TB MONEY MATTERS AS INFLATION SOARS, HOW CAN | PROTECT MY RETIREMENT NEST EGG FROM LOSING VALUE? © THE BEST WAY TO FIGHT INFLATION IS TO MAKE SURE YOUR PORTFOLIO IS EARNING HIGHER RETURNS THAN THE INFLATION RATE SRIVINDHYA KOLLURU Canada's inflation rate was stuck at a whopping seven per cent in August and that higher rate is is eat- ing away at you tire- ment nest cae vorast. ney expert Jessica Moorhouse offersan exam ple: Let's say you $4,000 per month to live ¢ or in retirement in today's dollars, or $48,000 per year. Adjusted for inflation with a three per cent inflation rate, in 35 years you'll need $135,000 per year. "That's how impactful inflation can be," says Moorhouse. No matter what you do, inflation will eat into your nest egg and future income, but there are strategies for mitigat- your investments are actu- ally invested, and not just sitting in cash in your Reg- istered Retirement Savings Plan or Tax-Free Savings Account. y <ag lext, she recommends undentarding ‘what you're investing in and making _~ sure your investment port- folio has an appropriate as- set allocation between eq- uities (stocks) and fixed-in- come investments (bonds, 6d GICs and money market best way tofightinflation is funds). to make sure your portfolio If you told your finan- is caring higher returns cial adviser that you want than inflation rate. to be safe with your invest- Over ae periods of time, ments, your portfolio the stock market has deliv- ultra-conserva- ered returns higher than Dreamstime photo One of the best ways to fight inflation is to make sure your portfolio is earning higher returns than the inflation rate, says one financial expert. percentofyourportfolio.A idea to take some money good method for ensuring out of, say stocks, and Dat diversity and low invest- them into more fixed-in- ment costs is to invest in come products that will stocks via ETFs. help you manage your Personal finance expert money more carefully in Rubina Ahmed-Hagsaysas the future," says Ahmed- might be tive. Conservative portfo- ios are considered low risk, but tend to generate lower returns over time and are more vulnerable to being overtaken by infla- ° Moorhouse says the the inflation rate in Cana. da, so you should ensure you have a healthy dollop stocks. Depending on your risk tolerance, stock market between 40 per cent and 75 you get closer to when you need the money, you may want to move more of your funds into fixed-income in- vestments, such as bonds or GICs, “If you are getting closer to retirement, it's a good Haq. That way if the market tanks just before you retire and start drawing down your portfolio, you'll have some funds in a safe har- bour to live off until the markets recover. WATERLOO REGION Community Foundation Do More Good Dialogue Join us to talk about what matters in your ity and your neight t ! hood! Waterloo Region Community Foundation wants to hear from people across our region. We will be on-site at libraries around Waterloo Region to chat and answer any questions you have about your community foundation, and to get your input on issues of importance in your neighbourhood, city and/or township. No registration is required, simply show up at your preferred date and time to talk with us. We look forward to connecting at a location near you. For more information, visit wref.ca/dialogues. Sustainable. Equitable. Thriving Communities. Tuesday, November 8, 2022 Idea Exchange | Queen's Square ON 1N ane Cambridge, Wednesday, November 9, 2022 New Hamburg Branch — Region of Waterloo Library 145 Huron St, New Hamburg, ON John M. Harper Branch - Waterloo Public Library S00 Fischer-Hallman Rd N, Waterloo, ON Thursday, November 10, 2022 'S Indian Rd, Kitchener, ON Ayr Branch — Region of Waterloo Library rt, ON 137 Ene St, on quam St E, Cambridge, ON Elmira Branch - Region of Waterloo Library Thursday, November 17, 2022 Forest Heights Community Library 251 Fischer-Hallman Rd, Kitchener, ON 65 Arthur St. S., Elmira, ON “7100 PM ~ 2:30 PM Friday, November 18, 2022 Wednesday, November 16, 2022 Wellesley Branch - Region of Waterloo Library Eastside Branch Waterloo Pub! Idea Exchange | Hespeler 1137 SE Street, Wellesley, ON i lic 2001 TMi Ave E, Watson, ON ZZ0z ‘ZZ 4eq0;O ‘Kepsinyy | eJUCy COLeIEN | GL BD9]D|UOIYDOOHETEM