November 3, 1966 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 9 VOTE TO BE TAKEN ON SUNDAY MOVIES At the meeting of Terrace Bay Council recently held it was decided to once again put the question of Sunday Movies to a vote. A request was heard from the owner of the local cinema, asking that last year's veto be reconsidered and either evening or afternoon movies be permitted. It will therefore appear on the ballot paper at municipal elections in December . The Terrace Bay Junior "A" Hockey Association extended an opportunity to Council to be represen- ted in the Annual Program. In support of the first entirely local team, council members agreed to take a full page of advertising. A letter from Schreiber Lion's Club describing _ their Grade 13 scholarship was read. It included a request to hold a potato chip 'blitz' in Terrace Bay before Christmas. Although in full support of the Club's aid to education Council felt there are suf- ficient clubs and organizations already canvassing _ the town. Centennial Chairman Ed Cavanaugh presented a breakdown of costs of decorating the town. The ~ total cost of installation, including erection of poles on the south side of the shopping plaza woul d be in the region of $2,000. Further study was re- quested by Council and a decision would be given following the next meeting. A reminder was extended to all residents who in- stal electric heating in their homes. Approval will not be granted and the householder put on the bulk rate unless all installations and insulation are up to Hydro specifications and that the work has been in- spected. Councillor Sinotte reported on the progress in the Snack Bar: bowling receipts were over $1900 to the end of October; the pinsetters were still giving trouble but nothing that the caretakers could not cope with. Two new switches had been supplied by the company who installed the equipment. Tourna- ment bowling entrants are required to pay the standard rate whether members or not. The cash register in the Smoke Shop was found faulty and a new one ordered until maintenance could be done on the existing machine. Although some work has been done on the auto- matic setting on street lights, further time is needed to have all lights operating successfully all the time Semi-annual flushing out of storm sewers is almost _ completed. Di scussion took place on the question of easier communication with the Police Department when they are not actually in the office, i.e., on patrol--the committee was instructed to make a study of the mat- ters 'Reeve Adamo reported that he was well pleased with his meeting with the municipal lawyers in Toron- to. The matter of the $10 million error in the equal- ization assessment was discussed fully and a decision was made to send a lawyer as an observer to the appeal hearing that should take place shortly. Angus Fraser, municipal building inspector report- ed to the meeting that $6,500 had been granted in building permits during October. A program of reno- vation and redecorating was underway at the old B/A station on Hwy.I7. A request has been made for assessors to come and re-assessthe town early in 1967. Re-assessment is the }- time, one member of Council remarked, that permit evaders get caught two ways--first 'the increase in . their taxes for the improvement or extension to their home and second, the fine for having done the work without benefit of permit. GIRLS GUIDES CELEBRATE HALLOWE'EN The Girl Guides of Terrace Bay celebrated Hal- lowe'en with a wide variety of costumes and out- fits which were categorized and judged, with prizes being awarded. Crazy dances and apple bobbing, followed by a Kangaroo Court were enjoyed by all those taking part. Guests of the evening were Mrs.Jackie Calder, Mrs .Ollie Chapman and Elaine Lang, Brown Owl of the 2nd Terrace Bay Brownie Pack. The guests, Captain Shirley Carron, Lieutenant May Brant and Leader Mrs.Pam Jones were served a buffet lunch by Marlyn MacDonald, Denise Rochon, Paulette Duquette and Geraldine Belliveau, who successfully passed their Hostess Badge on this occasion. The Women of the Moose met for their regular meeting October I9th when a successful penny auc- tion was held and a delicious lunch served. The next} meeting will be on November 2nd. Mr.and Mrs. Jagjeet Singh of Victoria, B.C. spent a week with Mr.and Mrs.G.Sidhu, on the last lap of a year long trip that took them to Asia, India and Europe.