pk ge A et SSE ADP A NTL EL ALANNA tt er : r dent for the past 21 years a his i May 5th. He has SCOUT HOBBY SHOW | retirement on Saturday, n ete ie gS . ' gerved under six Reeves, the first one being The Scouts and Cubs held their annual i being Mrse JeDePhillips. -- Page 4 Mrse Harry Welbourne is in Montreal visit- ing her first grandchild ~ daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Robert Weldon, The local Cancer Committee are grateful for the sum of $625 collected by the fifty collectors of Schreiber and Mrs. Len Ibey of Rossport, i Mr,& Mrs, Rodger Holmes and family of . Winnipeg are guests of Mr.& Mrse Earl Holmes, Mrs.Burroughs, Mrs, Whent and Mrs,Cuthbert son, local C.G,IeT. leaders, will attend a film on Leadership being shown in Terrace Bay on May 8th, the guests of the Terrace Bay leaders, Shirley Jartus spent the holiday week with her grandparents, Mr.& Mrse A.Suni, in Port Arthur, Harry Jartus returns on May 12th to the | Rehab. Hospital in Downsview for further treatment on his injured ankle, Mrs.Arthur Lemieux will leave shortly for surgery in the Toronto General Hospital. Recent guests of Mr.& Mrs, GeDuncan were Mr,& Mrs, Avery Duncan, Bill, Brian and Bruce Berringer of Fort William and their | nephew, Jack Duncan of Sudbury, Bonnie Skinner and her grandfather, W.J. (Pop) Scott are in McKellar Hospital. MrseBert Morris is in Terrace Bay Hospi- tal after suffering painful burns in a fire in her home; Ruth Ann Paske is also in Terrace Bay Hospital. Mr.& Mrs, ReGray had with them recently, Mre& MrseE.Downey and Mr.& Mrs.Dennis Craig of Port Arthur, After they left grandchild- ren Georgia and Michael Downey remained for a weeks LADY TRAINMEN RECEIVE 20-YEAR PINS At the regular meeting of the Lady Train- men on May 3rd four members were presented with 20-year pins:- Mrs.Dora Weaver by Mrs. Hazel Bailey ~ MrseE.O'Connor by Mrs. Nettie Thrower; - MrseMargaret Nelson by MrseTe Whitton and Mrs Whitton by her mother, Mrse J,Corbett. MrseHazel Bailey presided for the meeting with only routine business carried on, fol= lowed by a social evening of cards with guests invited. Hobby Show on May 4th in the Town Hall with over 130 entries displaying both craftmanship and ingenuity, The. judges were Mr.& Mrs. 0.BeFasan and Lynn Richardson and prizes were awarded as follows:- Bruce Cuthbertson a lst & 2nd for cupcakes and candy. Tom Relph - 2nd for painting, Warren Morrill - 3rd for dis= play of model cars; Danny MacDonald - lst for tot- em pole, 2nd for driftwood or= nament and 3rd for painting. Dale Cuthbertson ~ 3rd for hockey scrapbook and Percy { Lang - 2nd for cakes David Burroughs - 3rd--Walkie-Talkie Michael Knowles - 2nd for painting, Danny Riley - 2nd for Orchestra model and lst Soul A fF YOU TERRACE BAY NEWS HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER F ARE LOW BECAUSE YOUR TV. PICTURE > ROLLS, REMEMBER) "| FRIEND, THAT J NAME ee > N 7 COMMUNITY T.V. SERVICES Terrace Bay, PHONE TA May 10, 1962 a ' me momen MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS. 3 Chocolates . / Jenny Lind - Smiles 'N : Chuckles Cosmetics by Chanel and Yardley rH try FLAIR Fragrance | { ere SR AIR sent sae te ns cent ment tS Nath me tt " ote s for ship model and 3rd for cup cakes; Lloyd Relph - lst for scrapbook and Phil Birch lst for painting; Tommy Collinson, 3rd for stamp album and Lloyd Briar 3rd for baking. Douglas Cuthbertson was a big winner, getting lst for stamp album, 2nd for scarf, 2nd for clock model, 3rd for drawing and a grand prize for painting. Clayton Gordon got a lst for paper sculpture and Dennis Le- vigne a 3rd for napkin holder; John Souliere lst for layer cake = Eddie Einarson, 2nd for coin collection - Barry Pearson, 2nd for airport, Bob Hiller, 3rd for Meccano model and Greg MacIsaac, 3rd for birdhouses For many adults attending a h.ghlight was © tea served by the Cubs~-watching the lads approach with stately tread, obviously unde- cided whether safety lay in watching the tea-, cup or the floor and, mission accomplished, reappearing shortly bearing a plate of sand- wiches balanced at a precarious angle--all of | which was worth double the admissions The mothers of the boys remained in the | GREETING CARDS | i i kitchen to replenish. Marvin Steen of Terrace Bay was in charge of St.Andrew!s Church Service on Sunday, May | 6th in the absence of Reverend Crook who is ir McKellar Hospital. Dea cect ease erieerasamenttmereryslipmahegeee ere telnet pee T. WHITTON FETED ON RETIREMENT Tommy Whitton, Schreiber Road Superinten- | | | | | | At a stag party in his homer held in Milton Winter's home on} Saturday evening, Councillor V.FeHarness presented a wallet and chequee Mrse Whitton entertained on Sunday evening in honour of her husband when many friends calle to offer their good wishes and to present individual. HI-C CLUB TO WASH CARS The HI-C Club of Schreiber are providing a Car-Wash on Saturday, May 12th from 10 AsMe to 5 PeMe at Nesbitt!s BA. Station on the Highways _ ee = ur. Vernon Weaver is a pa- tient in McKellar Hospital. Ontario 5=3305 cineca iceland omsipolee sali oipind anna il oe lege