joe ete commen oe eee NNR G = mee e Rn pe a ee came ae arm | ee ees eee nape a ae ernment ain tte = tage Deeded ek a ae lee --t CAGCAWO' § ES [De ped j | I) ; { PHONE 3755. - - Terrace Bay, Ont, é Daphne FOR NOV, 22-23 & 24TH BEE STAMPS tek | CHEESE "WHIZ "ALLEN" DRINKS |. ~ YORK PEANUT BUTTER od Kraft - 16 oz,. jars Aple Orange and Grape ay teh een tins ¢ / dlc GBS at ott. QIEST ~~ ae, O15 * MAPLE LEAF BUTTER © | | 'TOMATO. JUICE bob PINK SALMON Libby's 20 oz, tins | aed 1/2 1b.tins | *°2 'POUNDS - Biel S| ; rarest 'ios Dude 674) | |" srokery's Kioney peas {| SATE Mo? | "GREEN GTANT PEAS 15 oz tins comot@bl ptins Sk3 15 oz. tins _ | bo 4/754) 6/Q9t% fo 4 16O% {EGG Fi hn 2 x | | | { { t | | | DELSEY TOILET TISSUE CAMAY, FACE . SOAP mrt ONLY -- delicately sce scented -- - BARS Se two packages - - 4 rolls . . Saleieeententidenaiemnemndtelineneimmmenennemimmnetantietaatinemetiaaaataal { { ! j { { | } $ od | f New / FROM ROBIN HOOD MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 10: oz, jars "ED MAXWELL HOUSE. .°. 0) & | COPE RE | "[raditional Cake| | ee EACH $ otk Mixes" 2 POUNDS ~ = $ .. 29) ae oo epe| THREE! VARTETIES' Sf! Agoxd vou yh tee Sa SOLO MARGARINE RegsPrice 45¢ - Jf PURE STRAWBERRY, JAM SPECIAL OFFER i* eae tH, game $100) | anf rete | | 9 PKGS So¢ ma POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes don : PER CARTON limit - 1 carton with every purchase of $20.00 or more - ~ eee en aR anaes einem enn ee nae eee eaten gs} MEATS _. youcan buy witheconfidence / " CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS LEG. 0% PORK 3. dey oy butt or shank end = ¢ | PER POUND - OF + 'SORES PER" POUND -- BLADE ROAST OF BEEF GROUND BEEF blade removed lean and economical PER POUND HOF TWO POUNDS. OL 8 oF AL CL A A Et nt eel eens om 5 eee ee nee een seaman pagan ie eter al albenvane sea ie sonny 4 CROSS RIB ROAST OF BEEF é FOWL kd ~~ gemi-boned ! 6 ¢| Grade "At 3-4 1b, average a2 at i PER POUND , 9 _co) PER, POUND - oid ; FRESH PA Obuc , APPLES} APPLES? FLORIDA ORANGES SMALL, BOILING _ OR CAULTILOWR fancy Macts family size = ROASTING ONIONS ; Fresh, California I | 6 QUART BASKETS 6 oe BAGH 1 OF 5 POUND BAG 49%) 5 POUND BAG 35¢1 EACH - ase. gags" SORT eo -- ET eae .E, 1. WINTER. POTATOES '75 LB. BAGS OF P.E,1. WINTER POUMTOEY nee NOW IN'=PLUS A FULL 'vaRery OF y: VECETABLES 511 EN a ne: nate pee aaa ee roe ee ae ee ch eo atresia tee | "of } | | | lll ap teanen neha ataliel } BANQUET TV_ DINNERS _ Rg Lour choice of BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURK BRR OE IN = TY_DINNE Put some in yo freezer at this piice! EACH m3 9 i'? | eng aeeeennnesetelintr nent teeny annem gen somerennenfnenncne a Set nt an ee ng Eee ee A te pe 0 nie