, February as 21, 1963 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OFFICIAL HOCKEY RESULTS ; PLAYER G. ASSTE, -- WINUER AMOUR Horton Peas Strocen 0 Shack z M. Tremblay 2,0 20 Kelly 2 RT, Kenney 22.440 Pulford 1 M, Strocen 12,20 Mahovalich a H. Miller 12,20 | Armstrong pp e Malaskewski 12,20 | Nevin 1 12.20 Duff + 12,20 | Harris 2-00 ; Brewer 2200 : Douglas | St. Pierre 2,00 » Baun Charles 2200 ' Keon 1 J, Zigman 12D | Stanley 1 R. Gaudet 12.20 | Stewart J, Fontaine 2290 | Litzenberger J.M. Cornell 2200 ; Goal Tender B. Philiips 2.00 Dc ee , Game of Feb, 16th TOTAL $ 136.00 ; Score - Tor, 4 vs. Ne ¥. 2 | NEXT WEEK!S SHUTOUT POOL $ 220,00 | MOLNTIMERS tt PRACTICE A goodly mixture of "oldtimers" turned out ' for the first practice on Monday, but some ' absent, Coach Ed Pineault has issued an edivt,agre : to by those present, that anyone who doesn?t practice will not play, Hopes are that therg will be several games held against "oldtimers" teams from other : towns and even agains? other local teams, NEXT PRACTICE IS AT 9. P.M, MONDAY, SO LET?S = YOU OUT, ~ ame ; of those who professed interest were me Cc ecm "REMEMBER oace Memve rship discs must be sed to the cashicr at 211 change events, CARRY YOURS AT ALL TIMES. - TERRACE BAY FIGURE SXATING CLUB There will be an executive meeting of the Terrace Bay Fizure Skating Club on Monday, _ February 25th in the small meeting room at the ' Recreation Centre. Time 7:00 P.M. Balance cf membership fees for Figure Skaters are now due. Please send payment to ' J, Graham, Club Treasurer, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Brown and daughter . Doreen of Port Arthur were weekend visitors with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and oupy y eotiee «Senin - loosens bronc.hial congostion - y breathing passages + sal santas. TLY TO THE WATER IN VAPOR- ee am moistens dry, t TERRACE BAY NEWS - : : 3 ' | night social, : -- | = ae '; Hewson in Fort William las YOUR. i i | i i i al R. McDOWELL Pt VAN NG ONTARIO ~ TERRACE, BA PHONE TA 5~3645 / Sates AND SERVICE FOR TERRACE BAY SCHREIBER MAN ITOUWADGE MLSS Hi seemless ae wenewennce ae om A continuing her visit hn this week, Mrs, G. Partington and daughter Pamela was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. week. he nn meen ca n= Fn no ca neem meee mene ent on wit tae ee ae me mee a | MORE ABOUT PANCAKE SUPPER The committee in charge of the forthcoming Pancake Supper at the Communi ty Church have announced that Baby Sitters will be provided at the Church for toddlers and babes~in-erms free of charge, If you wish this service please CELE the eperes 3346 or W. Kurylo. (elas etc cansallan nk acpi er at nis st sa mn ene oomermenaeet een a mmm SKI CLUB NEWS | A reminder to all Skiers that Club dues | are now payable, i All members with unpaid fees will be | charged for daily use of the hill, | Identifying club badges will be issued to | all paid up members before this coming i weekend, | Ski tow rates remain @ 25¢ per day ( 1:30 to 5:00 P.M. Saturday and Sunday), Memberships are payable to George Bird, W, Megraw or B, Peterkin, Snow conditions are excellent and thcre!s lots of it. All visitors welcome. Come and watch Junior ski. 'We Guarantee you'll be surprised, ~ QURLING NEWS aot 8,38 a Sc oe DUQUETTE DOES IT AGAIN It looks very much as if Lou Duauette has copped the Club Championship this year, This will be Lou's 2nd win, the last time being in 1960-61. At the time of writing Lou leads the pack by a comfortable margin, Thor Olsen could tie him if he won all his remaining { games and if Lou lost all his, So,, we think it is safe to congratulate Lou and his rink - Dan Kenney, Joe Kenney, and Ed Belliveau. 'Iell done fellows3} | LAST CHANCE Have you entered the Kimberly-Clark Mixed Trophy *Spicl? Entries to date promise some good curling and of course, everyone is guaranteed a good time, Sign up at the rink or contact Len Crockford, Remember there is a trophy and excellent priges at stake and there is no entry feo, All Club members, their partners and invited guests are welcome at the Saturday Refreshments will be available Friday evening and Saturday from noon until midnight and the Ladies will pave he lunch Cont*d_on Page 9 9} Ey,