eeeee by a complete restructuring of Department courses of study from prescription to broad guidelines, by the decentralization of the Department of Education and the rising autonomy of school boards, by a renewed and vigorous campaign for tax-supported Catholic high schools, by the presentation of the Hall-Dennis Report, by the creation of larger units of administra- tion and the consolidation of separate schools in Ontario, by the phasing out of school inspectors and by a trend to university-trained teachers for elementary schools, and , most recently, the MacKay report on religious education in the public schools of Ontario. 'Considering all the changes in education in recent years | would suggest that any parent not interested nor involved stems from a feeling of complacency, and this must not be allowed to continue. Educational institutions are supposed to be a reflection of society's needs, and parents have the God-given primary responsibility for the education of their children, and in effect the guardians of the values and standards in schools and society, never relinquishing the role of watchdog in seeing that a' §& wholesome and proper course is being followed. | And the most effective manner to carry out one's desires in field of education is by a united voice, such as the C.P.T.A. | have been dismayed by the lack of vigor and ac- | tivity in so many C.P.T.A.'s due in some part, | feel, to lack of effective leadership, boring meetings and in some cases a dominating individual with a personal axe to grind. The idealism in the objectives of the C.P.T.A. is clear, but they must be studied. to interpret, expand and understand them, into a mutual concern of parent and teachers, for the educ- ational and spiritual welfare of the Catholic child. The C.P.T.A. must never be allowed to degenerate into a social club, grievance committee, or fund- raising organization. There must, in order to interest members, be pro- grams which involve them in discussion and dialogue, research and study learning and accomplishment. A basic component in arousing interest is in good public relations - notices of coming meetings should be interesting and reports informative .. There are possible changes which could be success- ful locally - a change in meeting dates, even, a reduction in the number of meetings, or when possible joining forces with a neighboring unit? TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15. _ In such a small community, such as yours, you have an excellent opportunity to renew, solidify and re- vitalize the team effort between home and the school. Following the speech the members divided into dis- cussion groups and considered some of the problerns presented by Mr. O'Brien. MR. AND MRS. TRIPP HONORED Mrs. D.Q. Hamilton was hostess for a farewell party honoring Mrs. Bill Tripp, attended by twenty- four friends. Mrs. Tripp was presented with two paintings of local scenes and a hammered aluminum serving tray. On Friday afternoon Mr. Tripp formerly Division- al Engineer here and now in Smith Falls, was hon- ored at a gathering in the CPR Office when Supt. F.J. Koehn presented a Polaroid camera on behalf of the office staff and employees of Schreiber Divis- ion. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kazmed- riczak were hosts at a party in their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tripp when Mrs. Tripp received a card table and chair set also from the Schreiber Division. MINOR HOCKEY BAKE SALE A bake sale will be held October 31st in Chapples Store from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. Minor Hockey Association'. in aid of the Schreiber TOWN TOPICS Mrs. D. Moores parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Tafel of Gatineau, Que., are here while she is in Terrace Bay Hospital . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hill spent the weekend with relations in Toronto. Mrs. Ambrose McGrath is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edson Morrill in Toronto. Lorne Nesbitt of Prince George,B.C. is home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nesbitt, and other relations. Mike Kurnicki was taken to the General Hospital in Port Arthur last week. Mrs. Robert Winters is in the General hospital also. Walter Shevchuk is in McKellar Hospital, William. Gerry Corrigan has bought the former home of Denny Neylon on Galena Street. Fort