ot ree Rate Attn et eo ptt amr NIPIGON. - PHONE 201 pnicngntrninaiantag TERRACE 'BAY - PHONE 3221 ee FOOD. - MARKETS SPECIALS FOR MARCH 29, 30 and 32 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES --- NO DEALERS SUPPLIED, ---- r eee | BLUE RIBBON COFFEE ;|. FORT GARRY TEA BAGS | | rt ge 9 993! '| Fresh Pm. 69 | ¢ Hs sot coal Ot eininaei em en ae ne a | OUR CUSTOMER OF THE WEEK I$ -- MRS J 'CUMMING OF TERRACE BAY WERO RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL REVERE WARE COPPER BOTTOM FRYING PAN nets Seneemertinee arene nore amenpeenenre mane cates ints neck ts 0 earn eae cia namin ata a ee a re en RE a ne cee ae es FEED YOUR FAMILY WELL -- SHOP L & Li?! ar een en ee A a et tm onto or eenanaroreraeneeneternea me i = een ees eee iene es an " . site ethyl s te ete nn in ee is { - ~ -- ies - -- - oon ai { MEAT DEPT. et eee VARIETY OF FRESH FROZEN NORTHERN ONTARIO POT ROASTS LAKE FISH RIVING EACH WEEK -~- GRADED BEEF - TRIMMED PICKEREL | A9¢ head and tail 6 5 BLADE, CHUCK & ROUND BONE. | PAN READY - removed ~ 1b, -+ | : { L& L's OW SLICED BACON BONELESS PORK LOINS PORK & BEEF SAUSAGE _ our own make - special aon ¢ | BUTTERFLY CHOPS -1b, 6 5 ¢ formula - ¢ | ROASTS ~ we lb. - - 654 | 2 hh enn nn re Per at ae at antenna ean nena nd: mses emma ema eee sen -- a see MONOPOLY BREAKER PRICES DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 12 oz. pkgs. Reg, PKS €s wen Every week, more and more out-of- town customers are shopping in Terrace Bay, because comparison : | a ¢ proves that prices are lower, ¢ | | 2 L&L leads the way in giving you ~ C | | To == | | lower prices and NOW another customer convenience is added with 3 PACKAGES FOR | : PLANTERS COOKING OIL FREE DELIVERY to SCHREIBER on PORK AND BEANS | orders of $15.00 or over, Call | 32 oz. bottle TA. 5-3221 and let us select the Van Camps -- 20 02, : finest foods at lowest prices 7942 s739° 7 Ms OXYDOL __ GIANT" BAER Ate | 719¢ a6 | LLL LCCC COOLEST enna teeta eaten tastes atta ous tamatactcatsnat a MARGARINE == 3/ 99%. | oes \ (REPEAT OFFER! ONTAREO.NO, 1 »ROTATOE e Bae "2 58 LBS. [9% ¢ \ NX