Vol .7, No.50 CHRISTMAS PARTY PROGRAMME The schedule and rules for the annual Kimb erly- Clark Christmas Party, being held this Saturday at the High School Auditorium, appears below. Be sure that your children are aware of the times for the parties and of the rules that apply: PROGRAMME - ||.00 A.M. - 2 years to 5 years inclusive (children meet Santa Claus and receive gifts and candy bags. 1:00 P.M. - 6 years to 9 years in- clusive (children meet Santa Claus and receive gifts and candy b ags. 2:00 P.M. - free movie for all chil- dren, featuring Walt Disney's "SAVAGE SAM" (10 to 12 year olds receive candy bags). Children should attend only the party for their age groups. - Younger children should bring shopping bags for clothing and gifts. - Birthday dates are as of December |5th of this year. Children must ask for gifts only in their correct age group. - Each child is entitled to only one gift. Children who are sick at the time of the party may have gifts picked up BY AN ADULT, AT THE END OF EACH PARTY, Let's be sure that we enjoy ourselves thoroughly at the Kimberly-Clark Christmas Party .... but let's also be sure th at our children observe the rules. RULES - G. RAMSAY HEADS LOCAL 665 The following officers were elected recently by Local 665, International Brotherhood of Pulp Sul- phite and Paper Mill Workers:- President, George Ramsey - Vice-President, Dan MacFadyen - Rec- ording Secretary, Hugh Brophy - Financial Secre- tary, James Duncan and Treasurer, Victor Thorpe. UNIONS TO PROPOSE SUBSTANTIAL INCREASES Mr.J.E McInnes, Vice-President of Area 2, Central Canada Council, which includes Pulp and Paper Mills from Hinton, Alberta to Beaupre, Que. attended their conference in the Lord Simcoe Hotel, Toronto, on December 7 and 8, -together with lab- our representatives in Canadian Pulp and Paper In- dustry. Continued on page !0) LET IE ee PS LO ee a 'i Serving the District December |7, 1964 INSURANCE PLAN PRESENTED TO COUNCIL A group insurance plan for municipal employees was presented at the Tuesday meeting to Reeve J.P. Heenan and Councillors Cavanaugh, Brown, Thomp- son and Fraser by insurance representatives Bob A Adams and John Griffith. Council promised to study the brief, making recommendations to the incoming Council. Minutes of the past regular meeting were approved and a Fire Report for the month of November showed a fire-free month, with regular practices of volun- teers. A request for two fog nozzles was submitted by Fire Chief Hofland with the report. For the P olice Department, Constables Warfield and Cuff noted a month with no problems of a serious sature, but with many enquiries on the newly-enforced Curfew. R.T.Yates of Schreiber requested permission to operate a tractor in town for snow removal at garages and driveways. Councillor Brown will in- vestigate present services, together with the new proposal . An enquiry was submitted by J.P.Caccamo con- cerning the establishment of a Fourth Division Court. Reeve Heenan will pursue the enquiry with Mr.Caccamo. Mr.Caccamo further requested con- sideration with the snowblower this coming winter. Irreparable damage had been done to his fence by snow blown over it and, once encrusted, used as a pathway. Much had been done to rectify snow blowing methods, Councillor Brown reported. The High School Board notified Council of the expiration of the term of office of their representa- tive bn the Board, Mr. A.W.Chisholm, and request- ed another appointment before the end of the year. Reeve Heenan instructed members of Council to submit names for this position at the forth coming meeting. 'Council was advised their application for an inter- im grant for this year's street work had been approv- ed. Central Canada Construction submitted their bill in the amount of $903.48 as the town's portion for installation of poles and power line to the ski hill. This completed project had been previously covered in the budget. Expenses for the Senior First Aid Course came to $49.50. Mr.Glen Pearen of Circle Route Service Station submitted an application to run a bus to the Mill for the purpose only of transporting Mill employees. As he would not run in competition to the taxi and already had his licence from the Department of Transport, Council approved the issuing of this permit, with due notice to the Police Department. (Continued pa