PAGE A CURLING CLUB ANNUAL BANQUET One of the highlights of the current social season was held Saturday evening in Terrace Bay Moose Hall when the Curling Club held its annual Banquet Dance and presentation of trophies. Mr. A. Cvitcovich was a capable master of cer- emonies for she event. Past President J. Caccamo in his remarks thanked all who contributed to a suc- cessful curling season and introduced head table _ guests and his executive. He mentioned particulary the donors of trophies. Hec McLeod, the Recreatio Association and the Women of the Moose who pre- pared and served the dinner. The M.C. introduced the new president Dr. B. McDonald who, in turn, introduced the 1969-70 executive; - Vice president Bob Roberts,; Secretary H. Brophy; Treasurer E. Kennedy, Directors - B. Hayes, J. Rogers and L. Duquette, Bringing greetings from Township Council Reeve W.E. Cavanaugh spoke on the Height of Innocence Trophies in the Men's Club went to W. Slomke, A. -Latour, T. Cvitkovich and D. Dakin the Kim- ~ berly Clark Trophy presented by A. Chisholm. Caccamo Trophy presented by J. Caccamo to Club Champs of L. Duquette, K. Jonson, D. Desrosiers, and G. Caron. In "A" Division the Hiram Walkers Trophy presented by Jim MacDonald to J. Chapman G. Gusul, B. Stephen and V. Thompson. "B" Division - Carling Breweries Trophy went to J. Rogers, R. Cotton, G. Decaire and L. Lalonde. "C" Division Club Trophy - W. Slomke, B. Suctt, E. Harkonen, and W. Pirie. President of the Ladies Club, A. Latour, introdu- ced the new executive as follows;- President - Norman Crockford, Ist vice - Connie Cvitkovich, 2nd., vice - Betty Randa, Secretary = Julia Rattra Treasurer - Marg Liebrock, Directors - E. Zwir, S. Gusul, D. Koski, S. Richards and R. Beaulieu. Trophies in the Ladies Division went to - Peg Wellings, Elizabeth McLeod, Betty Turner, and Donna Gorham, Ladies Club Trophy Winners - O'Keef's Trophy. Laskin's Trophy - Ann Latour, Vera Kennedy, Betty Turner, and Sandra Allen presented by Percy Page. Seagram's Trophy pre- sented by E. Belliveau to Peg Wellings, Charlotte Scheuchenpflug, Marg Liebrock, and Dorothy Dakin. Molson's Trophy presented by M. Mekilok to E. Zwir, D. Koski, J. Rattray and B. Bouchard. Presentation of the various awards proceeded smoothly prior to the hall being readied for the dance which followed. Music, provided by the TERRACE BAY NEWS Gay Notes. was very good and provided a fitting climax to another curling season. See photos page mB LADIES AUXILLARY MEETING D. Courtemanche will be guest speaker at the Ladies Auxiliary meeting to be held June 2, at 8.15 pam. in the Community Church. Please try to attend. eee WANTED TO BUY - One used piano. Phone Terrace Bay 3842. FOR SALE - 3 speed adult bike. Phone 824-2007. CROSSWORD PUZZLE 19. Relatea Last Week's ---- ee MAY 29, 1969 ACROSS DOWN Ae a 1. im 3 y Answer 6.Beef,pork 2.Regions 20.Part /MS EN CEmPC Re or lamb 3. Cleft of a MANES OAGE 10. Smile: 4. Poem loco- AIL SIWIE JE [TIE INS! archaic 5. Departs motive LT EE eid 11. Therefore 6.Encounter 21. Wire D eee 12. Yeoman of 7. Blunder meas- fa the English 8. Silver ure E royal guard symbol] 22. Bitter fal iP le! 14. Thrash 9. Toward vetch IRIAT) INBEGIATUICIE 5] 15.Largekeg 10. French 23. Goes out, MESIOMMIEILIOIEIR 16. Cerium priest asthetide 35. Norseman symbol 13. Zachary, 24. Song for 36. Poker stake 18. Overhead Maxwell two 37. Witticism trains andothers 25. Humor 38. Electrified 19. Anthem 16. Minor 28. Fishermen particle writer Moslem 31. Sharp 39. Jewish 20. Vehicle magistrate 32. Hoarder month 21. Deceives 17. Formerly, 33. Jewish 40. Virginium 23. ---- Thom- formerly month symbol as Booth 5 26. Path of a V7 heavenly a yA bod: a Me dl al da c ott 5 Laver witht ae Y, Y 7 30. Legal poin PLT All ae ree cates ed eee eee Lt eae Qe | TET TT sacra [| | Yael | | | 36. Tart Z Es 37. Phrase stamped on certain exports 39. Shake- speare's river 41. Black- guard 42. Fisherman's hope 43. Scoff