TERRACE Dr eestataeseieaeieentaeerienterenenemneeme enter etemeeerenetenenemenneeeene een we GOLF COMMITTEE FORMED A committee named "The Development Com= mittee for the Terrace Bay Golf Course! has been set upe The purpose of this Committee is to develop a golf course in Terrace Bays The location of the course is below the Motor Hotel and between the Aguasabon River and Lake Superior, All residents of the area undoubtedly realize that the development of a golf course in the above mentioned area is a tremendous undertaking, A small group started clearing the land two years ago and progress has been such that the feeling now is that the time is ripe for a big push, | On April 4th, the new Committee held their) first meeting, The Committee members are Thor Olsen, Jack Phillips, Jack Lang, Al | Pattison, Joe Adamo, Ross Mitchell, Sax Lundberg and Jack Thomas, The first order | of business was to elect an Executive which is as follows:- PRESIDENT - JACK THOMAS, VICE PRESIDENT - JOE ADAMO, SECRETARY = ROSS MITCHELL, TREASURER - AL PATTISON, Commit- tee Heads were then appointed and they are:= | WORK PARTIES -- THOR OLSEN, PUBLICITY - JACK LANG, EQUIPMENT - JACK THOMAS, The objectives for the swmer of 1962 were then outlined and they are:- le Finish clearing, fertilize and seed four fairways. 2. Clear two additional fairwayse 3, Survey the last three fairways. 4, Spray | brush-kill on the last five fairways, If the above is accomplished, four holes would be available for play starting in the Spring of 1963, Riockey a "sg ane) ¢ SERVED SEATS"$2- R STANDING ROOM 41. TICKET SALES FROM 4-6 P.M, AT ON DAY OF GAME, SATURDAY, (a eee ae oe Siniiniaetiivadammit ON DAY OF SALES, anne ee PASSES --ALL | wood and anyone wishing to get some should | WORK PARTIES ARE SCHEDULED,, With all the ing what has been accomplished to dates Lee eee es semen ae mt On RECREATION OFFICE TICKET SALES FOR SUNDAY GAME HELD FROM 4-6 P.M. SEASON TICKET HOLDERS MUST CLAIM TICKETS BY 6 P,M, CANCELLED- FOR THIS SERIES. __NO*PHONE ORDERS / BAY NEWS Page 9 : i To do the above, the Committee needs help. | Kimberly-Clark have agreed to furnish equip- ment and labour when available and properly supervisede Birch wood is available for fire contact Thor Olsen. Work parties are needed for other wood cutting and clearing, Work parties are scheduled for every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 5 PeM, to 7 PeM; also Saturday from 8:30 A »M, till Noone . The Ccmmittee will also have to put on various campaigns to start raising moneys This is needed for purchasing brush-kill . spray, fertilizer and grass seed. The cost to finish two fairways is approximately $1500. From here on all activities of the Commit~, tee and work accomplishments will be publi- cized, Help from the entire area will be appreciateds No one has to call and ask if they can work, JUST SHOW UP AT THE TIME THE Pca ec ee help that is available there can be a nine hole golf course complete in Terrace Bay by the Fall of 1964, ON PAGE 10 OF THIS EDITION THERE IS A MAP OF THE COURSE, There is also a legend show~ aan ons nano ipeneneesitir en QUOTES (Cont'd from page 1) Councillor Wellings reported on a meeting he and CouncsValiquette had with Chief Billings~ who requested permission to join the Ont,Pol~ ice Chief's Assoc.e(permission granted) and at which the.Pedlars BY-Law was reviede He also suggested a start be ade on the Lagpon, re~- commending a bid for tenderse . SALES. FOR s ra Caneadeé Inals os SO HILD .50¢ (SCHOOL AGE) ene nase emma oe ees meee i ee