December 6, 1962 i Z."And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph .. . and the babe, tying in @ man- ger..." eceording to Sf, Luke. | Pulford : Keon 9.78 ' Duff 1 5,89 | Arms trong 1 o¢8 | Harris 5,89 ' Baun 5.89 | Douglas 2.00 | Kelly 17,56 | Brewer R, Swanson 2.00 | Shack 1 Joe & Ernie 5,89 ' Stewart Pat & Mike 2200 iMahovalich 2 C, Duggan 13.67 Horton ALON, Marquis 2% 00 | Litzenberger Coss & Rolly 2,00 : Stanley D, Marshall 2,00 i Goal Tender L, Swerhen 2.00 Game of Dec. Ist TOTAL $ 107,91 'Score -Tor,8 vs, Bas,.2 | HEAT WEEK'S SHUTOUT POOL $ 110,00 } ' BROOMBALL | Only YOU can determine if there a 'Broomball League this year, Registrations have been slow'to date, so register NOW, if |you are interested, Dontt wait until plans 'have to be dropped before making up your mind, IT'S EASY?3 JUST CONTACT: Shift 1- Maurice |Osmar, Shift 2 - Bill Kurylo, Shift 3+ Gale 'Savoy, Shift 4 - George Ramsey, Day Workers | and Townsite - L, Waghorn, L, Edmunds and | Rec, Office, | DO IT Now sy : $ | Ceramics Classes every Mon, and Wed, at '7P.M, in the Old Curling Lounge, TERRACE BAY NEWS THE CHRISTMAS STORY COLORING SUPPLEMENT High Schoc eee ll ay tema 303°) WIN-DEC'53 Form 19 8. "When they heard the king, they departed; and lo, the star which they saw in the East, went before them..." according to St. Matthew, ee, Mre and Mrse Ee. Schock announce the engage-| ment of their daughter, Norma Ethel, to Mrs Keith Roger Sitch, HO The wedding will.take place in Terrace Bay at 2330 P.M. in the Community Church on Satur= day, December 15th, - LOST = in vicinity Gold Range Road = 2 year old Beagle, answers to name Danny, Scar on hind.lege Child's pet, Rewards Phone 3251 or 93 Hudson Drive, TEN PIN BOWLING Ladies League = Rockets took the high point ~ | last week - 18, "Alibiers 113, Handycaps 11, Inorbits 10, Telestars 10, Miss-1!s 9, Capers 7s) Pluta Cats 7. : ne he Marg Simmer had the high single - 193, Arlene Osmar 180, High three Marg Simmer = 427, will be. a goo turnout: as there is to be a film shown following. the business meeting, The film entitled "Correlicu" deals with the paintings of Orias Ledue;- a Suebec Painte whose work was a great influence in the developement of such internationally known Canadian artists such as:Riopelle and Lemicux, ART CLUB NEWS (Continued from Page 10) _. | LAST CALL FOR CAMERA CLUB There are several names in for. the proposed formation of a Camera Club in Terrace Bay, so if you are interested, Call Doug Large or the Recreation Office NOW 43 ; An organizational meeting will be held shortly, so let's hear from you, Basketball Tuesdays at 8:15 P.M, at the ee ee nen Se ce = centtth e,