Vols 5; No, 42 41 Serving the District in which we live October 11, 196 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETS Unanimously returned to office, CeEe (Monty) Paget presided over the annual meeting of the Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce Thursday evening, in the meeting room of the Recreation Centre. Forming the new executive with Mr, Paget for the 1962-63 term will be Lionel Waghorn, Vice-rresident, lMirs, HeNe Marsh, Sec- retary-Treasurer and Members of Council - Joe Adamo, Vill Baillie, Paul Boudreau, Jack Caccamo, Joe Commisso, Neil Cornthwaite, Jack Kelty and Bill Kujbida, Retiring Vice~Presi- dent Jack Caccamo chaired the Nominating Com mittee and presided over the election, Preceding election of officers, the Presi- dent called upon acting Secretary Mary Lou Houston to read the minutes of the last general meeting and accepted the report of all * Committee Chairman present. Membership Chair- man Lionel Waghorn reported a total of 49 mem- bers in the Chamber's initial year of operation On behalf of Ken MacLeod, Chairman of Travel and Publicity, a report on his committee!s activities listed the numerous enquiries.and answers sent out, also with the recommendation tht the greatest single need was a low-cost map of the area, Chairman of Commerce and Industry, Joe Ad- aio reported on his talks with Reeve JeP. Heenan concerning the parking problem in the townsite which was followed up by action on the part of the Town Council, He had also offered assistance to the Golf Club executive who suggested postponement of such assistance until they established. A suggestion to the Town Council also resulted in clearing of underbrush and considerable trees, allowing a view of Lake Superior and Slate Islands from the Business section of Town, Mr, Adamo further recommended the Department of Highways be contacted regarding a Lookout in this area. In his Presidential remarks, Mre Paget gave the high lights of the Chamber's first year which included the mammoth Charter Night March 10th, with guests from the District Chambers, The developement of the Aguasabon Gorge had been undertaken by the Chamber, making this natural beauty spot available to the public, only ten minutes walk from the Highwaye lire Paget recommended this for fur- ther developenmnt in the future, Reporting on the promotion of Terrace Bay through adver~ tising in the past year, Mr. Paget preferred to see a local phamphlet issued in the coming years Associated with the Upper Lake Superior Travel Council and with the Northwestern Ontario Associated Chambers of Commerce, he had sent an extensive report to the latter when unable to attend their meeting at Red Lake last month, The Chamber of Commerce had worked with the Township Council, making recommendation for clean-up, establishment of a Trailer Park and Tenting site and with : " Continued on Page 4 MODILE TeBe CLINIC HERE NEXT WEEK A Mobile X-Ray Unit of the TeDe Health Clinic will be in Terrace Bay on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 17th, 18th and 19th, providing an opportunity to everyone in the commmity to have a free chest X-rays Since this service is provided for Your protection it is carnestly hoped that a one hundred percent turnout of those fifteen years and over (and not attending school) will be X=rayede 5 Anyone who deals with the' public, food hand lers, store clerks, teachers, etce are reminded that health regulations require current X ray cardse On Wednesday, October 7th the Unit will be at the Mill and the hours are 6:00 to 11:00 AeMe and 2:00 to 6:00 PeMe ' On. Thursday October 18th, the Unit will be at the Old Curling Lounge on Selkirk Avenue, Hours from 9:00 to 11:30 Agile «= 2:00 to 5:00 Pele and 7:00 to 9:00 Pelie On Friday, October 19th again at the Curling Lounge from 9:00 to 11230 AeMe and 1:30 to 3:30 Pele Make it a point to attend the clinic- SEE * YOU THERES A 1962 CANADA SAVINGS BONDS = BEST EVER This year's issue of Canada Savings Bonds pays the best interest ever- 4.1/2% the first 3 years, 5% the next 3 years and 5 1/2% for the next eight yearse The average interest yield if held to maturity in 14 years is 5.11% per years A $100 bond purchased now would be worth $134°in 7 vears ~ $172.50 in 14 yearse As usual, paid-up bonds may be cashed at any time at full face value plus earned interest. Bonds may also be redeemed before payments have been completed without any financial loss. No matter how you look at it-you can't lose when you buy Canada Savings Bondse 3 A list of canvassers will be published in next week's Newse You can make their job easier by.deciding NOW how many bonds you want to buy. SWIM POOL WORKERS NEEDED Another Swimming Pool Work Party will be held this Saturday morning at 8:30, to com plete erections of the chain link fence around the areas Parties of Shift workers from the mill have completed the 3rd side of the cement apron, and tl is leaves only the front apron and the fencing to be done, Fencing will be completed first and the cement work at a later date. LET*S HAVE A GOOD CREW OUT SATURDAY MORNING,