THE TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and district. Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday Noon. Office phone 3747. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash. Classified ads - minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks and Announce- ments - minimum charge $1 - (30 words and under). Subscription rate $2.50 per year. CARD OF THANKS - Before leaving Terrace Bay I would like to say how much I appreciate the co- operation given to me by my Staff and to thank the residents of Terrace Bay and district for their patron- age and for the friendships extended to me during my stay here. It is my sincere wish that you may all continue to prosper. Myron Narekian. TO RENT - two furnished bedrooms. Telephone 825-3667 . ELECTROLUX SALES & SERVICE - will be in town until Saturday, January 23rd. Call 3707, Terrace Bay. FOR SALE - Nine-piece walnut dining room suite in good condition. Phone Schreiber 375. FOR SALE - four bedroom house for sale. 3525, Terrace Bay. MOVING? - Ray Theriault is the local agent for Rember Van & Storage Limited. Rembers are affil- iated with UNITED VAN LINES (Canada) Ltd. Phone 825-3816. FOR SALE - girl's winter coat - size 12-I3 - in ex- cellent condition. Phone 3765. Phone FOR SALE - House in Terrace Bay, 97 Hudson Drive. Phone 825-3639. HOUSE FOR SALE - Terrace Bay. Phone 825-3539. CHAMB ER OF COMMERCE MEET THURSDAY The Council of Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce will meet in the Recreation Centre at 8 P.M. on Thursday, January 2lst. EVERYBODY WELCOME. Bernice Pytyck, Lorette Solly and Joan Young held a Stork Shower for Mrs.Eleanor Pollard Wednes- day evening at the home of Mrs. Young. Seated in a decorated chair under streamers and an umbrella, the guest of honor received a beautiful variety of gifts from some thirty of her friends. Games were | played and a buffet supper served by the hostesses. ,Prescriptions Sisson's Christmas Draw Winners :- -MR.L. O'NEIL 6 mo. Free T.V. cz MR. Cy DRAKE 6mo.Free T.V. - MR. W. RATTRAY * SISSON'S COMMUNITY T.V. - SCHREIBER * 1 yt > Free T.V. 8 THINKING OF INSURANCE? IF SO THINK OF .., @ DONALD BENO . Insurance Agency COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE @ NoTARY puMC Telephone 195. SCHREIGER Terrace Bay Community CREDIT UNION <=... OFFICE HOURS Ph. 3833 MON .& THURS coe 7 a 9 P.M. TUESDAY .......2-4P.M. FRIDAY For Your insurance Requirements FIRE AUTO CASUALTY BRUGE SIMON Notary Public SCHREIBER - Phone 315 LIMITED TO RENT - two bedroom roomy apt. in Schreiber main floor. Heat & water supplied. Available Feb. Ist. Phone Cosimo Costa at 153 before 6 or 313 even- ings. SILVER BIRCH CHAPTER MEETS The regular meeting of Silver Birch Chapter No. 264, O.E.S., was held Monday evening in the Com- munity Church Hall. Worthy Matron E.Beddard and Worthy Patron A.Farrow presided. Mrs.A. Bailey read minutes and correspondence and Mrs.A.Farrow gave the financial statement. Many thank you letters were read and business transacted in the usual manner. Arrangements were made for a visit from the District Deputy, Mrs.Mar- garet Baxter of Atikokan on February 23. Refreshments under the convenorship of Mrs.Gladys Wallwin sere served, assisted by her committee of Mesdames Stella Brown, Jan Hall, Dora Weaver, Jessie Macadam, M.Cumming and M.Nesbiit. WAGHORN'S PHARMACY LTD. DIAL 825-3666 -- TERRACE BAY, ONT. PRESCRIPTIONS AGENTS FOR: YARDLEY'S -- REVLON DU-BARRY -- CHANEL COSMETICS CAMERAS & SUPPLIES -- BABY NEEDS