June 22, 1967 The Canadian Armed Forces Motorcycle Display Team will be in Fort William on July 18 to demonstrate their skills. The team is made.up of 51 cyclers. Helmets ere designed to crack on impact - otherwise undue force could result in a broken neck. NOTHING TOWARD ERASING YOUR BAD IMAGE..." TERRACE BAY NEWS PAZ ! ridge TD) ED 0 EEE ee ee 1\on i Dealer None Vulnerable NORTH S9 H109654 DKJIJ872 cCQi10 WEST EAST $7432 §$Q865 WA8&3 HJ72 D65 DAQ93 CA762 A84 SOUTH SAKJ10 DK@Q D104 CKJ953 THE BIDDING: (actual) West North East South gerd oes -- 1NT Pass 2C Pass 28 Pass 2N Pass 3NT All Pass Tine Yates & Sus- en Johnson grad- uated from Explorers. They were presented by Mrs.M.Gander & accepted by Mrs. B. Whent. Mrs. Prinse- leer presented them farewell gifts. Photo by I.MeCuasig. Page 14 OPENING LEAD: DUECE OF CLUBS ' In this deal from a _ recent duplicate tournament the de- fenders missed some good clues for the right defence. While we disagree with the bidding, the play of the hand is examplitory of 'poor defence. South opened a no trump (15-17 Nt) and his partner used stayman for the Four card major. When South responded two spades, North was in trouble and attempted to exit with two no trump. His partner held a solid hand and carried on to game. This hand should be played at one no trump making two. However, the lead of the club duece was taken by dummy and the ten returned. West mistakenly hold- ing off his ace. At trick three the nine of spades was over- taken by the ten in the closed hand and the club King forced out the ace, with dummy sluff- ing the four of hearts and East discarding his diamond nine! A diamond was then won by East who returned a heart to his partner's ace. Another heart was finally won by the queen in declarer's hand. Two rounds of clubs reduced the East hand to Q,8,6 of spades and the single- ton diamond ace. Declarer then led a diamond to the-ace and East had to give declarer a final finesse in spades. South made three no with four spades, a heart and four clubs. The East 'player should be counting cards and realize that South has four spades, five clubs and double- tons in each red suit. When East takes his diamond queen he should also take his ace as de- clarer can never reach the board. He can easily exit with a heart thereafter.