JOVEMBER 1968 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE NOTARY PUBLIC _ phone 315. Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825-3747. 'Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items 'Classified ads - minimum charge 60¢ (20 words and under). -Cerdg of Thanks end Announcements - minimum charge $1.00 (30 words and under). a Subscription rate - $2.50 per year. Authoriged:as secend class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottewe and for payment of postage in cash. WANTED _TO_BUY - one Gir}"Guide uniform size 10. Phone 368 NOTICE - MOOSE BINGO - There"will be a Moose Bingo on Monday Woverber llth at the Moose Hall at 8 p.m. Bus leaves Town Fall in Schreiber at 7<30 pem.e Hidden Number worth $100. FOR RENT - electrically ted three bedroom home. Immed- jiete occupancy. Phon 27 between 6 and 8 p.m. HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG NeTICe - neake Sale for Terrace Bay Ladies Curling Club on "--~--TNCOME - NAIL TODAY Seturday, Novenpér 9th at 2 ofcloc: in Caccamo's Food Store. THE W.T. RAWLEIGH CO. LTD., Dept. K-903-HY NCTIC' - Cash Bingo at loss 4005 Richeliex, Montreal, P.C. at 7.30 Peme, sp Hall on Friday, November 8th ored by the Rossport Recreation for $1.00 Gentlemen: I am interested in the world famous Rawleigh Club. 20 gan Line on a , NOTICE - The Annual Knights of Zolumbus Public Speaking ( ) part-time basis ( a Sua tae Dente Contest will be held"in Terrace Bay on Friday, ( ) Please send me FRE Cook Book and catalog with November 18th at #p.m. in the High School. fntrie full details are in from the five area high schools. Everyone is invited to/6ome out and hear our youth speak. . WAG So en ae Shei my ORAS ee Bes #8. 8 eee eae WS hes aS ari ee eee ee ca eta ee ew ore BEADS _NEEDEDS Oe i Re ai es ate 0! <0 I have a winter project / And to fulfill my needs TARTAROFF - for gleaming white teeth. New improved formla I*1l need all shapes And sizes powder form, removes Tartar and stains of nico- of bead - more beads' and beads. tine, quickly. Only 79¢ at Waghorn Pharmacy. ] Red beads, Green beads, Amagingly quick relief for discomfort of mouth sores, white Some in pink and blue canker spots, dental plate sores, tender gums, with Any color of the rainbow Fletcher's Sore-Mouth Medicine. $1.00 at Waghorn Pharmacy Even pearls will do. / CALL JEAN ROBERTS - 190 leurier Ave., Terrace Bay, to see So please through your drawers all the latest fashions - your North American Fashion And see + you can find. Frocks Counsellor for Terrace Bay and district. I'll appréciate them very mich If you would be so kind. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR ALL OCCASIONS - Children and family por- traits, Wedding portraits and albums. Black and white and/ Thank You, or color. For appointments call LAURI'S PIOTOGRAPHY, 3729 Sima Willoughby - Schreiber evenings or 3719 days. CARD OF THANKS - J' would like to take this HOME BAKING TO ORDER - aks buns, tarts, opportunity to ess my sincere apprecia- etc. Phone 3670. 7 tion to Dr. Uzfcanin, nurses and steff of : Wy : Te 1 - WANTED - male kitten, solid color or tabby, A R $ sallent an hah cask wh Gavtun ee ine in long-haired, six weeks oJd - will provide AN HERBAL REMEDY the Hosp « I would also like to thank good home. Phone Schreiber 496 en cane ca wie all thoge who visited me and sent flowers. ne . .. {9 a seks with DEIGHTON'S Mrs. Lottie Erickson R_SALE - babys jumper chadr and infant Bacni Rosie Gein. seat; best offer for floor/length forral, eh vinaade FOR RENT - three rpom furnished apartment. worn once, ®180 infants sroy gs Ph 2306 : Phoné Schreiber 20 DRY CLEANING MAYTAG WASHERS - 25¢ PER LOAD Hours 1 - 4p.m. Mon. through Sat. 1 O aDsTAR STEAM DRYERS - 10¢ for 10 min. 8 LB. LOAD -§3.00 REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787 SUPERIOR\COIN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS)