Page 8 THE Mr.and Mrs. L.Petrus entertained an intimate small party at their home in honor of Mr.and Mrs. S.Strapko who have left Terrace Bay to make their home in Rockford, Illinois. Mr .and Mrs.Jack Wellings spent two weeks in the Kenora area, one of them at Locking's Tat and Trailer Park. Tops and Dave Locking and family sent greetings to their friends in Terrace Bay. Former Terrace Bay residents, Mr.and Mrs.Herb. Crisson of Bermuda, and their children, were week- end visitors here, enjoying the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. J.Wellings. Allan Trudeau of Toronto was in Terrace Bay last week, visiting at the home of Mr.and Mrs. E.Ojavee and with his sister, Mrs. Peter Freder- ickson. Arthur Trudeau, accompanied by Miss Carol Ann Foster, both of Deep River, were guests at the home of Mr.and Mrs.P.Frederickson last week. WATCH FOR MOOSE WHEN DRIVING AT DUSK The White River Branch of the Department of Lands and Forests recently reported that another motor accident occurred on Highway I7, six miles east of White river, involving a near collision with a moose. The accident resulted in a complete write-off of the vehicle and could have been fatal to the passengers, who luckily escaped with a shaking up. They again strongly urge drivers to be on the continual lookout for Moose, particularly between dusk to dawn. SPARKS MAY FLY IN MONTREAL Montreal - July 28 When U.S.Senator Frank E.Moss of Utah speaks August 24th at the all-industry luncheon of the 1966 International Water Quality Symposium in Mon- treal, the scientific and political sparks are expec- ted to fly. The Senator, a member of the powerful Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the U.S.Senate, has become widely considered as the most vigorous and outspoken advocate of the North American Water and Power Alliance. The Alliance, as the Senator sees it, will become the largest public works project in history--re- NEWS quiring the expenditure of $100 billion over at thirty year period for the use, management and conservation of the principal water resources of Canada, Alaska and the United States and Mexico.: lts primary geographical scope will extend from the Yukon, through Western Canada and the Plains States, to Sinaloa in Central Mexico. On June 8 the Senator pre sented the essentials of his proposal to the Royal Society of Canada, the foremost scientific and cultural body of the Dominion He has subsequently submitted a Senate Resolution calling for the Executive Branch of the United States a i algae ag ge oe ae government to undertake formation of an Internation- | al Joint Commission, comprising representatives from Canada, the U.S., and Mexico to initiate the ex- tensive pre-planning necessary for implementation of the vast project. Senator Moss and his fellow proponents of the North American Water and Power Alliance have not received a casual response--pros and cons have been numerous and vocal on both sides of the Rio Grande and the Great Lakes. ACROSS -Final -Soft food -Clayey earth -Toward the sheltered side -Period of time -Region -Apportion -Without end (poet.) -Hindu queen -Christian festival -Clothes- maker - Before -The self -Collection: of four -Pitted -A state (abbr.) -Be in debt -Dismiss -Pertaining to Lent -Ocean -Man's nick- name -Facial ex- pression (pl.) -Leaked through -Girl's name -Chapeau -Apportion -Solar disk -Dutch town -Lie about lazily -Tear -Man's nick- name -Otherwise DOWN -Crippled -Appellation of Athena -Places -Seesaw -Looked at intently - Exist -Separated -Girl's name -Sea in Asia -City in Nevada Den -Period of time -Mature -Flap -Guido's high note -Sundurn -Small child -Female sheep -Lair -Land sur- rounded by water -Observe -Cut in fine pieces -Pay heed to -Piece out -Mark left by (Continued page 9...) 31S] 71S BENTO] ORT TNT] Ol SoS Noli] v] 3] Of a] iv] a] [5] s[SL Wis) MENS) IS] Nv} 3] ol] 4] 3/3I5| [a|> SOLUTION -Sewing im- 46-Body of plement water ure (pl.) Strike out bal -Cloth meas- eR eRe a ae Tr