News of Eastern Ontario HIT BY SHUNTING CAR Peter Milne was injured at Belle- ville in the Canadian National yards when struck by a shunting car, He was knocked down and his -condi- HER Tequired his removal to the hos- pital, ' ' SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS Harvey Lake, alias Alvin Ellis, was yesterday sentenced to 6 years in Portsmouth Penitentiary on five charges of theft and of breaking custody, COBOURG TIRES FOR TENNIS LEA By defeating Oampbellford on Wednesday, Cobourg Town Tennis Club is tied with the club of that town for the championship of the Central Ontario Tennis League, The Cobourg club has two more games to play and will meet Peterboro here on Saturday, FELL DEAD ANSWERING KNOCK Death came suddenly to Mrs, Alex Anderson at Oak Lake north of Belleville as she fell dead answering 2 knock at the door of her home. Heart failure was the cause of her death, She leaves two sons and three daughters, BARNS DESTROYED Spontaneous combustion caused a fire in the barns of Sanford Meikle- john, Ninth Concession, of Rawdon Township, north of Belleville late Thursday night, the barns, milk house, ice house, poultry sheds grain and hay being lost along with some live stock. As the house the drive shed and garage were kept saturated with water brought by a hucket brigade, these buildings were saved, Fifty loads of hay, 600 bu- shels of last season's grain, and 30 loads of barley 'and oats were lost, LONG SWIMS ARE THE VOGUE Miss Ruth Brown, young daugh- ter 'of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Brown of Prescott performed what is considered the hest endurance feat of the season on the St, Law- rence River Thursday, when she swam from Morristown to the Coun- ty Club dock at Ogdensburg, a dis- [i tance of six miles, in four hours, ! She was accompanied in a boat by | her sister Miss Rita Brown, who was ' quite tired from rowing the she left the water and aided 'her sister to pull the boat out on the beach, COBOURG RINK WINS Cobourg carried off the two first. prizes at the women's bowling tournament, whicly was completed in Cobourg Thursday night. M. Bonthe. skip; Mrs. P. J. Staitch vice-skip; Mrs, Harcourt and Mrs. MacLend won the first prize. Mrs. | Nieholl, skip; Mrs. R. K. Cooke, vice-skip; Miss Emma Pender snd Mrs. Young the second prize. The third prize was won by a Bellev'lle| r'nk skipped by Miss McLeown, nA | the fourth prize by a Tweed gu skipped by Mrs. Howson. There were 18 rinks engaged, 13 coming from out of town and representing Relleville. Peterboro, Campheliford, Tweed, Stirling Warkworth New-| castle and other bowling clubs. RHINE OCCUPATION NOTES EXCHANGED Fi ranco-British "Negotiations May Resullt in Troops Reduction London, Aug. 19.--Great Britain bas received a reply to two notes | sent recently to Frapce on the sub- ject of a proposed reduction in the | pumber of Allied troops in the | Rhineland. The whole Locarno policy of con- ciliation is involyed in the English- French diplomatic exchanges, which . have continued for nearly a month, | as Germany awaits reduction of the | occupation forces in accordance | with her understanding of the aims enunciated at the Locarno confer- ence. It is believed in London that the outcome of megotiations will be | a reduction fin the French troops by 5,000 or 10,000, which would be followed by a 10 per cent. in the small British force of occupation. The British Foreign Office declin- ed to comment on the tenor of the French note or on the progress of the negotiations. BELGIAN CLAIMS NEW MUSICAL TITLE Brussels, Aug. 19.--Emile Glan- eur, of Thiey, claimed the long _ Mistance musical championship, having walked 100 miles from Thiey to Brussels and back without once ceasing to play his accordion. The jourmey to Brussels took 16 hours and the return walk 20 hours. Previously the Belgian record-- aimed also as a world one--was held by 2 drummer, who gave a 59 mile non-stop comcert. Crowds along the route turned out to cheer Glaneur on his walk. . island, craft | |i Miss Ruth showed no fatigue when | | mrs | PRINCES AT VICTORIA Victoria, B.C., Aug. 19.--The Prince of Wales and Prince George came to Victoria today without for- mality, At the request of the Prince of Wales there was no guard of honor. The Royal brothers regard their vigit to the island as essentially a holiday visit and they will spend the week-end quietly, golfing and mak- ing a few motor trips about the On the boat today their Royal Highnesses were informally received by Lieut.-Governor Bruce and by the Hon, Dr, J. MacLean, acting Premier of British Columbia, The Prince of Wales and Prince George were welcomed as they came off the beat by several; thousand people, The two princes drove along the 82 Simcoe Street South FUNERALS AT A SENSIBLE COST Wright Funeral Service embodies a completeness of ap- pointments and arrangements that is markedly superior, an atmosphere of quiet, dignified refinement is evident throughout, expressive of the best. We Feature This Funeral $100 Complete Including good quality black or grey cloth covered cas- ket--outside case--embalming--hearse--car--newspaper notice--and our professional services, Other Funerals at $85, $100, $125, $145, $175 with equally as great a saving, Wright Funerals Successor to Disney Funeral Service AMBULANCE SERVICE war memorial, white the Tune of Wales placed a wreath at the foot of the statue. HETUR FROM VACATION Whitby, Aug. 20.--Rev. A, M. Irwin who has returned from his holiday will conduct the Hervices at the United Church tomorrow, divine worship at eleven in the morning and seven in the evening. Sunday School at three. in the after- noon, SEVERAL TRANSFERS MADE IN REVENUE DEPARTMENT Dttawa, Ont, Aug. 19.--A num. her of tranfers in the staff of the Department of National Revenue, at the Border Cities, are noted in the Civil Service Commission list, issu- ed today, James Adams, Customs Excise Examiner at Walkerville be- comes senior Customs Excise Exam- iner at Windsor (Riverside), W, J. Maw, is promoted from Customs Ex- cise Examiner 'to be senior Customs Excise Examiner at Windsor, L. I. Westrop, formerly postal clerk at Windsor post office, becomes Cus- toms Excise Examiner at Walker. ville, Ont. Phone 1082 SA Out They Go! ENGEL'S Selling Out LE Here are a few items for early Monday morning selling -- You'll have to hurry to get them, Flannelette Blankets 12/4 double bed size, white with pink or blue borders. Get all you want at, pair, 87c Glass Toweling 18" Glass Toweling, blue and red check, real good quality -- quantity limited, but Filled Cartes with pink and blue tries med edges. Watt fee vasestional valpets Oc TURIN on RED LETTER NIT (Contirgied from page ust 23. At that hour "ihe Sonster Parade will begin to form up at the Armories and immediately east of the Armories. Enter Your Bicycle In addition to the entries already listed, one of the night's big fea- tures will be decorated bicycles. Hverv bievele owner in Oshawa should get ready to enter this prise winning section of the parade. At 6.45 p.m. the big procession moves off, headed by the Ontario Regiment. Salvation Army, and Oshawa Canadian Legion's kilted Pipe Band heading the 'three grand sections, The marching jazz bande will proesed with the fancy and comic costumed entries; the truck Jazz bands will fall in with the re- spective truck sections, The parade will take about 46 minutes for its hilarious journey through the principal residential streets, It will return to the Street Fair Area where every ome in the parade will join the throngs already assembled about the 23 street fair baoths. Some revisions have been made in the first schedule of Rotary Street Fair attractions, together with some additions, There will be no "Hit the Nigger" targets, but Murray Miller with Bill Tait have arranged a floating helloon target gallery, George Honley, also scheduled to run a "Hit the Nigger" booth, has ar- ranged to gve away quarters, In front of you there will he a plain apple barrel, On top of it a plain five pin which, in turn, will bear a silver quarter on its upper sur- face. You hit the five pin with a convenient ball, and the quarter flics off. If the quarter hits the ground, the quarter's yours, falls on the barrel top, Mr, retains the quarter. Could thing be simpler? Publicity has already heen given to the ice cream, hot dog, and cold drink booths and their stout crews of chefs and dispensers, Henley any- ' ded to the Weigh | Hvely by Art Garbutt and Art Al- Viking Urns But new features have been ad- Scales Booth which will be presided over respec. loway. These gentlemen will not only welgh you, they will, metha- loons arrived yesterday, It it on a stick, bi but balloons titled with hydrogen, and quite capable of sail- ing out of sight if 'released. Trum- pets, rattles, jazs nolse-makers, and many other exciting novelties will be in constant demand at this booth which will feature Wilse Nrew, Al bert Crowle and Dr. T. W, G, Me- Kay as super-salesmen, Tanks with hydrogen for the bal- Presidemt Storie of the Oshawa Rotary Club announces. The band stand for the night will be erected at the intorsection of King and Simcoe streets, at the pre cise center of Oshawa's down-town section, The profits of the Rotary Street Fair go to the equipment of the Children's Playground on Centre Street, towards which--purchase price and davelopment to date-- Oshawa Rotarians have given over $6,000, In tHe Street Fair's many at- tractions, citizens in general will be given the opportunity of making Oshawa a better city for. children to live in, RAINS CEASE IN FLOODED AREAS EMPIRE MINING CONGRESS C WILL TOUR THR DOMINION Montreal, "Aug. 19.--While vark ous cities sud towns fn Canada are playing host to convemtions and meetings of national and interna. tional bodies, the Donginion as a whole will be the scene of the second triennial Empire mining and metal lurgieal congress, which opens in Montreal on Monday. In the course of their meetings the delegates wil visit practically every mining centre of Canada, and will hold meetings from coast to coast, in Montreal, To- ronto, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Vancouver, Quebec, Sidney and Sk. John's, Newfoundland. PHONE 705 Kelly's Drug Store 34 King St, W, Prompt Delivery Heavy Damage Caused in Stricken Kansas Dis- tricts Topeka, Kansas, Aug. 19.--While Kansas towns continued to battle floods from raging streams a bright- ly shining sun that stopped two weeks of heavy downpours gave promise that the end was In sight, Salina was fighting its worst flood: since 1902; 76 blocks in Wichita were inundated and Hutch- inson perpared for a floolling as highwaters rushed toward the town from the northwest, Hundreds of homes in West and northwest Salina already were sur- rounded by water from Dry Creek when the Smoky Hill River rose suddenly, broke its bounds and poured a stream into the east and southern sections of the city, LACKHEADS Blackheads go anickly hy a simple method that just dissolves them. Get two ounces of neroxing pow- phorically speaking, tell your for- tune. Mystic Urns brought baek from the Land of the Mdnight Sun | by Art Lovell will stand on the weighing platforms. After finding | _ that you are eating too many pota- | toes, you will advance to these Vi- king Urps and receive your Tortune | written in true Runic Rhyne. Al peculiar incense such as the old Mystery Women of Scandinavia | once used will set the seal of au-' thenticity upon your written fate. | The scales, Incidentally, are loan- ed for the occasion by the Toledo Weigh Scales Company of Toronto, and while anyone can bg as scepti- ~al as they please about their for- tunes--until they come true--there will be no doubt at all about what the scales say. Rev. Dr. Dougall, it is now defin- itely announced, will be the bene- yolent and presiding genius of the Flower Booth. The booth itself will contain and circulate two sorts | of flowers. Among the garden beau- ties will be 2,000 roses donated by | Lewington the Florist. There will | be many others. Of the other sort | of flowers, wait until Tuesday | night! While the personnel of the blan- ket booths bas already been an pounced, enough emphasis has not been put on the fact that these cen- ters of attraction will be remines- cent of the best days in the Old West. Moreover, blankets will not be the only reward of pleasure seek- ers. There will be motor rugs and steamer wraps in Frank Johnston's booth; and the heart of the rainbow will be displayed in the booth of which Ernie Marks will be in charge. The scarlet splendor of 'the genu- ine Hudson Bay will be toned down by the French grey of the blanket that turns the January sleeping poreh ipto dreams of June. Chester Smith, with Art Germond, will present the Street Fair's un- surpassed display of ladles' wear. Silk stockings, the sheer kind that are true heroes--unable to run-- will be but ome of the minor at- tractions of this section. Fine Prizes No ome will be able to resist the Ring Throwing booth with Dr. Phillips as barker. Oshawa made Art Pottery will reward skill' at this point. The sweater booths will again remind one of Roaring Gulch Camp, out where the Wide Open Spaces begin. This effect will This is a game in which 25 or more earnest players can take part. The prizes are aluminum cooking muten- sils. music, and acrobatics of the highest order. Albert Cutler, with Mayor Preston as chief of staff. will manage the Stroet Fair's great sideshow. er from your druggist, rub this with a hot, oA Cloth briskly over the blackheads--and you will wonder where they have gone. (1517) HEWDCREONS New Wallpapers -- ANA -- k {) --ihe Se whey Mi ENE EE Erg fies BE ii i old Maen nd 3 sports' / 49" Yean LTE SS RIS: Voronter Bok: © FISHER BODY LUXURY CUSTOM CAR QUALITY POWERFUL "6" ENGINE Proved by General Motors EFORE spend the price Te then the price of a Pandas Bi or omy cor sok your self these questions: I sfery WJ culoy the sombo isher performance of a rugged si x , developed and organization in the world? totuin foe aaml i Soin aw ulisy exempt MOFFATT; 88 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Pluck, Soholoary, Sling bes urious interior appointments? Will I be sssured of long-life economy and bigh resale valueP, Because Pontiac Six is the Lows est Priced Six that meets afl See the New and Finer Pontiso Fix ot New and Lower Prises. MOTOR SALESILTD. Phone 915 | White Curtains | marvels from far off lands, all these will vie with one amother in enter- taining the Street Fair's tRousands. | The fast. but not least. is George | Hezziewood's Nowelty Booth. First in order, will be balloons that float. Not the air-intiated kind that. hang PONTJAC SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITER = ------------------ A ------