Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1927, p. 9

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-- -tasteftully-earpied out, =in-any event, . » The Oshawa'Daily Reformer RTA A VOL, 1---NO. 41 ™HEa Sai seb vial hiss ry rg OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2» 1927 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. ce , Second Section--Pages 9-14 Seven Are Committed For Trial In Beeton Case v ROTARY FAIR Tuesday Aug. 23 () ES Is getting ready for the Big Parade which, on Tuesday evening, August 23, will open the Rotary Club's great Street Fair. Prizes offered will attract hundreds of entries, iy 1s confidently expected, and it should he remembered that the parade forms up at the Armoiiea and immediately east of the Armor- les. The hour set for the parade to move off is 6.45 p.m, Cl What is expected to draw the Big Laugh is the section in which the oldest and most dilapidated automo- biles and trucks will be entered, The only restriction is that these eptries must be able to move under their own power, Hasn't Oshawa some- thing better to offer than the 01d Boats recently paraded at Sunny- side? One there had its tires in- flated with hay. It had no bumpers, but a sliding screen said: "Don't shove!" . * 1] At the same time, there 1s a sec- tion provided for the best decorated automobiles. This section should at- tract everyone taking pride in their ears, It js wonderful what flowers, tissue paper streamers, and bunting ean do, A small coupe could be practically smothered in August flowers. A sedan or larger car could earry out the idea of Canada's Dia- mond Jubilee. Christmas isn't so far Away, so why not one or more cars all togzed out with cotton snow, glittering with diamond dust and tinsel? Let the drivers of the cars and their passengers appear in Santa Claus costume J ® . Sometimes the simplest designs win if they are well conceived and Crown Withdraws Count| _ Against One Defendant; To Lay Further Charges THEY'RE AWAY! TSeven Committed After Mak- ing Confessions -- Proceed: | ings Against McEwen Are Withd awn -- He Will Tes- tify in the McDermott Hearing Barrie, Aug. 19.---Seven men were committed for trial here hy Magis- trate Jeffs yesterday after prelimi nary hearings lasting all day, on va™ as ellarge: "of theft of cattle clothing and other goods in the Beeton-Copkstown district, These charges were the culminations of wide investigations made by In #uectors Stringer and Rae and pergt, Creasey, after Dan Fosythe notorious outlaw, had been . killed by Alex. Hodge in the latter's farm- house near Beeton on July 22, while Hodge was defending him self from 'an attack side at Fair Centre ings, wraps by Forsythe, who endeavored to steal from him PARIS CREATIONS CHENIER SMITH Who with Art Germond 'Ladies' next Tuesday night's great Street being staged hy awa Rotary Club in the of the Children's Playground on Street, delicate all 'the votaries of fashion, MOTOR LAWS MUST BE OBEYED IN | || THE COUNTY TOWN (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Aug. 20--Driving. through Whithy with only one headlight cost Jacob A, Segar of Peterbofo' §1 and costs in Whithy Police Court today. J. Riman of Toronto crossed the intersection of Brock and Dundas streets at a speed of more than ten miles an hour and was assessed $11. TWO OSHAWA RINKS IN MONARCH PARK TOURNAMENT TODAY Th second annvai tournament of the Monarch Park Club, Toronto, | is being held today, play eommenc- ing at 2 o'clock, The Imperial Bank | have donated a handsome trophy te | he plaved for eath year and will be called the Confederation trophy, whith becomes the property of the | club winning it oftenest in eight years. This trophy feature gives an | exceptional attraction to the Mon- | | will pre- Wear Booth' at the Osh- interest ! arch Park Club tournament, Draw: Draw--2 p. m. | 1--Rice, West Toronto, v. Ware- ham Kew Reach. 2--Peacock, Oshawa, v. Bell This- tles, Sheer silk stock- ligerie, luxurious these on display for the sum of $610 which Joseph Me Dermott and Charles Hammill, cat tle drovers, had paid over to Hodg: a few minutes before. Courtroom Crowded The excitement which develop ment in the 'reign of terror" has engendered showed no abatement yesterday. The courtroom was crowded to the doors, and scores had to remain standing. From the outset it was apparent that the Crown's principal case js directed against McDermott. This view was strengthened by the read ing of confessions and statements made to Inspectors Stringer and Rae by all the prisoners, who stand committed for trial at the next court of competent jurisdiction. JOE WELSH Who will preside at t.e Kentucky Derby at Tuesday evening's great Street Fair in the four blocks nearest the Four Corners. Mr. Welsh's stahle of Ascent heauties will provide Carnival Throngs with the thrill of a htethme. The sport of kings will he played in minatnre before assembled followers of the turf. The happy thing is that nobody loses, All Rotary Street Fair profits go to the Children's Playground on Centre Street, indicate and rustling, mott pa Evans Sacco and Vanzetti seem to he possessed of eighteen lives hetween them.--St. Catharines Standard. gdd to the night's pleasure by enter- ing your car in the "Best Decorated | Automobile" section, Then, there's the trucks. Not only the oldest and most dilapidated, but the best dec- porated. Trucks give room for tableau settings. "Miss Canada," *Britap- pis," "Ontario" and Oshawa," all these merely begin the list of sug- gestions. Humor can enter into many displays. Why not have one showing "Old Bill" in the trenches; or "The Old Swimming Hole" for another. Some truck displays eould strike a solemn note. Have a "Bat- tle Camp Fire," or "The Spirit of the Empire." * Ld » Just g little co-operation amongst 8 group of good pals, a little work, and then the memory of a great pight and a job well done. Now is the time to form up the Jazz bands. Instruments? Take your pick! There's no law against a Barber's Band: or one parading with mouth organs. Get in the game, and by all means try out some jdea in uni- form. Cave men, sailors, Kn Klux Klansmen. anything to add to the pight's riot of fun and happiness. There's a prize for the best jazz band in a truck, to include not less than eizht instruments; and a prize for the best band of eight marching afoot. Plenty of room. for girls too. Get in on this--it's good! » » Ld . » » The final word fis to remember what it's all about. Over 23 booths and special attractions will open for business in the four blocks nearest the Four Cormers. That area will be roped off from automobile traffic. 'The profits will go to the Children's Playground on Centre Street. Over $6000 have already beem spent on that fine development by members of the Oshawa Rotary Club. Tues- day might will give you a golden-rule chance to do your share. * » » 4 Many fine things have been donc plready to make the Fair a great success. Lewington the Florist has donated 2.000 roses for the flower booth of which Rey. Dr. Dougall will he the chairman. The Toledo Scale Company of Toronto has loaned two of their fine automatic scales for the mse of the Weighing and Fortune Telling features. "Yes, I can give your (friend make?" "it makes a fot of difference. ' can't mse a pessimist] want a fo get up a spring seed catalog OSHAWA MERCHANTS SHOPPING GUIDE Help to Build up Oshawa by Shoppin } | When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Jury & Lovell AL PARLORS Phone 28 or 20 These statements would appear to McDermott moving and as with Dan Forsythe in the theft and disposal of other goods. It was al- f leged hy those making the confes- sions that had been paid to them hy McDer- for their services, McEwen Charges Dropped The surprise and most sensational feature of the day nouncement adjournment that against Manning McEwen are to be per." dropped and that he will be called (Continued on page 13) and the Wonder Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshawa D. J. CROWN Phone 1568 Prompt Service F. J. McDonnel King St, W. 3--Ellis, St, Matthew's. as the leader 4--Harvey, Monarch in the cattle | Clarke, Glebe Manor. being in league 6--Francis, . Monarch Swanson, Oshawa. Codd, + Oaklands, v. Morningsides. money 7-- Simmons, Withrow, v. Pollock, Riverdale. 8MecGrath, St. Mopnarah Pop Withrow, v. Day, Park, v. spirit Park, vv. Parry, large sums of Joseph's, v. Al- bon Aany club finding it necessary to was the an-| g.,... Pas yébo, shortly before Crown Attorney preferred ase puvue Grover made by charges "Robert, you're a naughty boy. You can ust go to hed without your sup- r. "Well, mother, what ahout that medi- cine I've got to take after meals?" The held Church at the usual hours, preach- ing Sunday School at 3 p. m. for "Man's Hiding Place," and for the evening Rev. John Lindsay will conduct the services. Cures Sleepyheads ART WHATTAM gentleman w.th the Alarm Clocks, who will run a hooth of that name at Tuesday evening's big Rotary Club street fair, Mr Whattam will sell clocks for all age: and dispositions. Clocks that wake you up painlessly; clocks designed to break up mid- night serenades hy neighborhood cats; clocks that work while you sleep. No one wanting to rise in the world can afford to miss Mr Whattam's hooth--there'll be something ticking every minute! SERVICES AT ST. ANDREW'S, WHITBY, ON SUNDAY, (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Aug. 20---Services will be in St. Andrew's Presbyterian 11 7 o'clock The text will be services at and the morning sermon "Man Predestination." ana CAR STOLEN FROM PORT PERRY FOUND IN COUNTY TOWN (Ry Staff Reporter) & Whitby, Aug. 20.--A Ford car l= cense number 50009, stolen from Beard's garage, Port Perry, on Weds nesday night, was found in Whithy yesterday by Provincial 'Constable 'George Cookman. The car was aban: 'doned when it ran out of gasoling, Two men were seen leaving the car but no notice war taken of them at the time| Four stores were broken into at the same time and it is hes lieved that the same persons are re- sponsible for all the outrages. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEET IN WHITBY (By Staff Reporter) ; Whitby, Aug, 20.--The Woman's T= iitute held their August meet today in teh Town Park. Threatening g'ies kept sowe vt home, but those who attended spent a very pleasant afternoon. It was decided to send a ouantity of preserved fruit to tha Sick Children's Hospital at Toronto us has heen done other years, A reading was given hy Miss Connovs. and a tasty picnic lunch was served VISITING JOURNALISTS IN NORTH Scheibar, Ont., Aug. 19.--The Bgl tich editors' special arrived here this evening after a perfect run through the forest land of Northern Ontario, The entire party of about 100 peo- ple have fallen in love with the scenery along the line and several of th newspaper proprietors have al- ready made up their minds to ré& turn to Canada for hunting and fish- ing next season. "Mamma, I'm going to have a party and ajl the little hoys and girls on this treet are coming." : "You haven't asked me, Betty." "Of course not, the hostess is never = invited, is she? L J A. L. RODGERS The Home of Wearing Apparel for Men Special prices in Men's Made-to-Measure Suits CORNER CELINA & KING STS. CLOTHES ON CREDIT! You can arrange with us to pay while wear- ing! Hundreds of our « s have avail- ed themselyes of this priyvilege-- 4 WHY NOT YOU? Our store is a most extensive one, and our prices IDEAL SHOPPE . SAMUEL SCHWARTZ King Street East Phome 725 "You Get Married -- We Feather the Nest" "C. CHURCHLEY CHLE a iat. Vo watch and to . We guarantee all repairs--Prices reasonable. * 0d gold and silver bought or exchanged for mew goods. THE CREDIT JEWELLER 23 Bond Street East Oshawa -n --- A . EP EEEEEEN in Oshawa Oshawa 19 Bond St. W, Presentation Club Bags and Suit Cases with Initials in Gold Free of Charge at SAYWELL & Luggage SON Phone 338 J. C. YOUNG 4, PRINCE ST, Phone 793 Insurance and REAL ESTATE If It's Electrical-- We Have It BOWRA'S ELECTRIC SHOP SIMCOE ST. N EVERYTHING FOR TOMORRC 4S DINNER ELECTRIC BAKED Nut-Krust Bakery SIMCOE. ST. S. SESE SE SNES INE NEREE Ss GREENE

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