SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the cos' uperation of its readers .in contributing items to this || column, Send in a post card or phone 38, ' --Misses Annie and Isohel Blaiy, of this eity spent the holiday in To- ronto, --Mr, Alex Forte, of this city, spent the week-end and holiday in Peseronto, in Kingston. They also Visited the Thousand Islands. --Mr. and Mrs, Hilbert Travail spent the holiday and week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Jackson at Exeter. --Mr. W. L. Van Velsor motored to his home in Midland where he spent the week-end and holiday. --Mrs. Roy Clementer and family, of Gibbons street, have returned to their home after visiting at Cordova Mines. --Mr. Howard (Stub) Palmer of this city visited with his parents in Belleville over the week-end and holiday. --Miss Agnes Webster, of the nursing staff of the Ontario Hos- pital, is spending her holidays in this city. --Mrs, W. M, Robertson and daughter, Elaine, have returned home after spending the summer at Stoney Lake, ---Mrs, Ross Barrons, of Cordova --Mr, and Mrs. O. W. Jardine, of Tylor Crescent, spent the week-end and holiday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R, W. Connop, of Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs, Fred McDonnel, of Corbyville, spent the weekend and holiday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, W, L. Wannamaker, Louisa street. --Mr, M. R. Johnston, GC. P. R. city passenger agent here, has ve- turned home after a trip to Van- couver," B.C., on a special Canadian Pacific tour, --Mrs, Joseph Greentree, of Har- mony, has returned home after spending two months with her daughter, Mrs, Neilson McBain, of Valcartier, Que, Miss Belle Gair, City, has returned to her home there after spending two weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. D. Blair of Harold street, of New York We ea Me GA Kiva Pill pis - sed Dodd's Kidney jor over five years. My is hardly ever Toy ito tes oir of Re ro a requently iy into i 3 more serious forms, such as rheumatism, dropsy, lumbago, diabetes, heart disease and urinary troubles, To be assured of good health boon the I kidneys healthy--take DODDS KIDNEY PILLS PHEW '1 PAGE FIVE Canon Ball Baker Starts Transcontinental Journey With a General Motors Truck a striking appearance at it erosses the gruelling cross country trip with motor Cannon Ball Baker, World's Cham- pion Record Breaker, is on his eight- eth Transcontinental Run, driving from New York to San Francisco. On this trip the Cannon Bail is driving a General Motors track, being his lirst attempt to cross the continent in record hreaking time with this mode of trans- portation, --Mr, Leslie Salisbury spent the week-end and holiday at his home in Toronto, ¥ --Mr, Arthur H., Walker, former- ly of The Times staff has returned to his home in Barrie, --Mrs, Thomas Johnston, of St, Catharines, is visiting at the home of her parents, Louisa street, --Mr, and Mrs, J, J. McLaughlin, Miss Mayion Thompson and Mr, Walter Kilburn spent the week-end turning over every minute of the 3500 mile grind in record breaking time. Thus far, the Cannon Ball and his General Motors Tuck, on its earthly Lindbergh flight has covered miles, Cannon Ball Baker says that with the advent of fast duty trucks, the old tourist-travel-impeding slow moving trucks are coming off the highway. He says that he has passed everything on this trip--although it has not been a race with passenger car drivers, Baker enthusiastic over the performance being given hy the truck and remarked that it is as casily handled as his own private car. He is immensely pleased with the truck and spoke convincingly of the smoothness of "the engine, the surcty of its four wheel brakes, its flexibility, and emphasized its ability to sustain a surprising amount of power on any grade. According to Baker, the truck handles in traffic with the efficiency of a passenger car and says that as long as trucks have the rallies of his record-maker there will he no clogging of the highways. Mines, is the guest for a few days of Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Wannamaker, Louisa street, : --Mr., Percy Néwton of Detroit and Miss Muriel Culley of Oshawa motored to Kingston on Saturday Ao visit friends, ~--Mpr, "Buster'" Whitten, of this city, spent the week-end and holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Whitton in Deseronto. Weddings A NDERSON--NI( HOLS A very quiet but pretty wedding took place at the Christian Church parsonage yesterday afternoon when | Winnifred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. #3, Nichols, Celina street, hecame the hride of Mr, C. K. Anderson, only son of Mr, and Mrs. C, Ander- cupfuls prepared cake flour; son of Chatham, England, the Rev. | spoonful salt; 1 teaspoonful soda; Dr. W.. P, Fleteher officiating. 1 teaspoonful cinnamon; 3% tea- The hride looked charming in a |spoonful cloves; 1 cupful hot apple peach satin dress trimmed with gold | sauce. lace, large picture hat ta mateh | Bes carrying a hride"s houquet of i roses and lily-of-the-valley, She was | nttended hy Mrs, H. Allin, looking lovely in poudre blue georgette with | pieture hat to match and carrying a | bouquet of roses and carnations. Mr. H. M. Allin acted as hest man. After the ceremony a luncheon | yas served at the home of the bride's parents, then Mr. and Mis. | Anderson left for Toronto and points west to spend a short honey- moon hefore returning to the city where they will reside. country. Before leaving New York a repre- sentative Committee of Automotive of- ficials and newspaper representatives witnessed the loading of Atlantic Ocean water into the tank. This ocean water will be ceremoniously drained into the Pacific Ocean at Golden Gate on the completion of the trip. A liquid load is being carried, for, according to Baker, it is the hardest load a truck has to handle. It is con- tinually swishing from side to side, and [is the rolling this way and that, keeps the load in a constant uproar. In ad- dition to attempting a speed record Baker is putting the General Motors- Buick motored two ton fast duty tru through twists and strains such as Jt probably would never be called upon to perform even under extraordinary conditions, He is not habying the truck, but, as he expresses it, is. giving it the gun every minute. He is doing this as the officials of the General Mo- tors Truck Company wish to learn just what happens to the truck under a real It is the first time m the history of the automotive indusiey tha: a speed record has been attemprerd with a track. As a matter of fact it is explained that this .is the first time a track with a capacity load has ever heen attempted to make a trans: mtiaenial np under the same condi.ions as the anton Ball is making it. The truck is one of the new two ton six cylinder fast duty General Mo- tors Trucks equ ppel with the latest type triple-sealed Buick engine. A stock model in every respect according to Baker. It carcies a Columbia tank body, which, with the chassis, 15 painted a. vivid red, giving the fast duty truck 14 tea- R. Emsley Cream the shortenin sugar gradually, beaten egg, and g, heat in the then add the well- the fruit, chopped and floured, Add the flour, sifted with the oda, saly and spices, and next the apple sauce, which should be strained and in the form of a comparatively thick puree, Bake in a tube pan lined with greased paper, in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F, about one hour, Elizabeth PIANOFORTE AND THEORY OF MUSIC 143 Brock St, FE. Phone 977J flowers: Wreaths, Fittings Limited, Nieces and Nephews, Employees Fit- tings Limited, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Clark street Neighbors, Mr. and Mrs, A. Horphy, Mr. and Mrs. Gower, Mary Crowell and William and Louis, Sprays, Mr. and Mrs, John Stacey, Mr. and Mrs, F. Ward and two girls, Mr. and Mrs. H. Swithenbank and family, Gwennie Cobper, Mr. and Mrs. F. Schermerhorn and Mr. and Mrs. William Metcalfe, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holt, Mrs. Livesay and Mrs. Swit- henbank, Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Medland. Basket, Mr, and Mrs. Art Reynolds, LJ passed away Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Dickson, Myrtle, where he had been visiting during the summer. The late Mr. Securrah, who was in his 87th year, spent. most Bf his time in Oshawa, residing with his daughter, Mrs. James Moffatt, Kenneth avenue. During his younger days he wag at Columbus for a time. He resided at Myrtle until he came here to live with his daughter, Mrs. Moffatt, The late Mr. Scurrah was prede- ceased by his wife seven years Surviving are two daughters, James Dickson of Myrtle and Mrs, James Moffatt, Oshawa, One gon, Edward, a missionary stationed at Capetown, South Africa, also : . » mourns his loss. The funeral took Miss Amy Christian place today at two o'clock, standard Teacher of Pine; Voice Colture time, from the residence of his and Th y daughter at Myrtle. Burial was Pupil ; i f made in the Baptist cemetery at upils prepared for all grades' of Brooklin. Studio at 17 Elena St. Mrs Lindsay and family, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Hoteher, Mr. and Mrs. H. Purver, Mrs. Huckvale, sisters and brothers- in-law, Mis Helen and Anna Wilson, Mrs. - Moffott and Mrs. Hartnett, Oshawa, Home and School Club N. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wood, E. Beckley, Mrs. Holder, Hushand, mother and Recent Deaths LEAR The funeral of loved wite of place Tuesday home at 95 partment, Ophawa, Classes Resumed Sept, 12th, 1927 TIPS TO HOUS WIVES If one-quarter of a teasnoonful of baking powder is added to hoiled frosting it will be much lighter in quality and color. | The lite of an enamelled pan will | ,.10. Those be longer if it is filled upon PUr-| N Oshawd TAYLOR Leah Taylor, Albert Taylor, irom hej Millwood be- took parent's Road, Tor- who attended from were, Mr, .and Mis. | A. ago. Mrs. OUR DAILY RECIPE ting llior: Montrose .» Montcalm . Minnedosa ; ) . Metagama Via Greenoch. TO SOUTHAMPTON y Marloch 4% Montroyal Moutnairn 2 SpA HS go 2. 2 Ye. CRUKSES Winter 1927-1928 Round the World South s Mediterranean West Indies mentioned are married, and his daugh- ce Ew if Tak £ sent operator .of well known writer, EF B } ai : i if ] i 3 1] atl spot. The three of them went mp from Myersville to Loon Lake and egonntry to Bon Echo. Somewhere on top of they came upon two flat stones. By fore- stones in opposite directions they discover- opening about twelve inches in d which Myers forced himself. What the flame from his pine-pitch torch h disiosd is doubtful, Later, Van Asselstein becoming pos- but there was silver in some form, so it is told, and mortgaged two excellent farms dm Mmmence quanti leg of it. Pilling tis pockets and a small bag with the treasure adventurer made note of the loca®ion and commenced the return lake was rough and fhe remains of the mene lost. 'The two Indians, sobered by their eo action and fearful of of their tribe. In an sitsmpt to His- dis- s, they mpset the cance and i ile the survivor made a painful ay to Myersville, when he soon Myers left a map and description ped be EI, od i np Wt mp ye Mapes Toros 3 3 ® £ All Newly Decorated Will Be Reopened on Thursday Evening COME AND ENJOY A A REAL chase with cold wate roug BP i ' h eo ater, brought to Gilbert, Mr. Norman Gilbert, Mis<{ father, Mr. and Mrs, W. Moore, Arthur hilfips, (sister of Mp. | Mrs, A. Phillips, Miss Lily Phillips, | the roller and rope, to remedy the and Mrs, Stanley Moffott and Mrs Ryan, Mr, and Mrs. G. Wright, Mr. and flower bearers. The floral tri-| hel Robinson, Mr. and Mrs, A noon. both here as well as in Toronto. family, Mr. and Mrs. John Saul, Requiring 1 egg only. % captoils and neighbors of N. Oshawa, (a ; 4 a funeral of : butter or substitute; 1 cupful sugar; | broken harp), sprays and wreaths FREDERICK W. SCURRAH Crowells who passed away Friday, was "i {1 egg, beaten light; 1 cupful rais-| from Mr. and Mrs. A. Atford, Gen- Frederick W. Seurrah, for many | held from his late residence, 215 Eula- , yins; 1 cupful currants or nuts; 1% | eral Motors Domestic Loading De-| years a resident of this distriet |lic street, Monday afternon. Inter- ' - : i - ment took place in Union cemetery. al 1( ) Pe n | The late Mr. Crowells was a well ; known and highly respected citizen bl . . - country, a short distance from the and after five years in America, came FROM MONTREAL Boys' Suits lena E. Laube and two sisters, a bro- m Cornwall, England. A brother and from 22 to 26. Another group at the same price came out, passed away about 21 years the only one of his immediate family son are all living. Norman John, To Cherbourg, Southampton only. Edward at home. The first three scene at Bon Eche. «© 3 to carry on. 9 > i the desperation with which men . hoan was bullion brought out of the eens forced #0 sacrifice MEME BE ........onononensnsssessnsnstnsnanannensns . Myers. who kept a store at Myersville, them with Puc induced i to sieves, # ity Corsets, mean] " 95¢ a boil, and the water allowed t 4 5 enol again. er wliowed to Spencer, Mr. John Lindsay, J., Mss. | Mrs. 8. Robinson, E. Granger and - ore a S~- When windows are hard to raise, Will Lindsay, Mrs. Langmaid, Mrs. | family, Mrs.' Ted Stanton, Oshawa, | pour a little hot lard between the ¥ Taylor), Miss Lily #hillips, (niece| Mr. and Mrs. J. Burkinsher, Mr. | trouble, of Mr. Taylor), Mr. and Mrs. Bur-| and Mrs. E. Burkinsher, Mrs. E. : | When the cake jar is discovered . empty put dainty crackers together | with frosting to which nuts and | Solomon. Mr. Gilbert and Mr.|end Mrs. Jas. Saul, Mr. and Mrs. : ! chopped raisins have heen added.| Burrows assisted as pall bearers| A. Grainger, Misses Marie and Iso- They are a delicious accompani- hutes were many and beantiful. {| puer and family, Mr. and Mrs. The deceased was highly respected | g. Page, Mrs. Macpherson and The husband and family have our| ay. and Mré. Kennedy, Mr. and -- deepest sympathy. The flowers | Mrs. W. Saul. ¥ WILLIAM CROWELLS Hidden ! reasure, of Bon Ech who resided here for many years, com- |) | C || | | {4 0 ing to Oshawa from a home in the q ol - - gon 4 { ud / Thursday will be a day of Hika % <P a LN Coa RR ITN ia Ra tc ri city. He came to this country fifty f E Ly ti a Valu K 4 ¢ : years ago from Cornwall, England, 3 to thjs district to reside. SAILINGS Mr. Crowells leaves his wife To Liverpool ther, and four sons, all living. His sisters, Millie Baskville and Emely Here is a sturdy built Suit for School or Dress purposes, Some have two pairs of pants, Sizes a sister have predeceased him, James, who came to this country and settled in sizes from 26 to 36, but with ons pair of bloomers. Your choice at ago. Mary Parsons, the sister, also died some time ago, in England. who have passed ahead of him. She "Sept. 14, iy hampton, Hombowrs died in Oshawa when in her twenty- *Sept. 21, Nov. 23. Empress of Australia Pure wool worsted Hose, guaranteed 100 per William Andrew in Oshawa, Francis cent, pure iy and fast black. Sizes 6 to 10. Clinton in Benton Harbour, Michigan, WINDBREAKERS AND PULLOVERS ter Celia was also. They leave him, in all, seven grandchildren and one atmosphere of Bon Echo, one of the The many beautiful floral tributes summer resorts in the Highlands showed the high esteem in which the » : You will find a beautiful assortment of luxurious fur frim- SE yar med Coats, all the latest styles and fabrics. These Coats Au and used in exchange for blankets, y and firearms and that they had stored 95, 14. 95, $19.50 ged goods for the Indians Liver, but gs where the cache was. with the Here are a few Necessary Items sizes, going at » Men's Elastic Kait Shirts and John Lindsay, Mrs. Kerman, Mrs, | (riends and neighbors, Mr. and } window frame and casing, also on rows and son, Mrs. W. Parker, Mr.| Maunder, Mrs. E. Gilson, Mrs. D. ment to iced tea of a summer after- | d : Apple Sauce Cake ere from the following: Friends The the late William Kar- Prout, and his brother, Henry, all live in East Whitby township before he Larger sizes at $5.95 and $6.95 One daughter, Celia Mae Moffatt, is fourth year. Four sons and one step- Sept. Foie 20ct. 26.. Empress of Scotland Harold Irvin in Oshawa and Albert $ 3. 9 S great grand daughter, Byrel Peacock, thes of romance in many ways, there deceased was held. The following sent the story that is most genemally were purchased. to sell at much higher prices, but we are in a cave in the cliffs. The story goes ever, was brought up Real good quality Coutil, Bras- ¢ AM our #125 an nd Shs qual- ixoeptional value Reg. S125, going at wit by a spiritpalist, the mould find a Myers. They all they possessed)