Page 10 t | TOWN TOPICS (Continued from Page 2) | Women of the Moose - Luncheon was served by | members of the committee, The next meeting will be held on emer _ February 21 at 8 P.M. AFTERNOON BRANCH LADIES AUXILIARY TO MEKT. The Afternoon Branch of the Ladies Auxil- | dary will meet on Monday, February 19 at 1.45 P.M, in the Community Church, Members are requested to bring old Christmas cards for shipment and also used stamps for the local Boy Scouts, j ie Be fenag The regular meeting of Silver Birch Chapter No. 264 Order of Eastern Star was held Monday | evening, February 12 in the Terrace Bay Com- munity Church, Worthy Matron L, Harris and Worthy Patron C, Sitch presided over routine business of the Chapter, Reports of the various committees were accepted, The Ways and Means Committee reported on ; the fine social evening held in Schreiber i during January. Mrs. L. Corbett and her committee served ; luncheon desig gned with a Valentine motif, A party was held Wednesday afternoon Feb,.7 to celebrate the seventh birthday of Leanne } Calder, Ten friends joined in playing house | and games, the birthday supper and departed ; home with their treats, A Housewarming Party surprised Nat Coates | in her new home Saturday evening, Friends, | the Gary Galvins, Don Ollen-Bittles, Gordon | Calders, Don Bloms, Brian MacDonalds, Tony | Delarondes, Don Tees, Cleon Smiths and George Partingtons marked the occasion with the gift of a beautiful mirror, A social evening with | canes and charades entertained the group and | the ladies served a luncheon, Dodie Burnside and Ruth Thorsteinson were . : hostesses Thursday evening at a Miscellaneous ; Shower for Bonnie Thomas. Bonnie was seated ; in a decorated chair to receive the lovely | gifts from the twenty-five ladies attending. | Ruth was assisted by Marilyn Bedour. in giving the gifts to Bonnie, Several games entertained the group and ' luncheon was served by Mesdames Kay j ; Thorsteinson, Dodie Burnside, Misses Ruth | Thorateinsan and Marilyn Bedour, Jimmy Ollen-Bittle had seven friends in Thursday to celebrate his eighth birthday, | A riotous time was enjoyed by all before the ; birthday cake and luncheon. concluded the afternoon, Jimmy Gerlach had three friends in for | supper on Wednesday to celebrate his eighth ; birthday. | entertained the group, Mr. A.V. McCallum of Port Arthur was down | recqntiy. visiting with his daughter Betty i Qllen-Bittle and family, { Heather Anderson was seven years ola on | Wednesday and invited twelve little friends | to her party. Games were played and a party ; lunch was enjoyed. e | COMMUNITY CHURCH LADIES AUXTLIARY MEETS as | | Mrs, M. Lundberg presided Monday evening at the February meeting of the Ladies Auxil- _ iary in the Terrace Bay Community Church, The | opening hymn was accompanied at the piano sl | Prior to supper games and televisiod ___ TERRACE BAY NEWS February 15,1969 | Mrs, E, Lohr and Mrs, R, Smith led in Devotions, The Secretary, Mrs. Hl Farrell read the minutes of the previous meeting and the thank you letters aes cat and the treasurer's --{ report was read by Mrs, M, Ward. Convenors | reporting were: Sick and Visiting ~- Mrs, N, | Coe, Membership - Mrs. B, Peterkin, Publicity | | -- Mrs. M. Chisholm, Property - Mrs. E,Rowson, The President thanked the ladies who had convened the luncheon for the annual Congreg- ational meeting, A Manse Committee of Mrs, B. Williams from the Afternoon Group and Mrs, Chisholm and Mrs, Coe from the Evening Group had been appointed at the last Executive meeting, It was decided that the Committee purchase an automatic washer and dryer, Mrs, A, Farrow, convenor for the Bazaar this year, announced the date had been set for November 10 and reported on the various | tables planned, a White Elephant Table, Novelty Table and Under Dollar Table. Orders , for Christmas Cakes will be taken in Sept. A working Fund was set up for the Bazaar Committee. A Bake Sale was held on Feb, 10 | ; convened by Mrs. L. Hopper. On May 12th Mrs, P, Kelty will convene a Mothers Day 3ake Lconie-haners aetna inceregon at Sale and *Yevelty Table. Mrs. G. Olsen will be in charge of fancy cakes. ' Sale will be held on May 26, Fall Supper was discussed but left open for a later decision, A donation was made to the Sunday School. The ladies were asked to save used stamps for | Mrs. Lundberg closed with | The Rummage The October t { | the Boy Scouts. the Benediction, Guest speaker for the evening, Mrs. I. Goodfellow, Secretary of the Church Board, demonstrated a model showing the Church and the proposed extension and outlined the need for same. Mrs. Goodfellow elaborated on the various uses of the extra facilities, "She felt the members' should recognize the neces- sity to assist with this project. Mrs, Lundberg thanked Mrs, Goodfellow for conduct-- ing the informative discussion, While enjoying coffee and luncheon, the ladies discussed many projects which might be | tees at their meetings during the com- j { ing year, C.WeL. NEWS The regular monthly meeting of St, Martin's Catholic Women's League was held Sunday, Feb, 11 at 8,15 P.M. in the Parish Hall. Mrs. F, Helmink opened the meeting with League prayers, A word of welcome was extended to all ladies present. In the absence of the secretary Mrs, Helmink read the correspondence. Mrs. J, Caccamo gave her financial statement, All other convenors were then asked for their i reports. February is the month dedicated to both i the spread and the improvement of the Catholic Press, The Press Convenor, Mrs, G.Dashkewytchi read an article taken from the Canadian League magazine entitled "Duty to Read", A few | quoted lines from the article which would bear thinking about are as follows: "Be grateful that you can read + without any previous claim on your part, God gave you all the faculties necessary for reading, He gave | you your eyes that can scan printed page; | your imagination that can picture what is printed (Continued on Page 11) Lian eon ane ee enema anette te tt a Rt ae Ne ne a Ne Ne CTC ENT art