| t Jeceriper 5, 1962 a TERRACE BAY NEWS -- a ELL SEASON HOCKEY TICKETS NOTICE: ORDERS BEING TAKEN PURCHASE OF A SEASON TICKET ENTITLES CHOICE, "FOR ALL EXHIBITION, LEAGUE AND PLAYOFE, | PRICES» 9 HOME-~LEAGUE TICKETS FOR EXHIBITION SALES OFFICE UNTIL GAME NOTE? cast vA hE PLAYOF ME NOW AT THE Bg GAMES TO BE HELD SEASON TICKET KREATION OFFICE YOU TO A RESERVE SEAT OF YOUR GAMES, AT REGULAR TICKET SAMES __ $5.85 HOLDERS WiLL HAVE UNTIL' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15. TH FO RECLAIM THEIR SEATS. r3 | COUNCTL QUOTES (Continued from.Paze 12) Mrs. Uopperts report listed the nedicals given cach pre-school child by herself and Dr, . ticCausland, Booster shots, are alternate srades, Vision Screening had been done in Grade one, Grade eight, referals and Highschool, which Mrs, Hopper felt was inadequate, She: proposed' skin testing done in Kinder- garten, Grade 4, Grade 8 and Grade 12 every year, Mrs, Hopper concluded her report with a request for medical supplies, all of which were granted by Council, gt Council bezan with Secretary W.F, Strutt reading the minutes and correspondence, Resig nations from J, Wellings as Roads Superinten= a given every two years to ' dent and from the Court of Revision were ' accepted by-Council, _ tor suggested a meeting with Council with a _view to re-routing this traffic, realized there was no thoroughfare that did not infringe on private property, yet several | estrians to cross from the Recreation Centre , to the Shopping Plaza, , to investigate the matter, { ' | Terrace Bay Enterprises notified Council, of the hazard and nuisance created by pedes- trian useage of the driveway and Motel walk, Signs posted had been ignored and the proprie- Councillors establishments had provided sidewalks for ped- Reeve Heenan promised ht ect a rnc Pre-Christmas Special ' i SUITS BY eee MFRS., LTD. ONE PANT SULT §65,90Q~- TWO PANT SUITS. 75,()0 - $99,00 up sg@lection of 79 patterns of lity suiting, T YOUR FASION CRAFT DEALER OBE RT PHONE 3354 +- 132 Poplar Crescent, Terrace Ba Choose from o PHONE OR CO a a The Public Library wrote proposing a move to the old Curling Club area, 'larger quarters being necessitated by increased use of the Library., Their request was substantiated by statistics on beok borrowers, which in addition to student demand for recently installed re- | ference books, left inadequate room for the | two librarians, Their proposal had been fav- orably reviewed by the Recreation Committee and the Public Library Board now could» plan their 1963 budget, Councillor Wellings, who | had investigated at the Board's request, state the move would give them fifty percent more | 4 | floor space and double their shelf space, 'The cost, cstinated at $1000, would convert the new quarters and refinish the present Library and the Recreation Committee could well use the room vacated for hobby classes and so forth, Reeve Heenan recommended Councillors take this problem home, bringing in a solution atea. later meeting, '. bef The 40-M,.P.4.Sign will be moved cast of tha Millroad intersection and illumination erected, The Dept.of Agriculture were asked under whi n section of the Act The township would quality for a grant, lH,Hall*s name was added to the Court of Revision and Mrs.5,.Gaulin & Mrs.™, J Middaugh were thanked for permitting paintings to he hung for the Official Opening. 5 ; j nera~ ve at | B25 GN 9BSY, Pensnatd baad ca P68 spt 8S8, 2 - ian ction ere neh ane + STOCKING © STUPFERS oe ee RESTED - = AT! ANDY 'S: Hebby ANFORD'S LIMITED - SIMC ees Supplies | OB PLAZA ~ Pile e7