March 7th,+1963 ee sale °° Clearance winter OF: MEN'S = "LADIES: = CHILDREN'S >» || CAR "COATS nylons | ONLY hai - WIN FOR THE | WHOLE F. Pe ANFORD'S: Ltd GSES PLAZA = TERRACE BAY = PHONE 3327 MINOR HOCKEY NEWS (Conttd trom, Page 4) home and home playoff, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OFFICIAL HOCKEY RESULTS The midgets travelled to Marathon on: Satur--| PLAYER G, ASSTS, , WINNER AMOUNT day and defeated them 6-1, Scoring for Terracé¢Armstrong W,. Sitko 2.CO were F," Schock with'3 goals, singles going to | Pulford 2 Ray & Art ged Stachiw, Falzetta and Turner, . Douglas JC. Gagnon 200 On Sunday both teams. met at the local ice |Nevin 2 Cy "St, "Pierre" ~~°22,00 palace and Terrace Bay handed thé visitors an | Stanley Potyan 2200 8 - 2 defeat, winning the round 14 - 3, Horton . Wilson » 22,00 Brewer Scoring for the locals were Falzetta with « Randa 2900 | { 3 goals, while the Schock brothers netted two | Baun MacDonald 12,00 | each and Erickson added a 'single, | Stewart A, Parent 2690 | On Saturday the Manitouwadge Bantams were | Keon J. Marcella 12,00. visitors at Terrace Bay'and the locals defeated Seili kL Ed: '& Joe . 12,00 them 5 -- 23 to carry a'3 goal lead into the Mahov 1 As Childerhouse 12,00 | next game, Scoring for Terrace Bay were Coate$Lita +: Ms Luke : 12.00 | with 2 goals, singles going to Heenan, Fedorak | Kelly 1 E,) Marchioni 12,00 and Pineault, Harris J, Theriault 12,00 On Sunday Terrace Bay travelled to Manitou-| Duff Joe V. 200 wadge and edged them 4 - 3 in a close contest. | Gcal Tender oof Hy; Jartus 2,00 | However the locals with a 3°goal edge from we! | Saturday's game won the round 9 - 5, 'Scoring [Game of Mar.. 2nd TOTAL $ 154 +00 | | Score --. Tor, 4) VSe NY. 310 NEXT. WEEKS SHUTOUT; POOL. $, 220. 00 for Terrace were, Heenan, ye Stuart 'and Black, Both teams now await the winners of the other semi-final series,' The winners ofthe final series will represent the-North Shore in the Northwestern Ontario Play-downs, MEN'S TEN PIN BOWLING LEAGUE raul Malashewski was top bowler last idek with 171 - 152 - 199 = 522, ; Team-standings: Bears---186 1/2,-Team #. 5- 184, Team #6 -- 153, Team #3, - 140, Team #.4 137 "1/2, Block Busters - 136 1/2, Team f 2- 133 1/2. SKI CLUG NEWS Club Championships - Sun, Mar. 10th at 2 30° | P.M. at the Ski Hill. Come out and watch 'the races} Junior, | | Iegeeeneinae and Senior races will be a r 1 e LADIES TEN PIN BOWLING LEAGUE Team standings; Rockets --259 1/2, Pluta- Cats --218, Miss-1?s = 215, Handycaps - 214 1/2 Alpha Ker Telestars -. 209 1/2, Capers a 191, Alibiers.- | FOR BABY AND oe | 188 1/2, Inorbits - 185, T00! C) FOR. YOU, Bea Faweett high single = 200, Rosalind , Kexney high single w/hop - 247, Bea Fawcett Skin drys irritateas flaky or itching? Heavy 'high three - 499, Bea Fawcett high three w/chp cloth ficial heat tend to cause - 613, and Vivian Gresdal bowled "high three these Sympt USE ALPHA KERI IN. THE' BATH, last: week of of 433.6 SH OB-SPONGE FOR QUICK RELIEF on BAKE..SA ran pombe = 36 7,0 $2.75 ~ CACCAMOTS STORE SATURDAY, MARCH 9TH 9TH =) -/ 10.00 AM, | | Waghor nr' Sones TERRACE. DAY ~ - TELEPHONE 3666 FREE COMEE.7 SPONSORED BY COMMUNITY CHURCH LADIES AUXILIARY 2 a