__Page 2 i TERRACE - ATTEND THE CHURC 'TERRACE BAY ' COMMUNITY CHURCH i GOSPEL MISSION ' Sunday School at 2 PeM. every Sunday OW OF ""§T, MARTIN'S SCHOOL HOLDS OPEN HOUSE - Rev. J. Raymond Anderson 9.00 A.M, - Sunday School, Grades 2 and 3 \ 9,30 A.M, - Sunday School, Grade 4 and up 11,00 A.M, - DIVINE WORSHIP -- "None Like It" 11.45 A.M. = Leginner!s Christiias White Gift Servic Ge Eventide Service - "The Scripture Church Board Meeting at the home of Mr. & Mrs. A, Derndtsson, 7.00 P.M 8,00 P.M, ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH'- Rev.Dean E,A.Gallagher SATURDAY -.Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 P.M, Mage during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at. 9 AWM ST, MARTIN'S PARTSH LISGRARY Open from 2 to 3 P.M, every. Saturday | ROSSPORT ST. JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH Mass every Tuesday at 7.00 PeM ene ne cece 'ATTENTION ALL BOWLERS .o Mininaiel.s fees in all leagues must be paid up immediately. These can be paid to chairmen of the respect- ive leagues. After Christmas the scores of members who are not paid up will not be counted, CHILDREN TO PRESENT CONCERT The children of the Community Church Sunday School will present their annual Christmas Concert in the High School Audit- orium on Friday, December 15th at 7.15 i.M The HI-C Club of the Community Church is now taking orders for pictorial china plates depicting our.church, A member will call at your house this week. with information, If not contacted please phone 3756 or 3245, This may be your only opportunity to obtain one of these cherished metientos. ._ On November 27th Sts Martin's School held Open House for all school parents and interested persons. Approximately one hundred and fifty people were in attendance to confer with the teachers, to inspect children's work and exercises, and to visit the classrooms, .Of particular interest were the two new classrooms of the new annex which were occupied by classes in early October, Many items of interest were presented. These included a film strip and a commentary entitled "Report Card to Parents", a distrib- ution of booklets "Nine to Twelve" and an informative letter to parents about their part in helping older students in a school project "A Chat About Studying". The girls of the Senior Grades served tea at the con- clusion of the evening's events. Willard Vezina Jr, visited with his _parents, Mr. and Mrs, W.eJ. Vezina after _ BAY NEWS December' 7,1961 H OF YOUR CHOICE SCHREIBER ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R.J.S.Inshaw 9,00 AsM, - Holy Communion 10,00 AeM. --- Family Service 11,00 A.M. ~- Morning Service 7.00 PM, ~ Evensong ST. ANDREW'S UNTTED CHURCH - Rev, Re Crook "6.45 A,M, - Sunday School nu 00 AeM. - Morning Service - 7,00 PoMs - Bible Study HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J.M, Cano "1 Daily Mass - 7230 A.Me Saturday Mass - 9. 00 AcM. Saturday Confessions ~ 4.30 to 5,30 P.M, and 7.30 to' 8.30 P.M. SUNDAY MASSES ~ 8,00 - 9.30 and 11,00 A.M. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Pastor M,Kaija 10.00 A.M, -- Sunday School - every week 7,00 P.M. - Evening Service - 2nd and 4th - Sundays. Bible study on Fridays following Sunday service. GOSPEL MISSION - Mr. Ron Sheffield Sunday - 11 A.M. - Family Hour 7 PeM. - Gospel Service Wedhesday - 7 P.eM. - Prayer Meetig receiving his diploma in Communication Technology from the DeVry Technical Institute, Toronto, He is now employed by Burroughs Business Machine Ltd,, Toronto, who will train him as a technician for defence system service C.W.L. NEWS Due to the Forty Hour Devotion the regular meeting and annual Christmas party of the Catholic Women's League will be held one week later on Sunday evening, December 17th. The St. Martin's Church will hold a Forty Hlour's Devotion starting on Sunday, December 19th through te December 12th, Very Reverend J. Coghlan, C.°S.S.R., will be preaching the Forty Hours. ' This devotion, during which the) Blessed 'Sacrament is publicly exposed for the veneration of the Faithful for Forty Hours is in memory of the Forty Hours during which | the Body of The Saviour remained in the "Sepulchre, BAKE SALE A Christmas Bake Sale will 63 held this Saturday, December 9 from 2 - 5 P.M. by the Catholic Women's League in St. Martin's Church Hall. A good variety of Christmas baking will be available as well as the regular items of bread, buns, rolls and candy. Brian Paulsen celebrated his fifth birthda on Tuesday, November 21 with a party luncheon at noon. A few games were played before his -- returned to home or school with their arty favors. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindquist had Jack's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Lindquist of Kenora visiting them for the past two weeks. Little Lori Lindquist returned to Kenora with her grandparents on Saturday for a visit. A party was held on Friday afternoon to celebrate the sixth birthday of Valerie Larso Sixteen boys and girls played before enjoying the party fare and returned home with their favours. --