Page 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS 4 January ll, 1962 « aeons seers ey generat es SASS tt et ETAT eer cae AAI NAO ON NN EONS OTN me a no ewe lh cs cemetary aivemenieeeeeeceeeemepeem near --rensera tne ens ONTO Nt rr repeated their last year's TERRACW BAY COMUNISY CHURCH >.Rev. J. Raymond Anderson 9.00 Ae. - Grades 2 & 3 Sunday School | Grade 4 & up Sunday School | 9,30 A.M, - 11.00 A.M, - Beginner's Sunday School 11,00 A.M, - COMMUNION SERVICE 7,00 -PyMs - Religious Film entitled "Split _IL weemge.Level Family" "8,00 P.M; = annual Cotgrega tional Meeting | sT, MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. Dean E.AoGallaghe SATURDAY, -.Confessions 3-4 P.M, and .7~8 P.M. Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 9 AcMe e! ST». MARTIN'S. PARISH LIBRARY. | Open from -2:to 3PM every Saturday R 0.$ S.P-0 RT ST. JOHN 'BERCHMAN'S CHURCH ' Mass 'every Tuesday at 7,00 PoM.' GOSPEL MISSION eS ght Sunday School 'at 2 P.M. every Sunday CLUB MEETINGS tz 6 > : The Catholic Women's League will meet on Sunday, January14 at.8.15 P.M. insthe Parish Hall, It is also the Communion Sunday | for CeWeLe memberss | The Guiders Club. will-hold ameetingyon | Monday evenings: January 15 at 8.30 PeM, at | the home of Mrs» Lois Downey. Members 'of the Afternoon Branch of the Ladies Auxiliary are reminded of the Pot Luck Luncheon Monday, January 15 at 1.30 P.M. The annual meeting with elections of officers will follow the luncheon, An. executive meeting,of the Women of the Moose, Chapter 1426 was held on Wednesday evening, January 3 in the Terrace Bay Moose Lodges . Auditing was discussed, and will be completed, this, weeks The next ijaeeting will be a Chapter Night on January 17, when co-worker Nat Coates of the 'Child. Care Committee will be in charge, CAROLLERS COLLECT. FOR CARE For the second year some of the Grade Nine girls from the Terrace Bay High School spent the Saturday .evening prior to Christmas; .carolling about the Town with the proceeds of Fourteen Dollars going. to Care. Bonnie Hamilton, was hostess at,her home for an after-carolling luncheon,and party to thé group: comprised of Donna, Brown, Lynne Morres, Christie Mason, Sharyn Timpano, | Carol MacLeod, Darlene Larson, Kathy Pidluzny and Ellen Knight. Another group of younger children effort for Care ATTEND. THE CHURCP' OF YOUR CHOICE ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Reve RoJeInshaw |__Mrse Jo Papousak and familys. SCHREIBER ae ere ae na eee Ae I, 9,00 AeMs ~- Holy Communion 0.00 Asli. - Family Service 1.00 AvM. - Morning Service 7200 FoM, - Evensong L 1 ona nN Er ene arenes ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Reve Re Crook 9.45 PoM. -- Sunday School 11.00 AsM, - MORNING SERVICE 7,00 PoM, - Bible Study HOLY. ANGELS CHURCH = Reve J.Ms Cano i Daily Mass - 7.30 AeM. ) | Saturday Mass - 9.00 A.M ' Saturday Confessions - 4.30 .to 5430. PeM, 'and | d hgeents 7.30 to 8.30 PeM. SUNDAY MASSES <.8,00 = 9.30 and 11,00 A.M, ; , fd, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev. MoFsKaija | 10.00 AvM, - Sunday School - every week i 7,00 P.M. = Evening Service - 2nd and 4th Sundays. . Bible Study on Fridays 'following Sunday service i | | GOSPEL: MISSION. "+ Mr. Ron Sheffield® Sunday - 11 AcMs = Family Hour i 7 P.M, =°Gospel Service Wednesday - 7 P.M. - Frayer Meetong {0 of Canada by carolling around the town of Terrace Bay early Christmas Eve, They were Mary Clare and Paulette Coupal, Sharon MacDonald, Linda Fontaine, Gail akin, Sharon Rachel and Nettie Ste Louis who collected a total of $5.23 which has already been for- warded to the charity of their choice, Caree Beverley Dodge returned to Lethbridge, Alberta last week after enjoying Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and: Mrse Gordon Dodge. Mr. Hugh Hamilton Sr. of Fort William was a guest during Christmas week of his son Hugh and family in Terrace Bays Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinkins spent their Christmas in Dryden visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Betty and Don Anderson and family, and.also their.son Alex Jr,-and his | family, Enroute home they visited with Mr. and Mrs, Rocky Kransoos of Port Arthur, Joan Hopper arrived hone from the Civic Hospital, North Bay where she is studying as an X-Ray Technician to have the New Year's week with her family, Mr. and Mrs, Verne Hopper. Joan was accompanied by Ted Sutherland, also from North Bay. Edith. Farrow.of Winnipeg was a guest at | | the. home,of Louise and Tom Smith over Christmas. aM Visitors at the home of Mr. and. Mrs, As Farrow over Christmas week were her brother | and sister+in-law, Mre, and Mrs. Leif Willer of Fort, Frances and his nephew Leonard Farrow and family of: Sarnia. Mre and Mrs. Bob:Wallwin and family visited with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Rs Monteith, of Fort William over the Christmas weekend and for, New Years, Gladys had her, | sister Dale Monteith visiting. Irene-and Paul Holancin were New Year's visitors from Holland Marsh with her sister