MARCH 27, 1969 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 11_ SEND EASTER delicious french made creetnes | "aster cv, | anton lingerie' 15 ¢0 1.00 BaskETS }§=- . 30 9 1.75 men's shirts cHocLaTE]|QO &04.00 TERICOTA PERMA IRON DRESS OR SPORT _- 8.00 hisp er Pp anty ho ,, : LATEST STYLES SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE AND: ° nes EXTRA LARGE EACH-1.79 briefs 1.50 .2.0082.50 Si f SOCKS vx a ae nace? si! gowns OR 1.00 ,1.50 ®2.00 oat 6.00 « ZOO PHONE 115 (4 \ ys ON zy A) os ' SCHREIBER 2 WZ ) ae > Mr. and Mrs. E. Maley and Mr. and Mrs. P. Neilsen of Port Arthur were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence. Bill and Eva Ellard spent the week end with Doris and Arnold Almos. Mr. and Mrs. M. Chepelsky with Gregory and David visited recently with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pregent of Iroquois Falls, Ont. full slips __4.00 half slips 3.00 1.00 Now isn't this the most awful thing That we have ever had Our Guides work hard from 6 to 8 Every Tuesday night So come on Mothers BE PREPARED And lets make things right. Submitted By, Ist. and 2nd. Guide Companies, Terrace Bay. nant AN APPEAL BY A GIRL GUIDE Sing a song of sadness A packet ful of woe Six and twenty Girl Guides Are feeling very low. Lost their friendly Captain Don't know what to do And Lieutenent is over worked She may vanish too. Sing a song of sadness A teardrop in our eye "Still the job goes begging As no one will apply Six and twenty Girl Guides Are feeling very bad I LOCAL ASSOCIATION TO GUIDES AND BROWNIES The regular meeting of Terrace Bay Local Associa- tion to Guides and Brownies was held Monday even- ing March 24 in the Community Church. Minutes were read by Mrs. G. Moore and committees reported It was decided that a reserve Camp Fund Accounts be placed in the Guide General Account. Mrs. M. Vanderkan and Mrs. M. Moher commented on the recent Guider-Brownie Training held in Schr- eiber. A request was made for Guiders. There is a shortage of leaders and any lady interested in work- ing with the Girl Guides could call Mrs. S. Caron, 3210 for details. The annual (cont'd page 12)