SEPTEMBER 12, 1968 A social evening, held at the Legion Hall on Satur day evening, was the setting for the awarding of the prizes. The Molson's Award in the Fish Derby went to Grand Champion winner Henry Duriez for his Lake Trout. Lauri Niiranen won the Molson's Award for the biggest Pickerel, which he had mounted and pre- sented to the Legion Hall. Harry Gusul took the prize for Pike. Ernie Kettle won in the Rainbow Division, and Bob Wallwin in the Speckled Trout clas A special prize was awarded to Tom Pelto, in the form of a cartoon, drawn by Lorne O'Neill and fram- ed, depicting the'Fish That Got Away'. Dave Gunter is the Branch Sports Officer and President Pat Jones is Zone Sports Officer . a The afternoon group of the Ladies Auxiliary will" meet on Monday, September 16th. Rev. Tanner of the Mission to the Lepers will speak and show a film. All ladies of the community are invited to attend. Pein et Ree UNIONS SPONSOR ANNUAL CELEBRATION Locals 665 and 1891 sponsored a Special Events Da on Labor Day, at the Moose Hall grounds in Terrace Bay. Starting at ten o'clock and going to five, there were all sorts of sporting events for the children, in- cluding races, hi-jumps, broad jumps and so on. For adults, there was tug-o-war, three legged races, Mother and daughter races, father and son races, and treats were provided for all the children. In the evening, all the adults gathered in the Terrace Bay Arena to dance to the music of Roy Coran and his orchestra, an event that all looked forward to. Chairman for the Labor Day Special was George McKay, assisted by Bill Pytyck, both members of Local 665. ok ee or PARTIES HELD FOR MRS. S. GAULIN Before her departure for East Angus, Quebec, wh where she will take up residence, Mrs. Sadie Gaulin was entertained by members of the Terrace Bay Art Club, of which she was a long time member. The Art Club presented Sadie with an Amethyst key chain and pin. Some of Sadie's many friends gathered at the home of Marge Lundberg to wish Sadie a fond farewell, and present her with a sweater . Sadie will be missed cera a Rr eet TERRACE BAY NEWS Legion Presents Trophies - cont'd from front page C.W.L. STARTS FALL MEETINGS PAGE 5 BOUGIE ELECTRIC & HEATING ARE NOT AFFECTED BY THE CURRENT STRIKE AND HAVE NO AFFILIATION WITH LOCAL #1861 EXPERT REPAIRS PH. ATL MAJOR APPLIANCES... oe PH. 3387 in town, but has left behind a lasting impression, in the form of her paintings, which enhance many pri- vate homes as well as the Dining room in the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel, the Bank and the Voyageur Restau~- rant. ent eR cit SOS enon a ART CLUB NEWS The Terrace Bay Art Club will hold a regular session Thursday night, September 12th at 8 p.m. Slides of local scenery will be shown. Bring a pen- . cil, charcoal and paper. New members are most welcome. ; The Art Club Season will start with a Fall Week- end Workshop, September 27th, 28th and 29th. This workshop will be conducted by John Watson, well known Toronto Artist. Mr. Watson will instruct be- ginners as well as advanced pupils. For professional instruction, plan to attend. eee The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held in the St. Martin's Church Hall, Terrace Bay, on September 8th, preceeded by the Rosary in the Church. Father Harris opened the meeting with the League prayer. The President, Mrs. W. Corrigan chaired the meet- ing and the Jerusalem Bible was read by Mrs. J. Kennedy. Mrs. W. Pytyk read the minutes of the last meeting, followed by the correspondence . The Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. D. Kenney and reports from the standing committees were heard. Mrs. E. Kettle volunteered to look after the Parish library. Mrs. L. McBride is Convenor for a 'Meet the Teachers Night' to be held in the Church Hall . The Regional Meeting is to be held in Terrace Bay on October 9th, with Mrs. L. Pineault lunch conven- or. The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Mrs . Es Cavanaugh. The meeting closed with League Prayer and singing of 'O Canada and (Cont'd on page 7} mae santana iia maeieh pata EeePC DLP LODE TELA A An Feenercnunisenoiarayns nrc armen