Page 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS October 26, 1961 HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER Mrs, L.Corbett and sons Reggie & Eddie.of Fort William were recent visitors at the home of her Myiher, Mes. E.O*Connor, . Mr.& Mrs, Edson Morrill and baby daughter of Fort Frances are the guests of his father Pes Hallowe'en Jreats Masks ee. Costumes EVERYTHING FOR GIVING AND RECEIVING ON Ee SUCKERS HALLOWE'EN AT KISSES E,Morrill. Mrs, Mary Crowe and Mrs. H.E.Newman of Port Arthur were weekend visitcrs at the home of Mr.& Mrs. F.C,Macadam. Teachers of the Elementary and Secondary Schools attended a Convention in Lakeview High School, Port Arthur, ot: Friday. A Shower Tea was held honoring Mary Trichilo, bride elect of October 21st, on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Gino Cascamo,. Receiving with Imry were her tether, , Mrs, T.Trichilo and the hostess, Miss Rosa Speziale. Pouring tea from a beautifully appointed table were Mrs. A.Caccamo and Mrs, Sarah Figliomeni. Servers were Miss Teresa Speziale, Esther Trichilo, Miss Rosa Speziale and Mrs, J, Trichilo. . Replenishing were Mesdames P,Speziale, J,Caccamo, G, Caccamo The gift room and guest book were attended by Mrs. Stella Speziale, Mr, Dave Godin, Mr. Forbes Macadam and Mrs, Nettie Thrower are patients in Terrace Bay Hospital, Cynthia Bond of Port Arthur was a weekend guest of her grandmother, Mrs, E,0'Connor. About twenty couples met at the home of Mr.& Mrs, Tom Borutski when they were host and hostess for a party honouring Mr.& Mrs. Ed Borutski who were recently married in Wilno, Ontario. Gifts were presented and the evening ended with a delightful buffet supper, At the Kinette Club meeting held last week it was decided to hold a rummage sale in the United Church Hall on Saturday, October 28th, starting at 2 P.M. Mr.& Mrs. G.Kincaid, Fort William, were recent visitors at the home of Mr.& Mrs. Walter Wilkes. Mrs. Clarence Wright invited the follow- ing little friends to help her son Mandy celebrate his 5th birthday on October 17th when games were played and all enjoyed the prettily decorated birthday cake.- Stewart MacCuaig, Danny Morin, Danny Wood, Gordie Williamson, Tommy Szweko and sister Cathie, the students for tests taking up valuable time. . Some discussion took place in regards to students and their homework, A film on dis- crimination was shown with a talk by Mr, D, D* Amours. Mr.& Mrs. M.Hubelit of Rossport were wel- comed, A report on membership was given by Mrs, J.Rummery. Mrs.Phyllis McParland, R&.N,, gave a health report, urging parents to sign consent slips for tuberculin tests which will be supplied to students in the near future. November 20th was set as the date for the next regular meeting and it was decided to hold a teacher-parent social on December 28th, Funeral services for the late William K. Moore, aged 30, beloved son of Mrs. Della Moore and the late Mr.John Moore, who died on September 29th, were held on October 2nd from St, Andrews United Church with the Rev, R.A.Crook officiating. Jack Gordon was or- ganist and members of the Senior Choir were in attendance, Pallbearers were John Pelto, Leon Cote, Chas.. Pearson, Ivan Johnson, Rene Lamoreux, G.Cosgrove. Interment was in Schreiber Cemetery with Gawley Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Born in Schreiber, Mr.,Moore was raised' in Jackfish, moving to Schreiber in 1954, fm adherent of the United Church, he was a Carman with the C.P.R., Schreiber Division, He is survived by his Mother, at home, two sisters, Susan at home and Clara in Marathon, four brothers, Jack, Terrace Bay, Charles, Kirkland Lake, Walter and Lloyd, Schreiber, He was predeceased by his father in 1957, Attending the service from out of town were Mr.& Mrs.B.K.Almos and Don, Pt,Arthur, Miss Gail Mellis, North Bay and several friends in the district. | FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR WILLIAM K, MOORE E ' a ea: Ee A ECE CE RO TO OO NO A CNC COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES DATE SET BACK Schreiber High Home & School Association held its regular meeting on October 16th in the High School with Jack Handel presiding. Members of Staff present were Mr,Fasan, Principal, Mr.Isaac, Mr.D*Amours and Mrs. Wattam, The Commencement Exercises. have been set for i 3lst due to studies by | OR ILA ro. CESSNA Leo. = BASED SPORT, ONT FOR YOUR BUSINESS & FISHING TRIPS CAL ate BER 676-RKI ASK ABOUT OUR MOOSE HUNTING ON\ ST. IGNACE ISLAND | Superior' Airways' td. |_-FORT WILLIAM, ONT , PHONE MA 2965| ee eee 2 ne ae ame