Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Sep 1927, p. 8

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EA PAG Kedron, Sept, b,--The Kadron Sunday School pienic was held iu sr. W. Hoskin's grove, last Thurs: day aiternoon, and a' very enjoy- aule 'lime was spent by all. Dur- ing the afternoon a softball game 'was played, after hich a4 num- ber of races were conducted, The prize winners are as follows: Jun- jors' race--1st Bert Hoskin, 2nd Glen Hoskin, 3rd Ella Hoskin, Senior Boys' Race--1st Gordon Da- vis, 2nd Lorne Hoskin, 3rd Ralph 'Davis; Senlor Girls' race--1st Jean Love, 2nd Florence Love, 8rd Ella Mountjoy; Young Men's Race--1st Walton Pascoe, 2nd Harvey Pascoe, 3rd' Harold Werry; Young Ladies' race--1st Mildred Cole, 2nd Marie Cole, 3rd Lorraine Love; Married women's walking race--1st Mrs. J. H. Pascoe, 2nd Mrs. H. Pascoe, 8rd Mrs A. D, Vandyke; Married men's walking race--1st Mr. H. Hoskin, 2nd Mr. H, Pascoe, 3rd Mr. FP, W. Lee; 'Coat race--1s8t Ross Lee and Lorraine Love, 2nd Mr and Mra. Harvey Pascoe, 3rd Harold Werry and Mildred Cole; Needle race-- 1st Walton Pascoe and Marie Cole; Boot race--1st Lorne Hoskin, 2nd Gordon Davis, 3rd Frank Hoskin; three legged race--1st Gordon Da- vis and Howard Hoskin, 2nd Harvey and Walton Pascoe, 3rd Harold Werry and Ross Lee; three legged race--1st Lorraine Love and Ruth Cole, 2nd Bernice Werry and Marie Cole, 8rd Jean and Florence Love Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin at- tended the funeral of Mr. Thomas Hoar, Bethesda, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott, En- field, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. H Pascoe. Miss Bernice Werry entertained » few of her girl friends on Tues- dav afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R Scott, and gon, Lee, left for -Arnprior on Thursday Schools have re-opened again this week, Miss Bernice Werry has resumed her duties at Ashburn; Miss Mildred Cole at Tamworth and Miss Marie Cole at Pelee Island. Miss Minnie Mitchell, of Boston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. D. Vundyke. Mr and Mrs. W. C. Werry and Misses Audrey Werry and Neva Eastwood, Oshawa, called on rela: (tives in this vicinity on Thursday evening Several from here fuperal of Mr. Thomas Whitby, on Sunday. Miss Audrey Werry, of Oshawa and Mr. Harold Treble, of Hamilton called at the home of Mr. H. F. Werry on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry, Miss Bernice and Mr. Harold Werry, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis and sons, apd Mrs. E. Love and daughters Jean and Florence attended the Exhibi- 'tion last week. RAGLAN Raglan, Sept. 5.--The school bell was heard again on Tuesday morn- ing with a number of new pupils answering to the call. Miss Gill- bank of Bowmanville will be in charge of 8.8. No. 9, and Miss H. Akney, of Epsom, of 8.8. No. 8. We wich both new teachers the best of success with their pupils in the coming year's work. Miss Stella Dring visited for a few days as the guest of Miss Eve- lyn Taylor, of Bobcageon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Reeson and Mr. Will Medland of Brooklin spent Sunday at Wm. Brent's. Miss Hazel Grose and Margaret McNeillie, of Toronto, visited over t*e holiday with the former's par- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grose, Misg Beml~h Drin~, of Toronto «vont a few days with her parents 1 va . Mr and Mrs. Thos McKee and 7 »ohtor. Fdna, recently visited at J A Fwvan's, Miss Rilla and Hazel Pierson vicited for » few dovs in the city. Mr. Wm. Brent attended the fun- r~al of the late Jobm Blight. of c-aorave om Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moor and =on, mie, snent Sunday at Earl Gar- fett's, of Oshawa. Myr. and Mrs. Roy Brawn, of Mont- yeal, are spending their wvacatior . JU 3 sho Kis 5. W, » attended the Harding Pa Prompt Wright Funerals Kellington and his Charles Brawn, Sunday at Fred Plerson's. y. Miss Ina Stacey and friend, Oshawa, spent the week George Stacey's, spent the week ham's, pect. Miss Jean Thompson ing the Oshawa High School. Mr, and Mrs, F, their daughter, Mrs, L. McKee, Manchester on Sunday. is visiting his mother, Mrs. Squeleh, Sp -- ZION Zion, Sept, Sunday, tors with Mrs, Walter and daughters, of Oshawa. tended the funeral of the cousin, Mr. Tom Hoar, at Bethesda, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Armour and Nellie and Bertha, of Hampton spent the week end at Mrs. Delbert Flin- toff's. The Ladies' Aid will hold their regular meeting on Thursday after- noon at Mrs. Arthur Langmaid's. Subject for roll call, (Harvest), School has re-opened with Mr. Arnold Venner, of Clinton in charge 18 teacher. A good many have taken in the Canadian National Exhibition last week, Mr. F, B. Glaspell has done well with his sheep. Mr. Jas, McMaster, Toronto, is pending the week ends at home this summer. Miss Annie McMaster presided at the piano for the chureh pgervice 'st, Miss Doris Stainton. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Brooks, Master 3lenn and baby, Gwendoline, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur. ."*" HAMPTON Hampton Sept. 6.--Mrs. Georgina Niddery, and son, Jack, have re- turned from an extended visit at Little Britain. Mr. Robt. Stephens, Bowmanville, visited his mother. Mrs. Charlotte Stephens on Sunday. Miss E. Langmaid and Mr. and Mrs. B. Steele and family visited Peterboro friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Pinkerton, and family, Miss Geraidine Gimblett, Lapeer, Mich., and Miss Jenkins, Oshawa, visited at Mrs. Chas. Lang- maids. Mrs. Roy Metealf and children, Maple Grove and Myr. Frank Tre- nouth, Detroit, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Trenouth. Miss Reta Billett and Mr. Fred Billett visited relatives at Fenelon Falls on Sunday. Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Bick has re- turned after a pleasant visit with her brother, at Fort William. Miss Betty Sargent, Bowmanville, was the guest of Miss Marjorie Pascoe over the week end. Miss Ruth MsKessock and Miss Evelyn Tink at L. T. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pascoe, visited Peterboro friends on Tuesday last. Mr. F. G. Kerslake is with Toron- to friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, Toronto, visited the latter's father, Mr. Irvin Trull on Sunday. Dr. Davies and Miss Lottie Chal- lice, Oshawa. were holiday guests at H. W. Wilecox's. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnston and babe Toronto, with Mrs. Gertrude Virtue. Miss Laura Virtue, Toronto, spent the holiday at home. - Mrs. Ambrose Trenouth and Mrs. Mabel 'Taylor visited friends in Lindsay recently. Mr. J. J. Virtue and daughter, Sadie, are visiting relatives at Bur- lington. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smale and baby, Barbara, Toronto, Mr. Herbert Smale, Baltimore at Mr. Wm. Smale's. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and son Wallace, and Miss Ruth Johns, anjoyed a pleasant motor trip during 'he holiday around Lake Simcoe, also taking in the famous Wasago Beach and Collingwood. Miss Naomi Horn, Peterboro, is visiting relatives here. ° Ebenezer, Sept. 5.--Three regu- 'ar services were held at Ebenezer Zhurch on Sunday last with a goodly "umber present at each service. Our nastor, Rev. Stainton was in the wilpit both morning and evening 'nd gave two svlendid sermons. "he morning service was fin com- nemoration of Labor Day snd the ermon was very befitting. The sub- 'ect for the evening was "The Mid- right Shopper" and was a splendid discourse to xoumz people. The ~"hoir supplied beautiful' music dur- ing the day, a special feature of the avening being a duet by Mrs. (Rev.) 9. J. Stainton and Mrs. G. F. An- nis. Sunday School was fairly well attended and as usual was helpful to all. Miss Hattie Osborne who has heen holidaying with friends in Muskoka, has returned after a very nleasant wvacation. The 'community picnic which was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, brother, Mr. | children, Quite a number from the vicinity attended the Exhibition on Labor of of Mrs. W. H. Nichols. end at Ing 1s in charge of Mrs. Nichol's Miss Feleda Dring is visiting her :led is Africa. parents Mr, and Mrs, Frank Dring. program will he Mrs, Mr. Fergus Nottingham, of Welland, | fred Bunner of Rowmanville, and it end at J. BE. Notting- is hoped that all the ladies will~be Miss Lorna Evans recently visit- ed her aunt, Mrs. C, Cook, of Pros- is attend- Dring visited {don Robinson, of Windsor, of Sunday visitors with the former's sister, Mrs, s Mr, George Squeleh, of Buffalo, | a Cecil Adams Wm. home over the week end. B.--Mr. and Mrs, A. D. sangmaid attended the funeral of Mr, Thos, Hardy at Whitby, on Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Vel- ma and Doreen were Sunday visi- day last was quite a success. Ow- ing to the busy season, not as many Were present as was hoped for but a very jolly time was spent by those who were there. Games of all Kinds were enjoyed by all and toward evening a sumptuous picnic supper was nartaken of and all went home well pleased with their day's pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce and Velma, Louise and Jack, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mus. Mr. P. Garrow, of Oshawa, spent Foster Snowden at Taunton. { 'The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society Will be held on Thursday, Septem- {ber 8, at 2.830 o'clock at the home The meet- | group, and the country to be stud- The speaker for the (Rev.) Al- I present to help make the meeting a auecess, Mrs, A. Powers, of Orono, was a | Runday visitor with Mr. and A i PF. Annis, Vii Miss Lyla Sprung and Wir, Gor- were Dr. Norman Found was at his The Tuxis Boys of Ebenezer have arranged for a corn roast to he held at Mr. PF. W. Rundle's Beach on Thursday evening of this week, The hoys extend a cordial invitation to all the young people. Come and have a inlly time together on Thurs- day night. Mr. and Mrs, John Trull and Mr. and Mrs. Powers of Toronto spent Sunday with M, and Mrs, Ira Langmaid Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Flintoff at- latter's '°7°T nn Sunday next. 'n the absence of the regular pian- James Curtis and | Troll, Regnlar Sunday services at Eben- Our pastor will be present for both services, One and all are WEDNESDAY, invited te be at Ebenezer for church and Sunday School. Mr. Allan Penfound, of Orono, recently visited with his brother Mr. Clarence Penfound. Many from this vicinity have at- tended the Canadian National Ex- hibition during the last week and say that it {s bigger and better than ever. COURTICE Courtice, Sept. 6.--Miss Ruth Holt, Toronto, spent Sunday with her sister, Miss Annie Holt, Mrs. Powers, Orono was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs, G. F. Annis. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Osborne, Masters Kenneth and Harold, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Niddery, Manchester on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edgar, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. W. R. Courtice's Sunday. The W.M.S. meeting will be held at Mrs. W. H. Nichols' on Thurs- day afternoon at half past two. Meeting 18 in charge of Mrs, Nichols' group and those taking part from other places will he. Mrs. (Rev.) Bunner of Bowmanville, who will give an address on Africa. Miss Helen Bunner, vocal teacher, in Whithy Ladies' College, - will sint and Miss Margaret Abernethy will also take part in the program. cordial invitation is extended to all the ladles, also the Mission Circle to attend, ' Sunday services were well attend- ed as usual. Our pastor, Rev. H J. Stainton preached two excellent sermons and at the evening service a vocal duet was nicely sung hy Mrs. (Rev.) Stainton and Mrs, I. Annis. The Sunday School session was largely attended and special music in 2 sole hy Miss Francis (id Han- | cock, was sung. . The community picnic om . Mr. Muir's grounds on Saturday aftér- noon was quite a success. Although the crowd was not as large as ex- pected on account of the busy time among the farmers, those who did attend had a fine time. Sports and games of all kinds were enjoyed hv the bhovs and girls and tables ! 1 were spread with a bountiful array ve wil ands of good things, Aftes- wards the party gathered on Mr. Muir's verandah and had community songs and a rare good time. Mr. and Mrs, Muir and family were most hospitable to the guests. * ASHBURN | Ashburn, Sept. 6.--Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arnold and family of Oshawa spent the week end with Mrs, Ar- | nold's mother Mrs. 8. Johnston. The electric lights along the streets are a great improvement tn our village and gives iy the appear- ance of a thrifty neighborhood. Mrs. W. Taylor visited friends in Toronto last week. School re-opened for the fall term on Tuesday with the former teach- er, Miss *Werry of Kedron, in charge, The interior of the sehool has been re-decorated by Mr. Frank Suther- land, and presents a very attractive appearance, Mr. Dan Parrott has heen in Myr- tle for the past few days wiring Mole Brothers garage for the hydro I electic power, Mr. Robert Duff, and son, are showing a number of horses at the Canadian National Exhibition this week. Miss Glennis Stephens has re- turned after a weeks' visit with Utica relatives, Mr. Clifford Spencer went west last week to help garner in the prairie harvest, Mr. Herbert Costelln, of West Brick Tile and Lime Rug Brick, Sand and Lime Brick, Bask Brick, Wire Cut Brick, Pressed Brick, Stodk Brick Drain Tile and Sewer Pipe | COAL-COKE- WOOD Prices Guaranteed to meet all comphiition' 'Argue-McLaughlin Coal Co. OSHAWA BRICK DEALERS 110 King St. W, erm -- Toronto, was a recent guest of his [1ast week. | sister, Mrs, Edward Ashton, Mrs, Marie and Doris West have returned from a pleasant outing at Mr. W. M. Lawrence, of Toronto, called on friends here on Sunday. Miss Janet Smith, a college friend of Miss Dorothy Miller's visited the lattér during the week. Pleased to report that Mrs. Jake Taylor who was so dangerously ill; in the General Hospital, Toronto, is improving and will soon be able to heen visiting the latter's brother, Mr. John Miller, Miss Ruth Stuttaford who was so tions in Elementary Art at the Sum- mer School, Toronto, has heen ac- Harold Ballard is talking of Claremont: Continuation School, business for himself in a peighbor- visited. her uncle, Mr. Innes Grant, with me Try it today, I'm Plain Mr. York, of York, Yorks, I'm Plain Mr. York come from over the sea From Rowntree's of England, I've brought here That unusual chocolate, which caused so much talk When sold over there by the name of Plain York. , Here I am; with the famous Plain York Chocolate; the bar that won all England by its delicious quality, Taste it ; ; ; s » how you will enjoy this new perfectly plain, and wonderfully smooth Rowntree chocolate, triumph of 200 years' experience in fine chocolate making. Not too bitter; pot too sweet, Plain York will prove the chocolate treat of a lifetime, ROWNTREE'S Well! Well! Well! | Hereweare! Hereweare!! How dye do, everybody? Hy, y / HZ ill a) ntl ML HI, 3 i 7 i - AHH S77

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