PAGE 2 Goto the TERRACE BAY FOR SERVICE by sc cummerr " EDS raced B.A. SERVICE sxe Corner of Mill Road & Highway 17 Terrace Bay, Ontario Phone 3251 Centennial Project Completed - Cont'd from page 2 a set of reference books for the local library, as their | Centennial year project. Recently, Stan Hodgkiss, on behalf of the Associa- tion, presented to Jack Brooks, Chairman of the Terr ace Bay Library Board a selection of eleven books pur chased for use in the library, covering a number of subjects, i.e. mammals, waterfowl, trees and shrubs, butterflies, rocks and minerals, snakes, Canadian birds and other related conservation subjects. As these books were selected with our own area in mind they should provide a handy reliable reference for school children writing conservation essays or adults wishing to identify a bird of a shrub, etc. , The Association hopes to be able to purchase addit4 taanwsl books of this type for the library and -- this type of reference material . School, Terrace Bay, welcomed the contestants, thei parents and friends to the first Area Public Speaking Contest to be held in this Zone. The contest was pal Councillors Association, and the Ontario H dro TERRACE BAY NEWS Hosea 662, A.FaeM. to plaque y midnight ed an Mr. Ray Kenney, principal of St. Martin's Separat sponsored by the Ontario School Trustees' and Munici FEBRUARY 8, 1968 ourefwiee: - SCHREIBER ST JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. A.L. Chabot Sunday Service - Ist and oe Sunday each month - 7 p.m. and Communion 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday - 7 pom. - Evening Prayer Every Sunday 10.30 a.m. - Sunday School ST ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. E. Prinselaar-Phdhe 161M 9.30 a.m. Sunday School - primary and senior 11.00 a.m. Sunday School - nursery and kindergarten 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship 7.00 p.m. Bible Study HOLY ANGEL'S CHURCH - Rev. J.M. Cano - Phone 7 Daily Mass - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5.15 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at 7.30 a.m. Saturday at 9.00 a.m. SUNDAY MASS - 8.00, 9.30 and 11.00 a.m. Confessions - Saturday 4.30 to 5.30 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. and hetore ee Sally Masses Mae - teeny wre wyvere ow MY ttre wee ow search on their chosen topic, and prepare their own speeches. There were seven contestants: Beverley Dean, Nipigon Public School, Maureen MacDonald, St. Martin's Separate School, Terrace Bay; Alison Stev- enson, Red Rock Public School; Maureen Campbell, Holy Angels, Schreiber; Jo-Anne Mannila, St. Ed- wards, Nipigon; Donna Chapman, Terrace Bay Publi¢ School; and Carola Keating, St. Hilary's, Red Rock. The judges for the contest were Mrs. Isobel Marsh Mr. William Loree, and Mr. Terry Scott. Each contestant spoke for seven minutes on their chosen subject. The girls were commended on their delivery and amount of preparation that went into -- their speeches. The judges, after a great deal of thought, named Maureen Campbell of Schreiber Holy Angel's School, as the first place winner. Maureen's subject was Alcoholism and Drug Addiction. (Cont'd on page 5) Take-out orders DELIVERED 5&6 P.M. 10,11&12 P.M JUST CALL 3723 If you are looking for a deli- "home ceoked" meal and for "mouth - watering" pastry ... Stop at the GEM "RESTAURANT CORNER OF HIGHWAY 17 and MILL ROAD . rou rs