Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1927, p. 1

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Tie The Oshawa'Daily Reformer Ba A VOL. 1--NO. 41 Mithed t Qu, ont Coir Sz, bo PLANE SEARCHING PACIFIC MAY B i OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1927 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. FOURTEEN PAGES RAILWAY T0 USE NORTH LINE MONDAY Freight Traffic Out of Oshawa | to Be Diverted from the Main Line PLANS ARE COMPLETE Little Switching Will Be Done on Bruce Street and Ritson Road In accordance with their previous- ly announced policy of doing as lit- tle switching as possible on the pub Me streets the Oshawa Railway will on Monday inaugurate a new system whereby General Motors freight wil be switched in and out of Oshawa by the north junction which con- nects with the Orono line, Form- erly General Motors freight ware switched to the main line at Osh- awa, Under the new arrangement Bruce street and Ritson road south tracks will be be little used for switching, The annour{'ement to this effect was made today by Supt Callaghan of the Oshawa Railway. Preparations for the change which is now being made have been under way for some months past during which time the spur leading from the General Motors plant to the north junction has been electrified and suitable yards built. From the north junction the freight will be hauled to Whitby Junction where it will reach the main line. With the operation of the mew spur underway a new chapter in ac- cident prevention in", awa will have beéfi written, Despite the pre- cautions taken hy the railway com- pany. accidents have oceurred. some of them tragic in nature, "We are very anxious to remove all traffic from the public streets and when such is possible none will be more pleased than us," stated Mr. Calla- ghan today. Several Oshawa persons figured in a motor mishap which occurred on the Kingston Highway three miles west of Whitby last wm'ght when a car driven by Orley Axford, 151 Brock street east, collided with a west bound car piloted by Rich- srd Lansdowne of Ossington Avenue Toronto. A charge of reckless driv- ing will be laid a ainst the latter by Provincial Constable Cookman who investigated. Axford was ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Pratt. Miss E. Pratt, Mrs. A. Pratt and Mrs. W. Baker, all of Oshawa. There were no injuries It is alleged by police that Lans- downe was hogging the road, Only the two cars were on the road at the time but the wheels of Lans- downe's car were only four and a balf feet from the south side of the road the skid marks showed. WOMAN INJURED IN AUTO CRASH Charge of Reckless Driving to Be Laid Following Mis- hap on Highway One woman was severely injured and a man was badly shaken up in 8 motor accident which took place on the Kingston Highway four miles west of Whitby last night. As a result of the accident a charge of reckless driving will be laid against W. H, Dawdy of St. Catharines who, it is alleged, attempted to pass a threshing machine in the face of an oncoming car, driven by Armand Paquette of Detroit, Mich. The af- fair was investigated by provincial constable Cookman. Mrs. Paquette was injured and was taken to Pick- ering where she was attended by Dr. Cartwright. Both cars were badly damaged. It is alleged that the threshing machine did not have a tail light and a charge may be laid aecord- ingly. be CITY OF HONG KONG (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Hong Kong, China, Aug. 20.--A "typhoon hit Hong Kong today. Trams and ferries to Kowloon, op- posite Hong Kong, stopped running and shipping was held up. The wind was increasing at the last reports and considerable damage was fear-. ed. Gilpin announced today. (By Asociated Press) San Francisco, Aug. 20,--A mes- sage received by the Federal Tele- raph Company early today from 'he tanker West Sequana, approxi- mately two hundred miles west of 'his city and seventy miles north f the Great Circle route to Hono- lulu, said that it had sighted a flare 'and was standing by until daylight. "he flare was not repeated the mes- sage said. San Francisco, Aug, 20.--An er- 'and of mercy and rescue apparently was at a dramatic and sudden end 8s vast reaches of the Pacific were being combed today for Capt. Wil- liam P. Erwin and Captain A, S. E'chwaldt, pilot and navigator re- spectively of the rescue plane Dal- las Spirit. The plucky pair started from Oakland yesterday to wing their way over unused lanes of wa- ter between here and Hawali in on effort to "spot" the missing Dole flight planes--The Golden - Eagle and the Miss Doran--or their five occupants, 4 Whether fate intervened or their radio. equipment went out of order is mot known, but at 9,02 last night DALLAS SPIRIT TAKES A DOUBLE TAIL SPIN MAY HAVE HIT WATER STILL NO TRACE OF PLANES MISS DORAN AND GOLDEN EAGLE WHICH HAVE BEEN MISSING THREE DAYS AFTER STARTING IN $35,000 DOLE FLIGHT -- TANKER SIGHTS FLARE, BUT ON INVESTIGATION DISCOVERS NOTHING -- FRANTIC 8. O. S. CALL FROM DALLAS SPIRIT FOLLOWED BY RADIO MESSAGE OF TAIL SPIN, THEN SILENCE FOLLOWS following a message flashed into the offices here of the Associated Pres ~--"8.0.8.-- Tail spin." Then sil ence, Cry For Help As swiftly as lightning cleaves the sky came the ery for help from Erwin and Eichwaldt, Lnlled into security hy the pieasant greetings received over many hours the A. P. operator suddenly electrified into action, began writing furiously. Here is what poured into his ears: "Went into tail spin---came out 0.K., but sure scared fare war close ecall---RBill "Erwin'. Thought it was all off hut we came out of it Lights on instrument hoard went out and it was so dark that Bill rouldn"t gee the---8 0.8, tail spin", He heard no more, It was a stunning climax noble undertaking. The A. P, op- erator gasped, handed his copy to the editor and turned hack to his instruments. Feverishly he whirled the dials of the radio, listened for some further sign from the air. There was no response, Saw Plane San Francisco, Aug. 20 --A sec- ond message from a steamer added (Continued on page 3) to a PLAYS AGAINST 25! STEWART STORIE Chairman of the Bingo Booth at the Rotary Street Fair to be held Tuesday evening, August 23. Newt Johns and George Ed- monds are chief accomplices in the Bingo section of the Big Street Fair's effort to equip the Children's Playground on Centre Street. The prizes are Aluminum Utensils of the highest quality and utility. WHEAT CUTTING IN WEST Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 20.--Wheat cutting in Western Canada will not be really general for another ten days at least, and in many districts it will be fully two weeks, states the fifth annual erop report published by the Manitoba Free Press today. CAR SOMERSAULTS ON DREW STREET Driv'n by Gerald Montgom- ery, 264 Jarvis street, a Ford sedan after skidding forty feet on Drew street struck the kerb and turned a compb te somer- sault, narrowly averting a head- on collision with a tree, early yesterday evening. It is alleged that Montgomery trawwlling north on Drew street was ging somewhat fast when he sudden- ly spotted a coupe driven b;/ J. McClain proceeding j>ast on Athol street. Montgomery jam- med his breaks on and skidded striking the north kerb and somersaulting, but missing the coupe. Both ft fenders of his car were wrecked, a rear spring was broken and the left front wheel was shattered, SIX OSHAWA GIRLS LEAVE FOR LAKE COUCHICHING CAMP With Mrs. W. H. Tait in charge a group of six Oshawa girls will leave on Monday for ten days on the shores of Lake Couchiching near Longford. Girls will be present. at the camp from all over the province and the outing is under the auspices of the Provincial Girls' Work Board. Mrs. Tait will be one of the lcaders at the camp. The girls going from Oshawa are: Helen and Jean Matthews, Catherine Luke, Nora Mundy, Alice Roff and Dorothy Hancock. A judge has been arrested for speeding up. It perhaps is a need- less remark that he did it in a motor and not in court.-- Rowboat to Follow Local Swimmer In C. N.E. Marathon Is Named "The Motor City" The row boat which will follow Ernest Fawcett, Oshawa's official en- trant in the C.N.E. Marathon Swim on August 231, will be christened, "The Motor City, Manager Harry A motor boat will also follow the marathon swimmer and his manager from the start of the race umtil the finish. Fawcett's entry into the big swim, whieh was temporarily accepted by C.N.E. officials, is now a matter of official record, the committee back- ing the local entrant was informed vesterday. The warrant of entry will be forwarded within the next few days. Trainer "Sandy" McKean declares that he fs more than optimistic over Fawcett's chances. Under gruelling daily practice, Fawcett has increas- ed his weight from 145 to 152 pounds in a fortnight. alizing in the breast = and side He is speci- endurance, but with the crawl for strokes for some practice in speed. The committee, it is reported, is working overtime om their self-im- posed task of getting tangible pub- lic support. Subscriptions are com- ing in and acknowledgement will be made as soon as the first list is audited. Mayor Preston is the lo~al committee's treasurer. His worship states that contribu- tions to the Oshawa Swimming Fund may be left at the Royal Bank where the funds for Fawcett's ex- penses are being deposited. Ald. Frank Johnston, Howard Ed- mondson and Andy Leishman are all doing earnest work in their respective committee fields, it is stated, and splendid support is be- ing obtained both amongst Gener- al Motors employees and citizens in general. LOST Site For "New; Children's s Playground J | dren. over $6,000 on the project, street fair and carnival, The illustration shows the property fronting on to include a large area of meadow land, which has been purchased and already largely developed by the Osh- awa Rotary Club as a site for a Children's playground. A stone terrace has been erected which will separate th. The complete cost of the Park will total some $10,000 or more. It is hoped that the balance needed will be raised at next Tuesday night's grea: Centre street and BUILDING IN CITY NOW AT FULL SPEED Fine Progress Being Made on Factory Extensions and Apartment Houses GENERAL ACTIVITY Start Work Today on the New Addition of General Motors Building operations in Oshawa which have been exceptionally brisk during the past months are being pushed forward with all possible speed now that the fall months seem more closely at hand, Factory ad- ditions are being erected with great despatch and apartment houses and dwellings are being rushed with un- usual celerity. The housing short- age is still acute and there is every indication that the situation will be even more severe when the fac- tory additions now under way are completed. To assist in coping with the shortage, builders are erecting dwellings innumerable. There is not a street in Oshawa on which the sound of the driving hammer and cutting saw cannot be heard. Every- where there is unparalleled evidence of prosperity with its handmaiden, progress. Today work is started on another of the General Motors additions, the contraet for which was given the Anglin-Noreross some days ago. The contract is for an additional (Continued on page 2) TWIN DOLLAR DAYS HERE NEXT WEEK Dollar Day Issue of The Times to Appear on Wednesday Modern fashions and customs seem to demand the setting apart of special days. Mother and her Day in the springtime. Dad his in the Fall. But the latest entity which is to be recog- nized in this way will have two days taken from the good old summer time His Majesty The Dollar has been sel- ected for special recognition in Osh- awa and Friday and Saturday of next week accordingly are to be known as Dollar Days. On those days green backed dollars bearing the facsimile of His Majesty the King will purchase more than one hundred cents is ac- customed to brine. Dollar Days will be marked by un- usual bargains offered by local mer- chants. Announcement 'of these will he in a special Dollar Day issue of The Times which will appear on Wednes- day. Merchants are making painstak- ing prevarations for the great dollar fete and already residents are looking forward with interest to the dollar sales which will be held on those days. WEATHER Light to moderate winds, fair today and Sunday with station- ary or a little higher tempera- ture, extending across the Oshawa creek The grounds have been levelled and partly seeded little folk section frons thay used by the older chil Oshawa Rotarians have already snen! ANOTHER APPEAL FOR SACCO AND VANZETTI PROVES UNSUCCESSFUL Counsel for D Defense Unab'e to File Petition fo Review of Conviction of Murder in Supreme Court Because Papers Were Not in Satis factory Form -- No Re- cords Present (By Associated Press) Washington, D, C,, Aug 20, --t'ounsel for Sacco and Van- Ziti, were unable to file a pe- tition for a review of their con- viction of murder in the Su- preme Court today because pa- pers presend'd were held to be not in a satisfactory form, no records of the case being pres. nt, (By Associated Press) Boston, Mass., Aug, 20 ---Ar- thur D. Hill, chief counsel for Niec- ola aScco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, said today that he had been in- formed by Elias Field, associate counsel, that Justice James H. Mor- ton, Jr., of the Federal District Court had refused to issue a writ of habeas corpus and also had re- fused Field permission to appeal to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals: Field visited Justice Morton at his home at Westport yesterday and applied for a writ, which was sought in an effort to stay the execution of Sacco and Venzzetti, whose respite expires at midnight Monday. Hill said that he had writ- ten a letter to Governor Fuller and that he expected to go to Beverly today to see Justice Oliver Wen- dell Holmes of the United States Supreme Court. In his letter to the Governor, Hill asked for a further respite, "in order that the cases may be dealt with by the Supreme Court of the United States. a At Supreme Court Washington, D.C., Aug. 20.-- Counsel for Sacco and Venzetti was at the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court when it opened this morning for the purpose of filing a petition for a review. It developed that the Attorney was unable to present a record and he went into discussion with court officials to develop whether the petition for a review could be filed in the absence of such a record showing the court proceedings in the lower courts. Representatives of the clerk ad- vised him that the petition could not be filed without a record, but the discussion proceeded. JINKS RESIGNS FROM DAIL GOV'T (Cable Service to Whe Times by Canadian Press) Dublin, Aug. 20.--Captain Wil- liam Redmond, parliamentary lead- er for the National League Party, has accepted the resignation' from the party of Deputy John Jinks.) whose abstentation from voting in' Dail Eirréeann permitted by one vote the defeat of the motion of sonfidence in the Cosgrave Govern- nent. i be made [BA LLOONS THAT FLOAT! HEZZLEWOOD Rotary Street booth in whiel Albert Crowle and Dr. T. W. G. McKay will be sta: salesmen. Balloons, filled wit} hydrogen gas which arrived yes terday, guaranteed to float, wil be but one of the many intriguin; novelties which this busy Stree! Fair section will offer to Osh awa's Carnival Throngs. GEORGE Chairman of the Fair's novelty Wilse Drew, OLD RESIDENT IS LAI} TO REST W. D. Hunter Had Resided in Oshawa for Sixty Years The funeral of the late W. D. Hun- ter, a well known resident of Osh- awa where he has lived for the past sixty years, was held this afternoon at the Luke Burial Parlors. Mr. Hunter was in his eighty-fifth year when death called him on Thursday morn- ing. passing to his reward after a pro- tracted illness which originated in the spring through a slight accident. His passing is decply mourned by three sons, a daughter, his wife and two sisters... Two sons, Fred and Charles, reside in Detroit and the third, Herbert, lives with his wife and family in Victoria Harbour, Ontario. His daughter, Irene, Mrs. Coone, resides on Humberside street, Toronto. His second wife, Josophene Colberry, is at present staying with W. J. Sul- ley, Simcoe street. His first wife, Mar. garet McGregor, predeceased him in 1883. Mrs. H. H. Benham, of Toronto, and | Mrs. Annie Covlde, of the same city, are all that now remain of his child- hood family associates., He had mo brothers. He was born*at Perrytown, Ontario, and spent his early life and received his education there before removing to Oshawa where he made a success at the carpenter trade. Rev. Mr. McBaigh, of the Seventh Day Advent'st congregation, in which i Mr. Hunter was an ardent worker in non- | | his younger days, will conduct the ser- vice this afternoon. Interment is to at Union Cemetery. -- !Tnesday night to compete for TUESDAY RED LETTER NIGHT; STREET FAIR All Oshawa Planning to 'At tend Great Rotary Carnival Here BIG PARADE AT 6.45 Bands, Gaily Decorated Cars, Hundreds of Other Features All Oshawa is getting into the ;pirit of next Tuesday night's Rotary Club Street Fair and Carnival. "an-y costumes are being made; up, yrized automobiles will today' gat he first touch of decoration in 'eadiness for the Big Parade. Al he same time, some of the funniebt intigues in existence, both cars and trucks, are being gingerly prodded back into life. They'll be there the grand prize, At the same time, trucks and floats are being prepar- ed for the 'Best Decorated Truck" [oe tus which is a companion to the one turned over the 'Best Decorat- ed Zutomobile." Jazz bands, also, are being or- ganized. © The word has gone out that 'any instrument that can ren- der music will be considered as qualifying under this heading. Groups of eight are getting together, heth for "Jazz Band in Truck' and the "Jazz Band Marching on Foot" sections. Most of the bands are get- ting up. some sort of uniform, Rotary Club committees in charge of arrangements announce splendid progress. As already dnnounced, ima area included™in the four blocks north, south, east and west of the Four Corners on King and Simcoe streets will be roped off to all but foot traffic at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Aug- (Continued on page 8) FINE CO-OPERATION FOR STREET FAIR President Storie of Rotary Club Pleased With Progress President A. G. Storie of the Oshawa Rotary Club declares that plans for the Street Fair to be held pext Tuesday evening are being perfected with enthusiasm on the part of the club members an magnificent co-operation on J part of the public at large. bi Mr. Storie states that the i- ness men of Oshawa and its ic officials are doing all in ir power to ensure the 1927 et Fair's being the best event of its kind ever staged in the eity. As the Oshawa Rotary 1 numbers only 60 odd membdFd¥s call for volunteer helpers has Bon: out and been met with a splend) response. These volunteers Include pot only the booth workers may other non-Rotarians who. + given indispensable service which the Club values .very pil 124 Storie pointed out. Weather conditions for Tuesday night remain the only drone tors in the club's hopes for a success. There will be more booths, fi attractions, a longer parade al great deal more geémeral in These ensure success, Rotary officl- als state, If the weather for Tuesday should be inclement, the fair. will be postponed until Wednesday ing----24 hours later. 425 ENTRIES IN $30,000 £.N.E SWIM Ne More Will Be Accepted, Elwood Hughes, Director Announces . Toronto, Aug. 20.--FEntries in the $50,000 swimming marathon in Lake Ontario, August 31, will auwm- ber about 425, Elwo~d Hughes, director of the swim, stated to the Canadian Press today No more entries, whether mailed or other- wise are being accepted with excep: tion of less than half a dozen 2p plicants who have heen in 'ouca with Mr. Hughes and who he fe giving special consideratio® inal total will be about this figure Actu- ally 423 entries are in hand. L]

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