THE NEWS December 10,1964 Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay, Ine. Home SPARKLE FIRST PRIZE - $10.00 FOUR HONOURABLE MENTIONS - $5.00 EACH SPARKLE CONTEST RULES ARE SIMPLE: _ CONTEST * Decorate your home in any way you think will make you a winner. **Use lights, bunting, statues, plywood props, electrical fixtures--anything, even snow and ice. ** Open to all residents of Terrace Bay. ** A three-man panel will judge homes on Tuesday evening, December 22nd. Points will be awarded on the basis of originality, effort, design, continuity of theme and over-all balance! ! PUT SPARKLE INTO YOUR HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! ! HAVE FUN DOING IT, AND WIN PRIZES AS WELL ! ! CHILDREN TO CAROL & COLLECT FOR CARE town at Christmas last year have just learned their donation sent to CARE was used in a Home Economics room for training at a Women Teachers' College in Ceylon. The children are busy practicing their carols, planning to continue their little personal project for CARE again this Christmas. Valerie Larson was nine years old on Tuesday and invited four girl friends to a party. Games and danc- ing were enjoyed before lunch. The children returned home with their many favors. Gordon Ziegleman celebrated his seventh birthday on Sunday with the aid of eight boy friends. Games and races were played and birthday cake and lunch enjoyed. Miss Gertrude Mulcahy of Toronto visited with her sister and brother-in-law, Ann and Al Hartman over the past weekend. Ellen and Stan Hodgkiss have returned from a week visiting in the Toronto-Montreal area. Mr.Neil Cornthwaite, who returned last week from a wonderful two week vacation in the Barbadoes is presently hospitalized in McKellar, Fort William, following a car accident Sunda NOTICE FROM CHAPPLES * STORE HOURS FOR THE HOLIDAY SHOPPING SEASON - DECEMBER 21, 22 and 23 - 9 to 9p.m. CLOSED DECEMBER 25, 26 & 27. K .C .TURKEY BINGO te" FRIDAY - DECEMBER 4 - 8:00 P.M. ST.MARTINS PARISH HALL 20 CHANCES ON 20 BUTTERBALLS - FOR ONLY A welcome is extended to two new Hydro families, Mr.and Mrs.Stewart Sciberas with children Linda and Ronny who came from Port Arthur, and Mr.and Mrs. Kendall Chard with daughters Sheila and Bar- bara who arrived from Eugenia in the Georgian Bay area of Ontario. Mrs.W. Boucher of Ottawa visited with her nephew Bill Farrell and family last week. Mrs. Marg Duriez was hostess Tuesday evening at surprise baby shower in honor of Mrs. Vicky Synishin The ladies enjoyed a social evening and many lovely gifts were presented to the guest of honor. Mrs. Mabel Crawford assisted in serving the luncheon. CURLING CLUB NOTES Members are reminded of the Mixed Turkey Bon- spiel on December |8 and 19 and the Christmas Party which will be held in the Lounge on Saturday evening after curling. All members are invited. Make plans now to attend the New Year's Party and Dance which will be held in the lounge this year. POLICY FOR PLOWING DRIVEWAYS 1964-65 Townspeople wishing to have the Company plow snow from their driveways may have this service by placing their names with the Service Department, H.McLeod. It will not be necessary to pay each time your driveway is plowed. The Service Department will keep track of the number of times and bill you once, in the Spring. Cost is still $1.00/plowing. As in the past, driveways will be plowed only when equip ment is available. NOTICE RE GARBAGE REMOVAL During Christmas and New Years holidays, Town garbage will be picked up on Thursday, December 24th and Thursday, December Slst. CERAMIC EXHIBIT - FRIDAY 7 - 9 (evening) and Saturday 2 - 4.30 (afternoon) and 7 - 9 (evening). fe IN THE OLD CURLING LOUNGE.