Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jul 1927, p. 5

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A ---------------------------------------------------- ---------- Eighteen Children Go St Andrew's Swamp Orono Juniors to Tune of 14-1 "Doc" Rowden in the Role of Hurler for First Time Has Saints Eating Out of His Hand -- Sensational Catches and Heavy Work! With the Willow Feature Saints' Exhibition Oshawa St, Andrew's fowua litle difficulty in subduing Orme Gams- fresh ROB TILLS WHILR OWNER GONR Owen Sound, Ont, July 20.--Feor several days past two young men have been engaged in a swindling game in the city, as the result of which they have succeeded in get- ting away with quite a considerable sum of money, Their plan is to enter a store, pre- ferably a corner grocery, and ask for some fresh lemons, or oranges, On being shown the fruit they state they must have them absolutely _ The result being that the by's ball tossers in Orono yesterlay storekeeper goes dawn into the: gel afternoon when they turned them, under by a 14 to 1 score, Doe" nowden's newly touna vole of pit- ¢her was the feature of the game, the erstwhile centre fielder and util- ity infielder pitching six innings of sterling ball for 8t, Andrew's, He only let Orono down with thre hits and shut them out without a run being scored against him, Sen- sational catches by the Saint's out- fielders and some lusty hitting by them at bat were alse outstanding. After Rowden had pitched his six stanzas of successful baseball, the mound duty was handed over to Of- den, who went in for an innings to get a little workout for his game with the Argos tonight at Alexandra Park, He didn't bear down hy any means and it was In this stage of the game that Orono scored their only counter, Walt Shannon fol- lowed him to the hill in the eighth and with a 18 run lead to work on let the seven men behind him bear the brunt of the burden, St. Andrew's started the excite- ment in the second when Gummow walked, Little singled, Luke sacri- ficed and Black hit to shortstop who | booted the ball to let Little in, Young struck out and Carver walk- ed but Luke was scored when Baird grounded to short who was not fast enough In getting the ball back to the plate to catch Luke, The fourth run followed in the fourth canto, with Carver hitting safely and scor- ing on a bad error at shortstop, Gummow singled, Little doubled and. Luke doubled to bring in two lar for fresh supply, While he is sone one slips behind the counter and rifTes the till of ita contents, This has occurred on at least three occasions within the past week, nad In One instance the crooks got away with ever $100, POLICE AND AUTO BANDITS ENGAGE IN GUN BATTLE Exchange Over One Hundred Shots When Gunmen Slug Jewelry Salesman Detroit, Mich., July 80---8hoppers on Washington Boulevard ran for cover late this afternoon when three (robbers, who attempted to hold wp a New York diamond merchant en gaged three policemen In a gun bat. tle, in which nearly 100 shots were exchanged, A patrolman and two passersby were injured by stray stray bullets, one of the alleged rob- bers was captured a few minutes later in a nalley nearby, Another was captured a few blocks away, The men seized one of thetwo satchels earried by tha diamond salesman, Boloman L. Freudenheim, whom runs which went to the first two mentioned, in the seventh Innings. The eighth was St. Andrew's bit stanza and in it they all enjoyed a | bat together and scored eight runs on six hits, two walks, one error and a batter hit by a pitched ball, Young, Carver, Baird, Hubbel, Gum- mow and Luke scored, with two markers going to Young, they slugged with a blaskjack, but ri'ssed the satchel in which he ecar- ried The jewels, The hold-up occurred on Clifford Street near Washington Boglevard, y Christians Lose To Cobourg 6-5 Christians Intermediates have lost another game by a one: run margin, Last night at Lakeview Park they were defeated by a 6 to § score at the hands of Campbell and company's Cobourg clan, The game was a real ane and deserving of twice and three times the crowd that were on hand, A three run' rally in the eighth inn. ings gave Cobourg the victory, having been behind until this time by a 4 to J count, Oshawa was the first to score and they did so with a rush that should have yielded them more runs than it innings when he singled, lewed by another and the scoring was done when liood- | all and Gower alsa came through with hits, Cornish anr Elliott were the only ones that were permitted to reach home safely however, the third out be- ing made with three men on bases, Cobourg started in the fourth and sent across one batter before the side was retired, Merkey was the man to score, making the trip on a hit an angther from E, Camphell, Christians added one in each of the two innings which followed, Roddick scoring in the fifth on a hit and an error and Kellar repeating in the sixth on two hits fol lowing his, which went to Cyril bls liott and Goodall, Two singles and a man hit by a itched ball were responsible for Co- ourg scoring two in their half of the sixth, while Rollings and W, Camp- bell were left on bases to be denied increasing the score, E. Campbell and Drumm did the scoring, The eighth was Cobourg's big in- nings, in which they went ahead win the lead that gave them the game. I, Camphell started it with a hit as he had also done in the sixth ang ie- was followed with two walks when Gower showed signs of wabbling. Winh three men then -on bases, one was scored on a sacrifice and the other two on a hit by Boundy, Gower shows ed after this however that he was n 1 entirely out of the game when he struck out the next two batters io retire the side, " Christians rallied desperately in the ninth and after two had heen retired, Ken Roddick sent out a hit and was followed by two more from Clarence Elliott and Frink which resulted in a run, his second of the day. Elon and Frink were left on third and sec» ond respectively when Broad went ont Froudenheim was about to enter a, after a gallant attempt to bring them Jewelry store when the robbers' car, In large sedan, drove up to the curb | {amd three men jumped out and slug. One run was scored by Lycett in 'ked the salqyman, but he managed the seventh when he singled and Falls sent him in on a hit to left field. 'Besides Rowden's pitching, Little, Carver, Luke, Gummow and Ogden all stood out with their all having 600 marks or better. Carver and Baird looked good by some smart catches in the outfield. The line-ups were:-- St. Andrews--Young 3b, Carver' ef, Hubbell 1b, Rowden p, Gummow 2b, Little ss, Luke ¢, Black rf, Og- den p and cf, Bailes rf, Shannon p. Oropo--Little ef, Walten 2b, Winter rf, Lycett 8h, Cowan 1b, Falls ss, Butler If, McNeil e¢, Archer p. Black rf. Umpire--=Shaeffer. to break away, . Patrolman John Downs, who was standing on the corner, immediately opened fire on the man who replied and then left Freudenhelm lying on the sidewalk and sped north, Downs was shot in the right foot, Two pa- trolmen from the police tow-away wagon saw Downs firing at the car and opened Are. During exchange of shots, Charles Infield, 43, was shot in the sealp, and J. M, Smith, 19, was shet in the right leg. Women shoppers, who lined the boulevard screamed and ran Tor cov- er in shops during the hail of bul- l)ets. and traMe came to a stand- still, ® - cigarettes I éver | smoked. Nice and mild.arent they 7 inches Mild Blended Cigarett m, Clarence Elliott had three hits in five, Goodall had three in four and Roddick had two in five for the best batting averages for the Christians, | while for Cobourg, the best men with the bat were E. Campbell, Drumm ana Rollings. : / The line ups were: Christians--Roddick If, Elliott 3b, Crouse cf, Broad ¢, Cornish 2b, Cyril Elliott' ss, Corni Ib, ° Goodall rf, Gower p, Pripk ef, Kellar 2b. Cobourg--Huron 3b, Butter cf, Mer- key 2b, E. Campbell 1b, Drumm I, Rollings ss, W. Campbell ¢, Boundy rf, G. Campbell p. TORONTO LADIES' TEAM PLAY 0, M, |. HERE NEXT STERN Oshawa's large following of Lad- les' Softball fans are in for a real | treat next Saturday at the Collegi» ate grounds, when O. M. I. take on the Marlbores from the Sunny§'de Leaguep Martbores gre resting-- Second place to one of the fastest Toronto Leaguers, and this game | will afford the Oshawa people a | 8 chance to compare Oshawa ball tossers with those of the big Leag- nes 0. M. I. are a fast travelling team | and are a real stride right now; and | should pull out 8 win. Pirates lost to Nationals, the League loaders, due to an attack of atage fright in the frst innings. Af- ter that it was all Pirates. 4.000 people saw the Oshawa National game in Toronto. We need a blg crowd on Saturday at 7:30 to pull for Malleable of Oshawa. LIQUOR HIDDEN Lunenburg, N.S. July 20.--One hun- dred and thirty-four S-gallon kegs of ram, valued at $6200, were seized by Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Bluff Head. mear here. this afternoon. The liquor was hidden in the bushes on an wnoccupied farm. FATAL 10 WATERLOO MAN | Waterloo, July 20.--Joha Diet | aged 56. of 3 William Street. died 15 minutes after he fell from a soaf- fold on the new Parish Hall of St John's Latheran Church heve this morning. Dietz. whe is a bricklay- or. was carrying a plank along the scaffolding to assist in making Meher when he lost his balance and tell, Mzhting on his head. He sus- tained fractuves of the skull, olavi- cle and right leg. and did not regain | | | Another "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1927 Red Cross En 4 Including Those Going Today 88 Children Will Have Been Cared for This Sea- son -- Scouts and Girl Guides Assist Matron, Two of Each Group Being on Duty for a Week Another eighteen children rang- ing between five and 14 years will did, Cornish started it in the second go to the Rotary Club's Red Cross He was fol cottage in Lakeview rom Cyril Elliott , This group will bring the total num- Park today, ber of children up to 65, and over a hundred Oshawa children will have enjoyed two weeks' health-giving holidays before school opens again, Miss B, BE. Harris, city pablie health nurse, states that the growth of the work at the cottage has prov- ed too much for one matron and that efficient help has heen rendered d her by details of. Girl Guides and Boy Rcouts, two of each being on duty for a week, Both the Scouts and the Guides rendering this help are to be com- mended, it Is pointed out as a mark of youth's acceptance of the duties of good citigenship, Splendid results have heen ohtain- Cottage Today y BRICKLAYER 18 KILLED BY FALL FROM NCAFFOLD Waterloo, July ¥0,---~Losing his balanced while carrying a ' plhnk along a scaffolding at the Lutheran Parish Hall here this morning, John Dietz, aged 56 years, of 48 Willlam street, fell 856 feet to the ground and died within 15 minutes, He suffered a fractured skull, a broken clavicle and a broken right leg, the victim never regaining con sciousness, Dietz was a bricklayer in the employ of Ellert Bros, He I survived by his widow, one daughter Mrs, R. O. Plantz, of Waterloo, and one son Harold of Niagara Falls, ed from the B66 children who have already passed through a holiday period at the cottage Sunshine, fresh alr, good food and happy sure rounding have brought new stores of health for many frail bodies, Rotarians of Oshawa transport each new group to the cottage and bring the ones suceeeded back to thelr homes, Th splendid effects of the work, already apparent, will bear Interest in sturdier and hetter citigans for many years to eome, it is stated, and the whole effort stands us a living memorial to Ro- tarian service ideals in this city, | Go May Establish Third Chil Welfare Clinic Here Soon Establishment of a third Child Weltare Clinie In Oshawa was fore- tion of the Board of Health today cast from the public health section of the Board of Health today, This new clinie would serve the north section of Oshawa, and fill a long felt want caused by the fact that the two existing clinies are both in the southern part of the municl- pality, 4 The clinles now operating are so arranged that one serves the n- adian mother and child; while the other Is dedicated to the needs of pewcomers, Splendid results have "PACEFIVE '™ ------ been obtained, as Oshawa's ever de- creasing infant mortality percentage shows. For the first seven months of 1927, Oshawa's death rate for ¢hil- dren of one year and under is only 67 in the thousand--not quite seven percent, Seven years ago the rate was 148 In the thousand, more than 14 per cent, The proposéd North Oshawa child welfare clinic would he, under pres- eng plans, operated In connection with the Oshawa General Hospital's outpatient department, The de tulls have yet to be worked out, URGES REJECTION OF NEW PRAYER BOOK Rochdale, Lancashire, July 20.~The United Methodist ehureh Conference at Rochdale passed a resolution today calling upon Parliament to reject the New Book of Common Prayer for the Church of England adopted in the Ans alican church Assembly recently hy 517 votes against 133, The resolution asserted that the proposed reservation of the sacrament in the New Anglican prayer hook was a leaning towards the doctrine of transubstantiation, With only one exception the speaks ers on the question declared that the revised Anglican prayer book was a- gainst the spirit of Protestantism, The exception was Rev. A, Little, who said if the conference passed the resolution it would he an impertinent interfers ence with the affairs of the Church of England, , ' Nreathes there a man with soul #0 dead that he will put his Hguer permit In his wife's name?--Toron- to Telegram, The most vexing questions man faces ure: "Where are you going?" and "What do you want for din- ner?"--- Brandon Sun, COMPARE OUR PRICES u 1. COLLIS & SONS CONPARE OUR. PRICES | Great Clearing Sale IS NOW GOING STRONG Men's Khaki PANTS | Regular $2 Sale Price 98c. 2 Men's 2 Pant Suits Made to Measure uick Service. We varantee the Fit 2 Men's Work ENTIRE STOCK CLEARING at LESS THAN COST PRICE SHIRTS in Dark Blue, Blue Chambray and Khaki Reg. $1 Price Sale 50c. tM MEN'S KHAKI Combination OVERALLS $1.59 »-- BOY'S JERSEYS 29c¢ SPECIAL Ladies' tires Men's Striped and Black ped, Weight Silk Hose res 19¢ Overalls 89c » Boy's Stockings 19¢c | Men's Ties 39c " MEN'S WORK PANTS Suits $9.95 BOW TIES | | | | | J ------ ie edt lags «« COMBINATIONS 50-54 King St. W. BEST QUALITY 19¢ BV.D'S reg. $1.25 Tweed Men's Bigs Sulte oy Sie price $12.50 The House of Greater Values Ab AL ------------------ Anand PREVENT --_-- TR A a Sh ------ SALE PRICE 59¢ EARLY I. COLLIS & SONS Phone 73 . _- Wi a vr

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