Ao ne cee Sea ie een ea nt Manager of Engineering Services with Sree |. inches da ee ousek-174--(Continued on Page 1D) 3. "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night." ... according to St. Luke. ARENA SCHEDULE (Continued from Page 1) week: Friday, Nov, 23rd - 9,30-11,30 P.M. - Warathon:Mercuries hockey practice, Saturday, Nov. 24th - 7,00-9,00 P.M. - Mara- thon Minor Hockey Association, All other scheduled events remain the sane, mae Ae AE A te a ca COUNCIL QUOTES (Continued from Page 1) Valiquctte, the Reeve informed him once com- pleted they would be free irmediately of the sub-station at a monthly saving of from five te six hundred dollars, Reeve Heenan had been approached by the High School Board with the suggestion it be enlarged, Secretary Strutt confirmed one appointment to the Board came from the Public School Board, one. from the Separate School Board, both approved by Council and the third was an appointment by Town Council, Councillor Valiquette said he was aware work was being done by the Secretary and Clerk on the tax changes, but enquired: when it would be completed, Secretary Strutt in- formed Councillor he expected to mail then out' before the end of the month, . 7 With reference to the sWimming pool By- Law, Reeve Heenan reported a surveyor had been down a weck previously and the necessary deseription should be forthcoming, In-closing Reeve Heenan requested a letter of gratitude be sent to the ladies who had supplied the paintingson loan for the official opening of the Utilities Building, Recent. staff appointments are announced Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Co, Ltd, Mr. WW. Finley has been transferred. to Kapuskasing where he will be assistant by THE CHRISTMAS STORY COLOURING SUPPLEMENT November 22, 1962 4. "And lo, the ange! of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round them, and they were sore afraid .:." according fo St. Luke. ne Re an = em nen een comer deen ene- onmnailnat eit tila. ume masiccntaneracalniicedehenmeies! Falls Power and Paper*Company. Mr, Bill | Farrell has been appointed Plant Engineer and Mr, C,H, Paget replaces Mr. Farrell as Head Engineer, | The changes were effective approximatcly November 19th, | NEW YEAR'S DANCE . Once again the.Curling Club will sponsor the New Year's Eve Frolic in the High School Auditorium, Music will be provided by Terrace Bay*s popular North Shore Ambassadors, As usual reservations will have to be made in advance, Watch the. "News" for further details. GHRISTMAS PARTY - CURLING CLUB "ho | The annual Christmas party will be held on December 15th this year.complete with novelty curling, Santa and the rest, Plan now t "CHALLENGE CURLING : ee to attend this affair as it*is usually the best social of the year, i On Saturday, December 18th, the ice will | be reserved for challenge matches, All members| and associate members are invited to make up | rinks and~issue challenges, It séems that a good many of our Skips are bragging about | having the best team in the Club, LADIES FIVE.PIN BOWLING At the ed of 3 weeks bowling standings are: Twisters 16, Strikers 15, Hits and Misses 12, Good Gals 11, High Games A, McDonald 248, 206; E, Boutilier 200, 219; D. Billings 298, 2423 J. Hall 2133-0. Adamo 2303 L. Harris ais | and T, Fraser 219, 203, LADIES TEN PD! BOWLES ' | Points taken last' week: Handicaps 19, sal A. een ee een eee nite ee nel pn eee-emnatinnee A ae an ee en Ss RRR tee eR Le te ygre | | | stars 17, Rockets 10, Miss-l*s 10, Inorbits 10, Pluta-Cats 8, Alibiers 6, Capers 4, High