PAGE 8 Almost everybody -photo by L. Niiranen Ontario Highway Traffic Act TERRACE LS B SOL@*e se Gwseees mee Pagssiuctegessy Bis "S22583 5 ©» OF Sat eoP Sg. Jes g: g ese. Siu escs=e gees ata Ow S23 ° of, 2 Bopeseedg ete, ce 3S. 5 Behe oa meee s on SBS sBiont Zesga #2 8e% bee lgetistts Fes SES oceahs eaeee! gee acl ggaa*agessse ey oe PSooeskanese 22s Soe desks ae baeee. eset 3g 8 BAGSE sR BeR as BSH aos Veonts Bau Bek 3S 4oFk Baa <SSSSSEERP GES FES: te a disabled vehicle or emergency situation. Turn signals i isplayed. Then they should intends to turn, change lanes or move from a parked position. Effective ight through while conflicting traffic at the intersection is stopped. on a flashing green traffic light ex- exclusive left turns'as well as per- mitting traffic to turn right or proceed cept where pedestrian "Walk" sig- should be used only when the motorist Effective September 1, 1968. _ Pedestrians must not cross the street September 1, 1968. Flashing Green Signal Lights permit be used to i s Turn Signals: Four-way flashers may must not be used for this purpose and nals are d A double-ring ceremony performed by Rev. T.G. Husser in | Terrace Bay Community Church on Saturday, August 24th, 1966 ed in marriage Wendy Denise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunes Terrace Bay and Mr. Thomas Russell McDonald, son of Mr. and Mr Russell McDonald of Sault Ste. Marie. Escorted by her father, the bride was lovely in her bridal go rr of French silk Ottoman made with lace lily point sleeves, lace trimmed round neckline and a circular train which fell in soft folds from the shoulders. Her tulie veil fell froma floral a bow trimmed headpiece and she carried a long-stemmed American Beauty rose. The bride's sister, Mrs. Anita Maycock was matron of honor. © Another sister, Cheryl, was bridesmaid and her niece, Tina Mar € Maycock was flower girl. They wore Emerald Green A-line gowns ~ made with lace sleeves, green shoes, white gloves and lace hea pieces. ach carried a white chrysanthemum. Best man was Page Nicolson and ushers were William Gordon a Ron Maycock. Organist was Mrs. S. Hodgkiss and soloist was Misi Joanne Brown. The bride's mother chose a pink crepe ensemble with lece co metching hat and shoes, white gloves and bag. The grooms mothe wore a rose crepe dress with floral chiffon coat and matching Both wore corsages of Shasta Daisies. During a reception held in the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel, nate! Rouhainen circulated the guest book. Mrs. J. Brooks was dining room hostess and arrangements and fancy cakes were taken care " by Mrs. E. Haughn. The wedding cake was prepared by Mrs. Le f Corbett, tea was poured by Mrs. J. Cumming and Mrs. H. Hamiltons Servitors were the Misses Jamie Cumming, Jane Kelty, Lynne Simmel Louise Brooks and Cathy West. q The bride's travelling costume was a bone-white suit, brown © shoes, gloves and purse. 4 bi aes