in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 25 ,2 02 2 | 10 MiltonMilton Hey Halton, TOGETHER as a community, let's take steps to End Violence Against Women. Hope in High Heels is open to EVERYONE (and the heels are optional!) Be Part of the Solution. REGISTER TODAY: WALK WEEK: or Walk Virtually in your community SEPT 18-24! WALK DAY: SEPT 24, 11am, Burlington City Hall SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS! Walk This Way Sponsors: Footprints All Over Town Sponsors: T-Shirt Sponsor: High Heels Sponsor: Alexis Duncan Burlington Agency Walking Up An Appetite Lunch Sponsor: 21+ TEACHER FACILITATED OR FULLY INDEPENDENT Adult (21+) Courses free At left, Kate Hulford, 18, emerges from Lake Ontario as the first woman finisher of the LOST (Lake Ontario Swim Team) Mile - a 1.6 km looped course open water swim - in a time of 20.27. LOST, one of the largest open water swim events in the world, returned after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Above, participants race to the finish. Graham Paine/Metroland COMMUNITY MAKING WAVES