TERRACE BAY NEWS Moose Jaw . and Mrs. J.D. Bryson, Mrs. G. Birch "SCUREIBER: Mr. and Mrs daughter Donna, Mrs. J. Whitton and her family, and will visit a son in New Brunswick before return- ing home. Visiting with Mr. ond Mrs. R. McBride are Ron's J. Watts of Vancouver visited their sister Bea, Mrs. R. Hutchinson of Moose Jaw and Mr. and Mrs. D. Hutchinson of Winnipeg Len Christiansen is holidaying with relatives in Winnipeg and with his sister in Lac Du Bonnet. Mrs. A. Wood, Mrs. Leonard Carlisle, and Miss Joanne Carlisle of Port Arthur visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Winters, bringing home Joanne, Jim and Beverly who have been visiting them, and, Mr. Whiskers, the family pet, who was confined to an animal hospi tal with a fractured leg. Mr. and Mrs. R. Morrill with Greg and Brent, spent their holidays in southern Ontario. Miss Carol Lalonde of Winnipeg spent the weeken with her mother. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sparks were Mr. and Mrs. A. Ball with Lyle and Lucille, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Ball of Geraldton; also Mr. and Mrs. F. Ball of Kakabeka Falls and son Dale of Winnipeg Mr. R.B. Spadoni was taken to the hospital in the Lakehead on Monday. Miss Edna McColeman and Mrs. A. Bell of Mar- quette have visited Mrs. P. McColeman (Edna's. mother) and Mr. and Mrs. A. McColeman. Miss McColeman, whose last position in the nursing teaching field was, for the past three years in the American Soo, is taking a further degree in the University at Marquette. Mr. and Mrs. R. Waters of Toronto are visiting the former's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. L. Small, Russell has many friends in Schreiber made when he worked here some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O'Brien wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Catherine Mary to JosephjNorman Lemieux, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lemieux of Schreiber. The marriage will take place on September 14th in Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church in Schreiber at eleven o'clock, in the morning. Bride~elect Miss Marlene Birch was honored ata j shower tea arranged in the Anglican Church on ' August 28th, Receiving with Mrs. Godfrey Birch jena Doit of Winnipeg, her were her mother, My 5 ; her fic $3) e's mother, 1a Mets e R ~ Hui » Ai $s Tea was poured by Mrs. Ted Wilson an d Mrs. i Mrs. G. B han s anil SEPTEMBER 5, 1968 Servitors were Ginny May, Brenda Doris McParland, Helen C ._ Sparkes . Lalonde, Shirley Winters, Harness, Mrs. D. Figliomeni, Mrs. W. Miller, ' Martie Plank, Mrs. R. Rigelsford, Mrs. C. Pearson and Mrs. J. Winters replenished. Terry Lynn Birch was in charge of the guest book and the gifts were opened by Linda Birch and Donna Slater of Port Arthur. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Mrs. Ronald Hutchinson, nee Bee McBride, whose marriage took place on August 3rd in Winnipeg, was feted by Schreiber friends at.a tea arranged in the United Church hall on August 29th. Receiving with her were her mother, Harriett McBride, her hus band's mother, Mrs. David Hutchinson, Mrs. Robin Moore and Miss Marlene Birch. Tea was poured by Mrs. T.P. Whent and Mrs. R.T. McBride, Mrs. J. Corbett and Mrs. W. Miller. Servitors were Mrs. F. McColeman, Mrs. R. Macadam, Mrs. J. Richardson, Miss Cathy O'Brien, Miss Sharon Jarva and Miss Doris McParland. Replenishing were Mes- dames L. O'Brien, C. Pearson, M. Morgan, N. Nesbitt. Just Richardson and Geraldine McBride opened the gifts and Joyce Richardson attended the guest book. Mrs. Hutchinson's sister, Mrs. A. Freed! of Winnipeg was here for the occasion. : ee dear catiney cry ere ee Le i COUNCIL AUTHORIZES CLASSROOM PURCHASE | ree Schreiber High Schoo! Board Foi Gitar) by | . Margaret Godin, Eye oe and Neil Ross | CHa by principal B.C. Stewart, uganda : the regular August meeting of fualeincl council to | discuss a needed portable classroom unit for the Schreiber High Schoo! . Councillor McPariand inquired if it was not pass! -' ble to get along this year without the additional space. Mr. Stewart said thot it was buf at a great disadvantage to the students Councillor Spadoni asked why so many of these} portables are now in use. Mr. Ste said be- : cause of their low cost-and the fact that they can bel converted into other f re Mi J McParland agreed add fi ' felt it ah : The board agree mie 2g { 2 + Sorquhar constructic | ee ec