PAGE 8 OCCIDENTAL LIFE . "THE FAMILY MUST GO ON LIVING" When a man thunders "NO" to adequate life insurance, that "NO" echoes forever in the lives of those he leaves behind. "No" said the doctor, "This man will never be able to pull through. He has lost the battle." "No" said the rental agent, "There are no cheaper homes and no cheaper apartments in the building. You will have to move." "No" said the housekeeper, "There are no cookies in the jare I don't get paid for baking cookies". "No" said the clerk, "I know these school shoes are poor quality, but you asked for something cheap". "No" said the department manager, "I eam sorry if your little girl is sick - but you can't get off. We have a big sele an". "No" geaid the boy, "We can't get married for I don't know how long. You know there's Mother to take oare of". "No" said the College Registrar, "Von't try it if you haven't enough money for the first semester." Life insurance is always paid for, whether or not a man buys it. If he buys it, he pays for it in money. If he doesi't buy it, his family pays for it in the things they must do without. Make your eppointment now with "Occidental Life Agent" - Evelyn Gentile for that sure protection@ for your family. WRITE: * Geerdental Life of California William H. Cook Agency 887-3313 Box 539 Nipigon, Ontario Evelyn M. Gentile Life Underwriter Hanson Block 14 St. Paul Street Port Arthur, Ontario DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME PUBLIC NOTICE in accordance with the notice published by the Reeve on April 24th, 1969 citizens are reminded to to SET CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR AT 2 O'CLOCK A.M., ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1969. W.J. Hanley, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Terrace Bay. PAST RESIDENT CHOSEN A former Terrace Bay resident, Mrs. Joyce Timpano who now lives in Prince Albert, was recently chosen "Personality of the Week" for her pleasant attitude as desk attendant at the Coronet Motor Hotel in that city. A photo of Mrs. Timpano accompanied the congratulations given to Joyce by the Prince Albert News. Joyce received her early training in Hotel pro- cedure at the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel. TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 23, 1969 Council Quotes - cont'd from page 1 ...... Company replied to a request 'for information re,costs of building a fence around the fountain in Centennial Park, where there has been considerable damage done | to the lights and the fountain itself. It is most un- fortunate that this type of vandalism takes place in one of our attractive tourist attractions. The Library Board advised Ceuncil that they hada © surplus this year, and asked permission to hold it over | till next year. Permission granted. . J. Mikus reported on the sewage lagoon, and re- commendations were made to have same corrected. The Aguasabon Golf Club stated they had no ob- jections to the owners of the horses keeping same in that area. George Turenko wrote a letter of complaint to Council about being bothered by children and in fact having damage done to his front door, by rocks | being thrown. This led to a lengthy discussion about the implementation of a curfew in Terrace Bay. The ~ Child Welare Act clearly states that no child under the age of 16 shall be out after nine o 'clock unattend- ed by an adult. ] This will be under further study. The District Assessors*Office states there are 1864 3 persons in Terrace Bay, . j The Dog Catcher announced it had been a quiet month, with no dogs caught. 3 The Building inspector reported three permits were ~ issued in the amount of $3400. 4 Three objections were received to the approval of q the Zoning By-iaw amendments . 4 The Official Presentation of the new Fire Truck ane a demonstration will take place on October 25th at -- 2 p.m. in the Public School grounds . Accounts passed for payment were: Township - $159,649 .07; Hydro $11,857.23; Library $550.33; and Recreation 5,926.70. ; Under new business, Dave Desrosiers said the : Plaza boulevards should be cleaned up before winter sets in. He announced that the Fire Department needs one Scott Air Pack. This request was approved A further letter will be written to the contractor re 7 the completion of permanent paving on Fort Gary Road. Reeve Cavanaugh reported on the meeting of the Home for the Aged, and stated there will be no more" homes built unless the majority of municipalities agree. Reeve Cavanaugh also reported on the North West= ern Ontario Municipal - continued page ? ee ie te add