November 23, 1967 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 9 BOWLING TOURNAMENT (from page 8) CURLING NEWS Mixed Curling - starts this Friday evening with 16 Sunday with Jan Hall and Ted Stachiw taking Ist. , rinks entered, First draw is at 7 p.m., the second * place. Doris and Paul Gagnon were 2nd. and : 3 : at 9 p.m. 4 Phyllis and Pat Falcigno 3rd. The Men's Club will have a limited stock of brooms, __ Junior Bowling has started but so far the boys and for sale. Curlers are reminded that dues are to be «5 © girls are lacking interest. Entry fee is $1.50 and or : . paid. There will be someone on hand to collect games cost 15¢ each with no charge for shoes .Games from those curlers who are not already members of & ~ are held Saturddy morning from 9 until 12 noon. : ? either the Mens or Ladies clubs. - To get the special prizes you must belong to the Skips will be notified of the time of their draw and Youth Bowling Council. a copy of the full schedule will be distributed to each curler at the rink. Men's Curling - commenced Monday with 17 rinks\in competition. Membership Chairman, Dan Kenney, is looking for one more rink to make an even 18. Call him if you are interested. Also, spares are needed - give Dan a call if you wish to curl. The Turkey Bonspiel was postponed due to lack of interest. It is expected that it will be re-scheduled. RECREATION BRIEFS - by D. Courtemanche Hockey Coaches Clinic - last call for registrations for the Northshore Area Hockey Coaches Clinic to be held in Terrace Bay, Saturday, November 25 at the Recreation Centre. Registration forms are avail able at the office - call 3542. Arena Public Skating Schedule - Times are as follow Sunday 2 to 4,p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m.; Wednesday 3.30 to 5.30 p.m.; Friday 7 to 9.30 p.m. These sessions are supervised for your safety and fun. Skate Exchange - Plans are being made to hold this event within the next week. Watch the News for announcement. Lapidary Workshop - This was held last weekend and was quite successful with 21 persons attending. People came from towns along the northshore. A meeting is called for Wednesday, November 29 at 7 p.m. in #2 meeting room for thos interested in joining the club. The purpose of the meeting will be to.elect an executive and plan a program for the balance of 1967. Men's Basketball - Starting next week, November 27, basketball will be held Monday and Wednesday at 9 p.m. until 11 p.m. New members are welcome to come out to the High School auditorium. Badminton Club - issues an invitation to anyone - interested in playing the game to come out to the sessions held Tuesd ay from 9.30 to 11 p.m. and Thursday 8.30 to 11 p.m. at the High School Aud- itorium commencing November 28. Ladies Keep Fit Classes - held Tuesday evenings at 8.15 p.m. at the High School Auditorium. Registra- tion fee is small - plan to attend this worthwhile activity. Recreation House League Hockey - This group plays hockey Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. This is for men who are trying to keep fit and for teenagers not playing in the Minor Hockey League. K-C CURLING BONSPIEL District 29, Knights of Columbus, wilf hold their Centennial Curling Bonspiel in Marathon Curling Club on Saturday, November 25, 1967. The first draw starts at 8.00 a.m. and the last is at 7 p.m. A social will follow at 9 p.m. All K of C members of District 29 are invited to take part. Presentations of trophies to winning rinks will be made at the social. Members may bring along one guest couple to the social. Bonspiel Chairman is George Tremblay, Marathon. O.P.P. REPORT Total Duty Hours 160. Roads Patrolled - 2,608 miles. Investigations - included one break, entry and theft of cigarettes and other small items resulting in a charge laid against two subjects under the Criminal Code, 4 conducted under the provisions of the Liquor Control Act, resulting in 4 charges being laid against 4 subjects, 1 theft of a radio, case still being invest- igated. 1 theft of a quantity of gas, case under investigation. | wheel and rim theft, subject sub- sequently apprehended and charged. Traffic - 1 motor vehicle accident, resulting in approximately $500. damage, no injuries. 4 charges laid under the O.H.T.A. 32 vehicles given safety checks. 12 warnings issued to motorists regarding infractions of O.H.T.A. and vehicle defects. 1 transient assisted with a meal ticket from the Schreib er Transient and Welfare Fund.