August 4, 1966 THE / PA TERRACE BAY NEWS AY fi bs Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plent, Post Office Building, Terrace Bsy, Ontarie. Phone $25- 7 Pasa for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday Morning. Clessified ads - minimum charge 50¢ (20 words and under). Cards of thanks and ennouncements - minimum charge $1 - (30 words and under). Subscription rate $2.50 per year. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash. FOR ELECTROLUX SALES OR SERVICE - send your name to Box 285, Terrace Bay and Mr.Fortin will call on you when in the dis- trict. TRADE-INS ACCEPTED. Licensed agent. FULLER BRUSH SALES and prompt service. kam, Schreiber 64. APARTMENT FOR RENT - two bedrooms, front room, kitchen and bathroom. Private entrance - main floor. Phone Nick Com- misso, Schreiber Sport Shop. Phone Peter Vander- APARTMENT FOR RENT - private entrance. Call at 556 Superior Avenue, Terrace Bay. FOR SALE - furnished three room cottage in Rossport, Ontario. For further information write to A.McGregor, Rossport, Onta- rio. FOR SALE - baby Layette. Phone 3721. FOR SALE - electric stove, good condition. Phone 78R. FOR SALE - four bedroom house. Phone Schreiber 205. FOR SALE - baby carriage (Lloyd) - white - like new. furnace blower. Phone 3576. HONDA 50 FOR SALE - Also Phone 3343, Terrace Bay. CARD OF THANKS - The family of the late John Parent wish to express their deep appreciation of the many kindnesses ex- tended by relations end friends during their recent bereave- ment. In particular, to the relations, the Clergy, Pall- bearers, search parties, Department of Lands & Forests, the Airways, Knights of Columbus, Moose Lodge, the Royal Can- adian Legion, the Police Departments, the many who sent flowers, cards, loaned cars, assisted in our home and the many Kind expressions of sympathy we received. Mrs. Lillien Parent and Children. SUPER PLENAMINS 25" ANNIVERSARY Page 3 i Terrace Bay Csiwmux'. Credit | te pes Union Limited =, OFFICE HOURS Monday & Thursday = to 9 #4. Tuesday - ----- -219 4PM. Friday - - +--+ 42- -%tall A MM, "ERR THINKING OF INSURANCE? IF SO DONALD BENO Insurance Agency COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE NOTARY PUBLIC CELL. Lot /, Phone 3833 ee AE ET AS 0 N THINK OF PERE 77 Telephone 195, SCHREIBER OT PSE Sa OZZIES LIVE BAIT . mnnows 412 Elizabeth Avenue, Terrace Bay - Ph. 3350. ee SENET A ay CARD OF THANKS - The family of the late Chuck Weaver wish to express their sincere 'Thark-You! to all these who sent flowers, cards, loaned cars and called, also all those who assisted in so many ways. Special thanks to the Pallbearers; Rev. Prinselaar; Dr. Remus, Liz Duffy, Mr.and Mrs. Fred MacDonald, Bill Randa and family, Lorraine Huard, D.Nesbitt family, members of the UCW, Rebekah Lodge end Fastern Star. Your kindnesses are appreciated and will always be re-= membered. CARD OF THANKS - TI wish to express thanks to all friends and relations for gifts, flowers, letters and cards which I received while in Lakehead hospital. A special thanks for the many kindnesses to my family at home. Mary Legault - Rossport CARD OF THANKS - Many thanks, fellow employees of the Tech- nical Depertment and all others who extended good wishes for the future. Drop in and see us at Rockford, Illinois. Pete Strapko CARD OF THANKS - Goodbye, all our friends in the district and my thanks to the staff at Kay's Restaurant, Mr.and Mrs. Pryor, Mr.and Mrs.Petrus, Mrs.Gebski, Mrs.Gramatowski and Linda Hales, for the party and gifts. I will always remem- ber the happy years in Terrace Bay. Nina Strapko "Good management consists in showing sverage oeople how to do the work of superior people." John D.Rockefeller GET YOUR BONUS COUPON AT COUNTER ... PLENAMINS WACHORN'S PHARMACY LTD | Sudden beauty Simcoe Plaza - Terrace Bay Telephone 3666 RRERKRKRRERRRKRRKRRRRRREEE HAIR CAR SPECIAL HAIR SPRAY ... 16 G2. = ONLY $1.49