Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1927, p. 11

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¥ | oe. EE tein lagad: i; |: BARRISTER, |0, G,° | Bast, Sat ul ot a Hy aad Bond TAN ARRISTERS, Notaries Bustle, Rte, . a non A , Ni BINCLAIR, K.0, Hommerce Building, (116-1 th BPH P, MANGAN, HA, ~BAR- , Rolicitor, Notary Publle, Con- per, Money to loan, Office ing St, east, Oshawa, Phone 8 esidence phone B27, IDRSON & CRBEIGHTON-~BAR- rs, Qonveyancers, Notaries Pub- oto, Office over Standard Bank, rance Simeoe St, Phone 18, J, Grierson, B.A, T, K, Creighton, GERMAN & | MAC. Conveyancers, ANSON Dele, Barristers, ry Public, ete, All branches of minal and Civil Law, Money to n, Office over Lamble's store, 8 Ra st, Phone #40, D, A, wanson, H, N, German, F, G, kensle, J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- tor, Notary Public, Conveyanocer, y to loan, Disney Bldg, oppo- Post Oftice, Phones, office 1614; dence, 83307, (681) UIS 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS. Conveyancers, Notaries, ete, r Engel's store, 16 Simooes Bt, th, Money to loan, Phones-- 08 47, Residence 2101, (tf) Insurance VIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 PE at, west, Oshawa, The oldest Agency In Oshawa, 80 Re. table Fire Companies, (118.tf) » Nose, Throat Specialist PF, T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR t West, Toronto, will be at hia over Jury & Lovells he | re each Saturday, from 1 till , for consultation and treatment diseases of ear, nose and th ¥: Appointments may be m drug store Phone 87, (49-1) vies, ER Ss Machine Floor Sanding hy expert mechanics, and screen doors, and interior trim, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh. awa, Phone 334, PRIVATE FUNDS TO first rates and favorable terms, Grierson & Creighton, Barristers, ete, dard Bank Chambers, ar, . 0 hy ute lating ork guaranteed, nd aimoniuing, Before Jainting get Sur prices, (te Be Signe H.W. GOULDGRY. AWFINTIO Dir ar 68, 6. DC of eve , Annis, Sn Oshawn, on Paper, wood cots rice tickets ney Block, (380-1) indow Cleaning encription, A TTI -- THE OSHAWA WINDOW OLEAN: pra==house cleaning, woodwork and Qoore polished, screans and store win 1808w, RR TR RRR: ows put on and removed, Phone Transportation A ------------------------------------ SMITH TRANSFORTATION LIMIT. od, Simoeoe St, §,, phone 346°, 842 Front St, B, Toronto, Phone Maln Superior Transportation wNer- (43-11) 76087, FLOORS FINISHED COMPLETE Screen windows W, H 161 Kin pi ha A J ) aynes n t, » 481, Res, 80 v2 * TD Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors F, L, Beecroft, (69-11) Money to Loan LOAN ON interest mortgages, Lowest Stan (Aug, 12-1mo,) MONEY TO LOAN--8%% OITY and farm loans, No commission; bullding loans, Frank 8. Ebb, bar. rister, Royal Bank Building, (35-tf) 83% CITY AND FARM LOANS, No commission, Building loans, Le- gal work done at this office, Parkhill, Barrister, Phone 1814, \ Undertaking Soyth. Phone 47, DALTON FUNERAL SERVICE. Sedan Ambulance, } Simeos Street Oshawa. Phone 94." GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN surgeon. Special referencer to of infants and children. Of- residence, 97 Bond east. : LUKB BURIAL C0, 87 KING ST. Watch Repairing ' | FARM ATTRACTIVE PROPERTY, CLOSE to street car, north, seven ropmed frame house, electric lights, wired for stove, hard and soft water, large lot ft, by 266 ft, good garden: soll, some fruit, large lot in front with shade trees, chicken house, garage, Price for quick sale, $3,800, Apply J, A. Bickel, 430 Simcoe St, 8, or phone 1200W and 2330) (41¢) FOR SALE-=NEW FOUR ROOMED cottage, brick, hardwood floors, elees tricity, furnace, three piece hath, close to cement street, $3,000, with small payment, Apply J," A, Rickell 430 Simeoe St, 8, or phone 1240W and 2330], (dle) FOR BALE--FIVE ROOM NEW brick veneer house, 383 Ritson Rd, N, Phone 2841), (43¢) SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR BSALR, brick veneer, very desirable home, large bathroom, summer kitchen, fireplace, garage, lot 180 ft, deep 100 ft, front, Modern conveniences, Westmount, Twelve minutes walk from Post Office, Good Investment, Moderate price, Apply Box "L" Times or phone 1873W, (Mon,»Thyr, 27t1) FOR SALE-FIVE ROOM BRICK with hath, new, north end, Price thirty-eight hundred, three hundred down, Balance like rent, Phone 1297, (40¢) ciel yy rg =| rds, per for 80 words or less cents a» word per for each addislonal apg TRIES CLABSIVIED : Lisi MUCH TRLAPHONE 88 Ask For Classified Ad Departs ment, Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- FOUR house, north end, lights and water, garage, Price seventeen hundred, two i down, Balance like rent, Phone 1297, (40¢ ROOMED FOR SALE-~FOUR ACRES LAND, four roomed house, stable, ehicken coop, pig sty and also young orchard, situated on Lakeview Gardens, Appl 588 Front St, (40n FOR BSALE-- LARGE HOUSE, 6 bedrooms, parlor, dining room, kite chen, bathroom, boarding house, furniture Included. Redecorated, Central, Phone 790W. 30 Maple St, (37-1) FOR SALE---SIX-ROOMED HOUSE at 125 Alexandra street, Call after six at above address or phone 833), (73tf) aman SS ad] = For Rent TO RENT-ABOUT 9% acres conveniently situated in Osh» awa. First-class land, city water, Im» mediate possession to plough. Full possession April 1st, 1928, Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Ontario, (41th alt) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, $25. Phone 2163), (43¢) GARAGE FOR RENT. 118 TYLOR Crescent, Phone 1341W, (400) TO RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- and Surgeon, special sttemtion to X-ray work and. Blectro- OMce, Disney Block. 3050. i . ah (tr) Dental R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER store, Simeoé street south. F. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat: ronage is solicited. (30-t1) Painting and Decorating YOUR HOUSE LIKE NEW. GET IT painted. Reasonable prices. Pure materials. Apply Box "A" Times. (28-Sept. 4) OXygen gaa Admin for extraction, nurse at- Phone 231. Residence, .| FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments. West. Phone 82. suitable for two gentlemen, 206 Alice St. Phone 2485]. (40c TO RENT -- A COMFORTABLY furnished room in a private home. Very central for one gentleman. Breakfast if desired. Box Times. GIRL OR WOMAN TO ASSIST IN housework. Apply Box "J." Times. (40d) GIRL, WANTED TO ASSIST WITH office work, cost records amd type- writing, shorthand not essential. Give references and experience. Box "E" Times. (38¢1) Wanted to Buy . MR. 8. JACOB, PBALER IN RAGE and kinds of omy 1 An bas ng scrap batteries Buying old cars. Phone 764. {Tor Work Wanted FOR SALE -- ANNEX HEATER with water front for electric range for sale cheap, in Al condition, Apply 34 Arlington Ave, (41h) YOUTH'S LOVAT GRAY BUIT, Chea and. small table, Phone 2161 or call at 316 Alice St, (43a) a LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE-- Famed Oak, neat design, $13.00, Oshawa Daily Times, (481) | pgainet the Estate of Iirth Beaus FOR SALE--SOLID OAK BUFFET, nearly new, cost $150, Will sell at $35, Wilton rug, 9x12. Nearly new, cost $115, will sell for $385, Phone 19006, (430) FOR SALE~--THREE BURNER with oven enamel and nickle trim Acme gas stove. Phone 5568F, Park Rd. and College Ave, (48¢) FOR SALE--ONE TWO-BURNER Acme gase stove with oven In good condition, $5. Phone 2163), (43¢) TWIN BABY CARRIAGE FOR sale, in first class condition. 433 Albert St, (42D) FOR SALE---~MICHIGAN CASH Register. Halt price. Keating's. 27 Simeoe St, 8. (42h) FOR SALE -- ONE FUR': COAT, seal, size 42. One oll stove oven. Phone 1833. (40-0) ALL BUILDING MATERIAL IN- cluding hot water systems, win- dows, lumber, doors, cheap win- dows for chicken coops, stack pipes, storm doors $1 each, firewood, back verandahs. Salesman on pre- mises. Dominion Wrecking Co. HE i I 3 I E PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ME COMTACLOrS, asonry work of awed description, Bowmanville, Phont w ous wood-working shed. Screens, Saban Sid 4oora Shade, Sine nepaics, 8. B. Edmondson, 251 Simcoe 8 (1-40) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, ohesterfields 3 l Government --- iy. 34 Brock St. E. Phone |ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING | CARPENTER WORK WANTED. (132-41) |at ldeal Tire Shop. Jamieson Bros. Tives for sale. Phone 438 (af) 14% Trier Crescemt, WA. Ang. 22-1 wo) Help Wonted--Male BOYS, AGES wanted for werk after school Roadster Estimates given. Apply M. Davis! pir 100 Brock E. Phone 228. 2 Model 47 Sedan body, ai Lanehiin. Apply 1. DEPOSI an 22% Simcoe st 1656. in (49-4) £99 Catmegie Axe. Saturdays. 4.30 Monday or Twesdar. (422) Anply 267 Division S| Fem LOST-SUXYER MESH BAG LAST might Motors and »§ Roxal hotwoen Gy Finder please foave at 28 "wo ors and Bowmanville, last Satara. a hors pallever sweater. Finder please Jeane at ATT Simose St. KX. or AAW. : (Ac) R three unfurnished roonis ut housekeeping wa tod by oh. Phone 1266W eyenings, (43h) WANTED TO RENT---HOURE WITH ne to tive a of land or would buy on easy terms in Harmeny or Wesimoyni proterred, Must be near Aphoo!l, Box "'Q" Times, (48¢) WANTED TO RENT--TWQ OR three unfurnished rooms, suitable fo light housekeeping, No children, ox "'K" Times, (480) Room and Board Wanted YOUNG MAN, CANADIAN, WANTS oqm #nd board in' private home in Brock and Division Sta, vieldlty, Apply Mr, Wood, 30 Prince " [) WANTED TO doo 1 Notice to Creditors -------- 10 Geo, v,, Cop, 40, Noe, BB, ESTATE OF FIRTH BEAUMONT, mechanic, deceased, ALL persons having claims mont, late of the City of Osliawa n the County of Ontario, Mech- nie, deceased, who died on or about the first day of April, AD, 1087, are hereby notitied to file with the undersigned, on or before the Third day of September, 1027, full particulars of their claims, Im- mediately after sald date, the as- wets of the deceased will he dis tributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to claims so filed, DATED at Oshawa, the 13th day of August, A.D, 10387, W.E.N, Bin- olair, K.C,, Barrister, ete,, Bank of Commerce Bldg,, Oshawa, Ontario, (43-48) SEVERE QUAKE IN CALIFORNIA Humboldt County Rocked-- Heaviest Since 1906-- Women Faint Washington, Aug. 321.--Severe earth shocks were recorded last plight by the Georgetown University selsmograph. They began at 7.10 p. m., reaching a maximum intensity at 7.44, and were continuing half an hour later. Director Tondort es- timated the centre of the disturbe ance at 2,300 miles south of Wash- ington. . AnS Feit in Oalifornia, Eureka, Calif., Aug. 31.--Eureka and other towns in Humboldt Coun! (40-¢) | The Humboldt Standard, was slight~ 'OR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH| #74 the noise of toppling chimneys Ii : | thi i 4 ty were rocked shortly after moon yesterday by the most severe earth quake felt since 1906. The temblor lasted 15 seconds and impaired the fire-alarm system. C. C. Fiske, lynotple operator for ly injured when his machine careen- Women Faint. Several women fainted on down- town streets, while buildings swayed and breaking idshes could be heard. shone brightly, ? by a throng o IEOTS MAKE TEST HOP TONEW YORK Tully. .and Medealf Having 'Machine Adjusted--Will Re- I turn Tuesday 28,000 SEE TAKEOFF Make Trip Tin | Five Hours Without Incident--Save Boy's Life BE an ! London, Ont,, Aug, 81,~Cheered more 'than 25,000 people who lined both sides of the special runway prepared for their transatlantic flight, Captain Terry Tully and Lieut, Jimmy Medoalt soared off to New York at noon to- day jn, thelr green and gold mono- plane; he Bir John Carling, With the two pllots, two pas sengers, enough oil for an ocean trip, some small baggage and enough gas for the round trip from London to New York, the 8ir John Carling thundered down from the east head of the rupway hetween the long lines of people, and suddenly lifted at about the 800-foot line, and with a territic burst of power rocketed into the light cloud ceiling, The ship circled a couple of vmes oyar the«city then headed on a navigafor's course for Buftalo, Tully said before his departure that it the weather failed to clear over Central New York he might, as a special precaution against mishap, lay in at the Buffalo Aerodrome over night, Fo Return by Tuesday According to their arrangements on leaving the city, the Sir John Carling was to proceed .to the Cur- tise Field, New York, there to have the instruments precision-adjusted and the motor inspected by officials of the Wright Aeronautical Corpor. ation of Paterson, N.J, It is plan- ned to return to London not later than Tuesday to be in readiness for the take-off as soon as Bir Fred- erie Stupart of Toronto gives an analysis of the airline route from bere to the British metrooplis. Probably on Wednesday afternoon the plane will be formally christen- ed by 11-year-old Leonard Carling, son of Col, Innes Carling of lLon- don and great-grandson of the dis- tinguished London Parliamentarian, whose memory is honored in the paming of the ship. At dawn this morning the trek to the Carling Aerodrome began, and by noon when the big ship, escort- ed by motoreyele officers and of- ficials, taxied from her parking place to the head of the runway a crowd estimated at more tham 25, 000 lined her course. The compar- atively small details of oplice avail able found it almost impossible to . . Apply. (evenings) 'Warden Brown 89 Ritson Road 8, dE urday thensands of automobiles ate acted 0 I pu bor wh thn Ontgrio churned along the Provin- cial highway, necessitating the con centration of a number of motor. oyele officers to handle the traffic moving endlessly in four lines, Farmers manned their gates and collected many a quarter from mot- orints for parking privileges, A square had been rop ff in a cor. per of a field on the Bhannon farm for the protection of the plane, and A, J, Wharton, Chief of the county police, brought out his uniformed men to hold back the curious and the souvenir hunters, The straw stubble in the field aroupd the plane several times caught fire from the matches care- lessly dropped by smokers, and Mayor John M, Moore and Deput Fire Chief Scott, in response to a appeal for protection, assigned a London Fire Department truck with chemical engine equipment to stand by beside the plane from last even- ing until its departure at noon to- day, Though the first intention was to have the machine taken directly to New York without stopping in London, the pilot decided at the last minute to remain here over- night. New York in Five Hours Curtiss Field, N.Y., Aug 21.-- The Stinson-Detroiter mongplane Sir John Carling arrived late today from London, Ont., fo a thorough test of its instruments in prepara- tion for an attempted non-stop flight from London, Ont., for a thorough The trip was made in five hours. Captain Terry B. Tully, pilot, and Lieut, James Medealf, co-pilot and navigator, said the flight was made without incident. They flew on a direct air line and made no sto) en route. Commodore F. G, Brie son and Einar V. Reichnitzer, a Lon- don pewspaperman, accompanied them, Commodore Ericson said the keep the runway clear for the take-off, despite Tully's appeal the people to keep clear lest trag- edy might mar their preparations. On Ground ¥ This morning the pilots were out early, having arranged last night. through the courtesy of Major Lamphier of Selfridge Field, Miechi- gam, to secure howrly weather re- ports on the rowte from London to New York. The early reports imdi- cated that, though hewe the sum dangerons fogs, AT SCIENCE MEETING | ight rains fleccy clouds and gon- erally "low ceiling" were the pre- Leeds, Eng. ANg. 21. -- meeting As to he of solentific mtil- Mie the valling condition over New York The plane arrived here on Satar- Michigan, having wade the day from Selfridge Field, Mowat Clemens, 3 ih i £ 232 : ] tS i ki t i I i I : | : : i h fs | oy 3 | | % 1 of i i i i : | i id ¢ ! t J { ? § : . 5 i bo £ pliots plan to fly to Detroit Tues day for a check-up of the plane at the Stinson-Detroit factory. That accomplished, they will fly to Lop- don, Ont., to await favorable or for the 3,900-mile hop to Eng-

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