JULY 16, 1970 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 The following are excerpts from the 1969 Financial Statements of the Township of Schreiber. The complete statements may be seen at the Schreiber Municipal Office by anyone wishing further information. . / TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER AUDITOR * S&S BEP ORT To the Ratepayers of the Municipality of the Township of Schreiber. We have examined the balance sheets of the Municipality of Schreiber as at December 3I, 1969 and the related statements of revenue and expenditure, revenue fund surplus and source and application of capital funds for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. . The records of the Schreiber Citizens Rink Committee were not produced for our inspection and accordingly the attached financial statements do not inolude the financial statements for this committee. Taxes receivable include certain amounts which appear to be uncollectible but for which no allowance has been made. Subject to the foregoing qualifications concerning the Schreiber Citizens' Rink. Committee and the collectibility of taxes receivable, we hereby report that in our opinion: i : I, The financiel transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the Municipality. 2, The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 3. The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Municipality as at December 31, 1969 and the results of its operations for the year ended en that date. CLARKSON, GORDON CO. THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS April 9, 1970. LICENSE NUMBER 3520 TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER -- STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 REVENUE 1969 1968 $ $ Taxation T4I,500 153,936 Contributions from the ether governments 735962 102,533 Other 19,053 2I z 672 Total revenue 294,515 278,139 EXPENDITURE General government 27,766 23,137 Protection to persons and property TH 45k 13,611 Public worke 26,079 ' 31,560 Sanitation and waste removal ; 26,059 8,922 Conservation of health ; 3,177 10,974 Social and family services 5,478 4, 206 Recreation and community services 28,326 295956 Community planning and development Financiel expenses 1,421 : 2,166 Edusation 86,776 139,809 County-shere of expenditure Other 362 T4045 Total expenditure 219,898 278, 346 Excess of revenue over expenditure for the yeer 14,617 (Excess of expenditure over revenue for the year) (207) Surplus at the beginning of the year 98,478 98,685 Surplus et the end of the year 113,095 98,478 contirmed page I6 .. J...