakerice Kass SeAZIAM Jasna iansan Shredded Wheat .., 67% in CY "cea 5044 CHICAGO GRAIN Of Hi 22 6734 s1 Low Dec. ..... 128% 4 128% Sem. is 125% Al vais Corn-- Dec, 97% Sept. 9534 100 Mar, 46% a 5134 Sept. Dee, +iv11s 9634 9634 12834 12554 134 98 9634 46% 4812 52 4654 48%; 97% 97% WINNIPEG GRAIN 3 13354 13214 12734 1276 1255 60%4 6014 S214 5334 563% Barry Hollinger . Beaver Castle Trethewey on Central Manitoba Dome Hollinger Keeley Kirkland Lake . Lake Shore ..,. Laval-Quebec Macassa McIntyre Mining Corpn, ,......... 310 Noranda s ; Nipissing Pioneer Potterdoa! .. Premier .... Ribago Tough Oakes 65 141 228 35; 32 934 Vipond 67 Wright Hargraves ..., 735 740 Mining Sales to noon 1,384,447. Silver Bh LE NO ALARM FOR io NON-STOP FLIERS : (Continued from page 1) vast Rocky Mountain territory today. Their trail was over land almost | throughout, across hills and valleys in the east, plains in the Middle West, {and mountains near the Pacific Coast { It was four hundred miles longer than the ocean jump of Lindbergh, Cham | berlain and Byrd, and one hundred | miles shorter than the course of the trans- Pacific fliers, Rival pilots in the non-stop derby event were Edward Stinson, considered one 'of the country's greatest stunt fliers, and "Duke" Schiller, who re- cently abandoned the projected trans- | Atlantic flight in the Royal Windsor, of Windsor, Ont., when the storm of public opinion arose as a result of the loss of life. They were flying almost identical planes. Both designed and built by Stinson. Both carried about four hundred gallons of gasoline. Although nothing had been heard from them during the early stage of this race, no alarm was felt as they had planned to ayoid large cities in following the route that would provide the shortest distance. Garden City, * N.Y., Sept. -- Telegrams received here today by the Rogers Air Line, forwarded from points where they had been dropped by "Duke" Schiller and "Eddie" Bohn, in their non-stop cross country flight indicated that all is well with fliers, One message forwarded from Stratford, Opt., read: "Still going strong, all's o.k. Just eating. Wea- ther clear now but had some rain. Signed, Duke and Eddie." The second sent from Bay City, Mich., read: "Still going. All o.k. | Weather good, 10.30." Messages were dropped from the plane in envelopes of whieh both the fliers had a good supply. Loug 22 FOR SALE QR EXCHANGE-- Rooming and boarding house. Fully! equipped. At present has 20 board- | ers. W. G. Miller, Phone 1851. (68¢c) 8 Bond St, w. | silk streamers marked their descent from the plane and on the face of the envelope is a request that. finder relay the message. ! FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM BRICK bungalow in north end. Oak floors all conveniences. $400 cash. Bal- ance as rent. W. G. Miller, 8 Bond St. W. Phone 1851. (68¢c) fen Germent Centre. everything! ABERDEEN 7 Wast 520d St. near Sch Ave. gy NEW YORK Jobe E Downey, Messaging Direstor FOR SALE-- 7 ROOM BRICK bungalow in morth end. Oak floors, upstairs and down, French doors, laundry tubs, furnace, ete. $500. down. Balance as rent. W.G. Miller, 8 Bond St. W. Phone 1851. (68¢c) fice work. State experience if any, for the right girl. Box "V" Times. (68tr) BRIGHT GIRL WANTED FOR OF- and references. Good opportunity EE ---- ners, Wednesday noon. Finder please leave at Times Office. Reward. (68b) LOST--MOROGCO LEATHER BILL- fold in the vicinity of the Four Cor- Hi Orono C.G.L.T. Grows Tyrone to Present Next Drama, October 7 and New- castle on October 21-- Prize to Be Awarded By West Durham Agricultural Society--Members of Osh- awa Collegiate Staff Are Judges (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Sept. 21--The first of the competitive amateur dramatic plays, being held under the auspices of the West Durham Agricultural Society, was given tonight in the Opera House here, when the Canadian Girls in Training, of Park Street United Church Orono, presented "Miss Some- hody Else," written by Marion Short. The next play will be given by Tyrone on October 7, and will he entitled "Placer Gold." Newcastle will follow on October 21, and the dramatic club of Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville, will present their play on Nov. 4 A prize will be given by the West Durham Agricultural Society, to the 21 club putting on the best presentation. A. E.. O'Neil, principal of Oshawa Col- legiate, C. M. Ewing, classical teacher, and E. J. McGirr, history teacher, hoth f Oshawa Collegiate, are the judges. Story of Play "Miss Somebody Else" relates the experiences of a daughter of a multi- millionaire, Constance Darcy, who has set out to find a young man who has stolen some bonds and stock certifi cates from her father. In her travels she meets some old friends who are in want, and decides to hecome an Irish waitress in the family, that she help them in the way she plans. In this new role, going by the name Norah O'Brien, the young h an entirely different view of life as she puts Cruger may of ires i people, seeing them, , 'when they are themselves Mainwood, only son of a society leader falls in love with the little Irish wait- ress, who then divulges to him her real ' identity of her desire to help her old friend. Blainwood promises his support, and in keeping his word comes upon mugh lively adventure. Constance Darcey finds that the rascal she is looking for is staying in the town in which she is. After much excitement, she not only has the thief arrested, but makes her scheme for helping her friends, a suc- cess. Then throwing off her disgnise, Constance allows herself to be claimed by her young lover to the astonishment of all about them. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Orano, alone di- rected the players in developing the play. The company last night was helped in their efforts, by the orchestra music supplied by the Knox Orchestra of Orono, which is likewise known as the senior orchestra of Park Street United Church, The cast of characters in the play | follows : Constance Darcy, Million- aire's daughter, Muriel Millson; Cel- este, her French maid, Ethel Winter; Ann Delavan, a poor gentlewoman, Helen Powers; Mildred Delavan, her daughter, Dorothy Henry; Mrs. Blain- wood, Society leader, Bertha Cain; Fay Blainwood, her daughter, Mary Smith; | Susan Ruggs, maid-servant, Dorothy Hoar; Cruger Blainwood, an only son, Allen Penfound; Ralph Hastings, a voung crook, Lewis Wood; Jasper De- i lavan, elderly Scientist, Milton Morris; John, Chauffeur to Constance, Jim Tamblyn, and several young society people whose parts were: played by Mary Smith, Edna Best, Ethel Sey- more, Rosaline Gampsy, Lloyd Trull, and Norman Winters. The orchestra was directed by A. J. Knox, and was composed of the fol- lowing: first violin, E. G, Kerslake, M.D.,, A. Drummond, manager of the Standard Bank, Orono, George Wad- dell and Mrs. (Dr.) Colville; cellos, Dorothy 'Rowe and Marion Green, flute, H. W. Rowe, clarinet, A. J. Knox and Norman Allen, soprano sax- Russell Best, baritone sax, David South, and the piano was played hy A. A. Somerville. Although the consists of twenty Mrs, orchestra normally pieces, there was only room in the or- chestra pit here for twelve players. OPPOSE. HIGHER FARES FOR BUSSES (Continued from page 1) tions recommended are accepted by both Council and railway company, will not begin operation on Septem- ber 25 as was proposed. Citizens living on the route of the proposed service are deeply in- terested in the move. The streets mentioned are more or less distant from the present car lines and very few in the districts mentioned ever consider using the street cars for any other purpose than catching trains, Mayor Preston believes that a bus could be operated with profit to the company on the streets de- scribed, and at the same fares now in force on the street cars. His opin- ion is shared by most of the alder men who feel that they cannot grant higher fares for a service which the city's growth is demanding, and that would be profitable for the local transit company. Manager H. W, Cooper was pres- ent at the Councit Committee meet- ing, bug he would not be interview- ed on the subject today by the Osh- awa Daily Times, 1, 1925 Ford Tudor Sedan, balloon tires and many extras. 1, 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan. Chadburn Motor Sales PRINCE 87. PFHONE 1160 DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE 23 Simcoe St. S. A, G, BROOMFIELD Batteries, Rlectri Repairs and ph Auto Accessories Oshawa Battery Service #7 King St, W. Phone 1184 Have You Piles Then Yon Have Something to Learn Thousands who have piles have not learned that quick and perma- nent relief can only be accomplish- ed with internal medicine. Neither cutting nor any amount of treat- ment with ointments and supposi- tories will remove the cause, Bad circulation causes piles. There is stagnation of hloed circu- lation in the lower bowel and a weakening of the parts, Dr, J. 8, Leonhardt found the remedy and called his prescription HEMROID. Dr. Leonhardt tried it in hundreds of cases with a marvelous record of success, such a wonderful record that HEM-ROID is now sold by druggists everywhere under a rigid money-hack guarantee, Don't waste any more time with ontside applications. Get a package of HEM-ROID from Jury & Lovell, | Ltd, today. It has given quick and lasting relief to thousands and must | do the same for you or money back. JUST ARRIVED 500 Popular Fiction at 75¢ each HENDERSONS Book Store Wright Funerals WRIGHT J. FUNERAL Ar RI AND EM- BALMER Suc DISNEY FUNERAL" SERVICE 82 Simcoe St. S Phone 1082 TD "Ambulance Service BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS At Special Prices C. W. DETENBECK KING ST, EAST THE BEGINNING OF THE END! il ~ ddd Selling Days Left All Records For Bargains Will Be Broken Tomorrow and Saturday ENGEL"S SELLING-OUT SALE WE CLOSE THE DOORS FOREVER AT THE END OF THIS MONTH To put in a good supply of wearing apparel--- Price is below Now Is Your Ghance:=23 Sooner Or Later Youll Ned Some; Of The Lines Ln Stock--lnvest Now ENGEL'S - OSHAWA HTN RLONG 86 + JRERSES, .. BONDS | Hm nim HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto MONTREAL HAMILTON. OSHAWA BRANTFORD ST. CATHARINES 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above CPR. Office, Phone 144 8. F. Everson, Local Manager bce Wie