JANUARY. 8.1920 TERRACE BAY NEWS , PAGE B CRO SSW ORD p U 771 E CONCERT PARTY VISITS TERRACE BAY On Wednesday December 18th, Terrace Bay wes ACROSS 40.Seaeagle 12, Wash Today's Answer honoured by the visit of a Concert Party from nearby 1. Not there 41. Scottish down : a Savane ae 13, Rosters Schreiber made up of forty youngsters from the Con 9. Burden 42. get 15. ane tinuation School. This marked the first time a con- . Not ; i yet , 18. Biblical cert had been staged in Terrace Bay, and the recep~ 41. Fruit decay DOWN t- 5 \ 19.""The 1. Hunting man tion given the entertainers augurs well for the future Messiah" eee 1k of similar programs, omposer * gonis if . : arate . 14, "Tree. 3. Furrow les A note of sincere appre ciation |s hereby extended 15. Pillar's 4. Plural 1, Stew ee fae aeaeiate ending 22. Danish a to School Principal Higginson and Teachers Messrs. 16. Book of 5. Kentucky coin . Prices . * a 3 the Bible: Nuc for 23. Likethe. 32, Bend in Kosonich, Carmichael and Miss Fawcett for making abbr. example dawn lumber possible the visit of the students who participated . 17. Merriment 6. Member 24. Uncle 34. Mortar M th k + d h 19, Commer- of the Sam's me rs any Thanks, it was a grana snow . 1 cials litter monogram . Creek or a ° ere Ae ua igure + Oldtines'. 28. Obtains inlet THAN KS TO THE STAFF With the publishing of this) metal L herpir bay as ee Sur Christmas and 4th edition we want to pay tribute Ff 21. Campus utnot =| «29. - Be : ; club, Sunday openings 40. Printer's to Bob Sheppard, William Kozak, Harry Ganja; gra © 2h Ask aime 2 ae? aes Harry Freeman and other contributors who have mac 22. Hawaiian the establishment of "Terrace Bay News" an avtual 2s Botan mrrrgtitt Thanks also to everyone who has assisted in typing "ee er Te eee oe Tt. he a ia Ps & se FL eH SLAF OF THE WEEK 9 oe Coe Cte - Ee ae tl er Y F "eS re atl a eT ingredient 35. Tried for office 36. Book- keeper's ORE headaches 38. Compassion -- "QUOTES FROM PAPER NO. 4 OF THE NEWS "TOWN TOPICS" . "Terrace Bay is again experiencing growing pains . Since our last trip to the Townsite several new famil- ies have appeared on the scene. Among the new com ers are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Flatt and a little Flatt named Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lemon and a couple of little ..--- 79 big little boy and a cute little girl. Stan. Hodgkiss and the missus; Kay and Jim Isberter; and Steila and Bill Lowe are also new. membersof our growing community, - Alec MacDonald andFred Soughton expect to be residents shortly after we go fo press and Dave Mc- Donald will be moving his family from Toronto be- tween Christmas and the New Year. Thus 12 homes will be occupied at Terrace Bay before the end of "46 continued next column ...-- ' 4 tal! foe oe jt's not that kind of bowl game.. - bat