Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Aug 1927, p. 1

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@sihaws Baily Tims . The Oshawa Daily Reformer . i Enfield, Aug, 23.--Misses Grace and Lillian Ashton, Detroit, visited at Mr, George Ormiston's, Mr. and Mrs, L. OC, Pascoe, Misses Helen and Bessie, and Miss Helen Stark visited in Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Ormiston, Mesars, Harold and Frank visited at Kedron, : : Mrs, Ratcliffe, Exeter, is visiting at Mr, Oliver McCulloch's, The threshing machine is in the neighborhood for the first time this year, Te alsike is turning out to be #& pretty poor crop so far, Mr. Wilbert Ferguson has ' pur- chased a new Chevrolet sedan, KEDRON Kedron, Aug, 22---The Ladies' Aid Society held their annual meeting in aid of the W.M.8. work, in the Ked- ron Church on Sunday evening, August the twenty-first, Miss Lena Taylor was the speaker of the evening and gave a very interesting address on her first impressions in China, Miss Tay- lor also sang in Chinese, the hymn, "I Have a Saviour, He's Pleading in Glory." Other musical numbers were a duet hy Mrs, 8, Jewell and Mrs, L. Hancock and an anthem by the choir, Rev. Mr, and Mrs, G, A, MacKin- non of Lacherte, Quebec, and Mr, and Mrs. G. G. Chant of Zion visited at Mr. E. Love's on § day, Mrs, H. T. Cole and Misses Mildred and Marie Cole were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, H, J. Davis, Oshawa on Fri- day afternoon, Misses Audrey Werry and Neva Eastwood, Oshdwa visited Miss Ber- nice Werry on 'Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Gardener of Kingston is visiting her sister, Mrs, Mearing, for a week ' Mr. Richard Brown of Miiskegon Michigan, and Mr. Alexander Brown of Oshawa, called on Mr. H, T. Cole on Sundav, 4 ' Mrs. Gilbert Gibsnp, Oshawa, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are visiting Mr. F. H. Crossman's. Miss Estella Truax, Crestwell, was 'the guest of My, F.'Rahme's on Sun- VOL. 1--NO. 44 ha vam day, Misses Olive Luke, Bernice W and Mildred and Marie oy guests of Miss Audrey Werry for the week-end. ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, Aug, 28.--Miss Myr- tle Brooks, Tyrone, Mr, and Mrs. Johnstone, Brandon, Mrs, ~John Lamb and Miss Mary, Felelon Falls, have heen recent visitors at Mrs, W. R, Lamb's, Mrs, A, J. and Miss: Mary Knox. Mrs, J. D, Brown, Miss Olive and My, Jim Brown, of Orono, visited at Mrs, J. H, Werry's and with Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Stainton, During the past week Mrs, and Miss Rylle, Mrs, Foster and Mr, JJamieson, Bethany, Mr, and Mrs. H, Bateman, Bowmanville, Miss Langmaid, Hampton, Mr, and Mrs, Pascoe and Mr. Goodman, Brook- lin, Misses Lillian and Grace Ash- ton, Detroit, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs, Thos, McGill's, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Ashton and Miss Rena McGill, motored to Woodbridge on Saturday and visit- ed Mr, Thos, Tamblyn and on Sun- day went on to Tavistock and vis- ited Miss Muriel Newton, a form- er teacher here, returning on Mon- day, Dr, and Mrs. H, Ferguson are visiting their parents and friends near Uxbridge for a few days, The Orono Regimental Band gave a splendid band concert here ast Wednesday evening under the auspices of the local Y, P.'s League, Thrashing is in full swing and a good quality of grain Is reported. NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Aug. 28.--Mr. and Mrs, Sackville and son, of Peter- boio, were week end visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Denny. Miss Nellie Snowden, of Maple Grove, spent he week end with Miss Minnie Pearce, Mr. Norman Allin. leaves on Sat- urday with an exhibit of sheep for Eh I i i a aa = OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1927 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. Ottawa Fair, intending to go on to Sherbrooke and Quebec, Mr, and Mra, Harold Skinner, of Tyrone, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, OC. Lake, and took a trip to Rice Lake and return, Miss Mabel Lake, of Toronto, is halidaving at home with her mother, Mrs, Frank Gibson, Mr, and Mrs. R.C Mantgomery,nf Toronto, were waek end guests of her sister, Mrs Taylor, Newcastle-on- the-Lake, Mrs, Barnet Harris and' two chil- dred, of Toronto, were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Gib- fon, Yiood Dr. and Mrs, D. B, Lowery, of Toronto, accompanied by their nep- hew, Mr, Ross, of Los Angeles, Cal, who are summering at Barkum Hall, Nowoastle-on-the-Lake, were oalled away suddenly last week owing to the death and burial of Mrs, Low- ery's brother, Mr, Ross, of Toronto, Mrs. Stella Anderson, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mra, R, P, Butler, Mrs. George Warmington and lit- tle granddaughter are visiting at Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Bradley's, Mr, Charles Clemence, of Whithy, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, W, C. Ashton and family, Miss Winnifred Rickard is holi- daying at Port Credit with Miss Jean Coates, Mr, and Mrs, Percy Hare and son, «Jack, are away on vacation, in com- pany with Mr, and Mrs. J, 8, Ames, and son, Ralph, of Bowmanville, they left on Monday for Western Ontario intending to visit Detroit, Cleveland, and Buffalo on the other side, They are travelling in two cars, taking a tent along to help out at night, They also Intend to take a trip to Muskoka before re- turning home, Miss Florencp Ashton and Miss Beatrice Bragg, gave 'interesing and inspiring reports of their at- tendance at the Summer School, held at Bobeageon, at the Sunday ewening service in the United Church. Miss Ashton spoke particu- larly of the studies of the Home Missions, and Miss Bragg of the Bible Study periods. Both young ladies spoke in warm praise of the fine Christion atmosphere of the ca.up and the wholesome life, Miss Lilian Clemence, League President, and Rev, W. C. Smith, assisted in the service. The devotional charac- ter of the service was further en- banced by a duet by Mr. and Mrs, A -------- -- Ld A Direct Line to Beautifully Cleaned Clothes is 2520 HE fact that you gain so much more additional wear from your clothes by having them cleaned fréguently is im- portant enough that you call No, 2520, For then your clothes are subjected to a scientific process that removes every spot and stain, and brightens the colors without harming the sheerest of fabrics, Have all of your clothes cleaned now ~--just before the coming of fall brings forth many social activities. | Prices are very moderate---and the service is as rapid as a big plant can make it. Remember--call 2520, Oshawa' Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Mill St. Phone 2520 fos. Swarbuck, of Kendal, Mr. Howard Trewin, of Toronto, /isited a number of his old friends of Newcastle and Shaw's on Monday and Tuesaday. Making his headquar- t.rs at Mrs, B, BE, Beman's, Mr, Trewin stopped off at Oshawa on his way down and preached in the Qaptist Church there on Sunday. Mrs. Trewin and four childvén are isiting with her people, at Niagara Falls, and the Misses Edna and Jes- sie Trewin are spending the sum- ner with their brother, George, in Manitoba, Congratulations are in order to Clarence Gaines, Hilda ' Rowland, "arewell Blackburn, Bertha Cowan, 'harles James, Clara Caswell and Hileen Cooke, of our high school on waving passed in several cases with honors, all the subjects in which hey wrote, at the recent Middle 'chool examinations, Marjorie Cow- n, Richard Cowan and others fail- wd on one or two subjects only, vincipal Roszel and staff and stu- lentes have all made a fine record. Rev, E, R, James and Mrs, James sailed from England for home on Priday, August 12th, and the mem- hers of the Bt George's congrega- tion are looking forward to having their old rector preach to Yhem next Sunday. Miss Mary James who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, Harris, of Alliston, returned home on Saturday last, "RAGLAN Raglan, Aug. 22---Miss Hazel Pier son visited in Toronto the past week. A number from the vicinity attended the Field Day at Brooklin last Wed nesday and report an excellent time. Miss Beamish of Oshawa is visiting at Ray Moon's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans and family were recent guests of her parents at Manchester . Mr. G. B. Hodgson of Toronto spent Sunday at Wm, Brent's. Miss Nina Armstrong of Toronto is the guest of Miss Stella Wilson, Rev. F. Swayne conducted the church service on Sunday afternoon. We are pleased to have him with us again. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Reeson ot Cobalt are holidaying with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dring. Mr. and Mrs, Tummonds and daugh- ter, Inez visited relatives in Epsom on Sunday, : Mr, Mae is improving the appearance of his house by a fresh coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Avery and daugh- ter, Allie and Miss Doris Bray spent Sunday in Little Britain. Men's Fine. Shirts * [es sconsic wir, Yom wr S100 Men's Trousers--$2.95 in the lot are fancy Included wool dark tweeds worth from $4.50 to $5.50. Dollar Days you can buy them for Boys' Hose Boys' Cotton and Wool Hose. DoMar Boys' Wash Suits--$1.00 dnes worth from SLI5 to S200. in dark and light shades. Dollar Men's All Wool Worsted Sox Mess All Wool Wonsted Sox, 8 prs. Regular 75c Values Phone 130 Mr, Noah Luke of Toronto visited his parents here on Sunday. Miss Olive Brent is visiting Mr. and' Mrs, H. A. Ross of Oshawa. Mr. Earl Squelch of Oshawa recent- ly visited his home here. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Hodgson and family attended a weiner roast at the home of their daughter, Mrs. C. Forde of Oshawa on Thursday evening of last week, A very pleasant and sociable even- ing was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson last Tuesday when all members of the community gath- ered together and presented their daughter Iona with a miscellaneous shower. Many beautiful and useful ar- ticles were among the gifts presented. Miss Allie Avery read the following address: To Mr, and Mrs, Raglan Ontario, Dear friends :---We your neighbours, friends, and acquaintances have gath- ered here this evening to express in a sociable way, our good wishes for your 'happiness and prosperity. Having known you for several years we have always found you genial friends and willing helpers. We your Daniel Ormiston, friends of Raklan learn with the deep-- est regret that you are to depart from our community in the near future, In order to express our esteem for you, and our sincere wishes for your future happiness and success in a practical way we ask you to accept these few tokens. Cig=nad on hehalf of your friends, Raglan MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Aug. 22.--In the ahapnee of onr pastor, Rev. Mr. Stainton, who is on his holidays, Rev. John Bunner, of Bowmanville, very ahly occupied the pulpit here on Sunday afternnon. Miss Reta Power is holidaying with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Kerr, To- ronto, visited at her hrother"s, Mr R. D. Trimble's on Sunday. Miss Corsina Samis returned home last week after spending a few weeks with her aunt in To- ronto. Miss Isobel Menzies has return- ed home to Toronto after having spent her vacation at Mr. Frank Swallow's. Mr. W. G, Ranton, Brantford, motored down on Sunday and visit- ed his sister, Mrs. Chester Power. Miss Marion Snowden is holiday- ing with Miss Ruth Allin, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lee, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Seott and son Foley on Sunday. Mr. Ernie Laird, Toronto, his parents, Mr. and Mra. A, Mr. R. R. Stevens is vremodelll the house which he purchased the highway, recently vacated Mr, Willlam Webb. Lee, Arnprior, visited at Mr, L ©. Snowden's on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Greenham, Toronto, visited his brother, Mr. Charles Greenham on Sunday. Miss Lily Penfound, Toronto, is spending her holidays visiting her numerous friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Swall Miss Hilda Foley, Toronto, with visited friends in. Whitby on 8 her parents, Mr, and Mrs, BH, W.|day. "F ashion Craft Clothes" "OKO" BLUE SERGE = The Season's biggest Value (GUARANTEFD pure worsted, made of virgin wool, two fold yarn, warp Indigo iv f and weft and London shrunk. dye, absolutely fast in color. Young men's single and double breasted models and men's semi standard single breasted--"Fashion Craft Tailored," NEW PRICE DB EA z= EN MENS WEAR OTHAWA' ~ A Few Dollars Will Go a Long Way Here on Friday and Saturday, August 26-27 and all $2.95 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.90 Det OSHAWA New Fall Suits for men and boys are being placed in stock this week... Prices Tid Seton 13

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