NOVEMBER 21, 1968 K-C Trades Graduates - cont'd from page 10 Also attending the dinner were the Engineering Department Trades Foreman, the Head Tradesmen, m. members of the Trades Training Advisory Committee, Union Presidents of Local' 665 and Local 1861. Each graduate invited one tradesman as a guest from his particular trade crew which is representative of all the Journeyman Tradesmen in the mill who played such a vital roll in the on-the-job training program. Roy Keller spoke on behalf of the graduates thank- ing Kimberly-Clark for making the training program possible, together with all the tradesmen who con- tributed to their training. Guest speaker, W. Rowsome, Principal of the Terrace Bay High School, was introduced by W.J. Farrell. Mr. Rowsome covered the changes taking place in the High School, whose programs and facili ties will be beneficial to all residents in the area. In two year's time, the Terrace Bay High School will have graduates from the Science, Trades and Technol ogy Program. This will give a student an introductio to industrial working conditions and trade experience Kimberly-Clark and other industrial companies will find it necessary to continue their excellent training programs to meet their needs for skilled tradesmen. Graduates of the S.T. & T. Program will have the option of going into industry with their Grade 12, which is now a necessity, or they may further their education in the new colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. Mr. Rowsome covered two other important areas of education. The need for skilled employees to continually up=date their skills, the other for educa- tion in leisure. Mr. Rowsome congratulated the graduates in success. fully completing their courses; they have achieved another milestone. He urged them to have ambition, pride and energy to continue their education in both job and in life. NEWS RELEASE Keith Penner, Thunder Bay M.P. recently visited Manitouwadge, Marathon and Heron Bay. He parti- cipated in wreath laying ceremonies at Manitou- wadge and Marathon. At Pic Reserve near Heron Bay, he had a useful and informative talk with Chief Toussant Michano. Due, to bad weather, Mr. Penne was unable to visit the Reserve at Mobert. Mr. Penner emphasized the importance of con- stituents becoming involved in issues and problems that concern or interest them. He urged people to TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 11 participate in the political process by making known their views and ideas to their Member of Parliament and by meeting together to draft policies and pré- tests. "The day is past," said Keith Penner, 'whén politicians can remain aloof or the people they rep- resent can stay in the background. Only by think- ing and working together can we build a society which is just and therefore will not be torn apart by civil strife." : REGIONAL MANAGER RETIRES Mr. George E. Gathercole, Chairman of Ontario Hydro, announced that Mr. J.W. Looney, manager of Hydro's Northwestern Region, will retire early in 1969, after 38 years of valued service to the Commission. i Succeeding Mr. Looney is Mr. K.N. Bodkin, present Consumer Service and Sales Engineer, who has been with Ontario Hydro for 35 years. The transfer will be effective on February 1, 1969 Bored wife, after a hectic evening spent ina noisy nightclub with her playboy husband: "Why can't you be like other husbands and never take me anywhere? " you're invited Sunday, Nov. 2¢th 2, REGARDLESS OF WEATHER CONDITIONS ARCTIC CAT DEMONSTRATION _ by Dennis Scowen at the SUPERIOR SHELL SERVICE STATION Hwy. 17 (Kingsway) SCHREIBER, ONTARIO PHONE 328 Arctic 2 Cat ALWAYS FIRST WITH THE FEATURES THAT COUNT