Page 6 SA MAPLE LEAF | BUTTER Wo ing! €) 33 | NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT t 18 on.pkge - 2 PACKAGES 6 3 { SHIRRIFF*S INSTANT POTATOES O | «6 og. pkge = 2 PKGES, 59¢ fee ALLAN*?S Apple, me Drink 00 Zou SWIFT*S BOLOGNA CHUBS 2 LB. EACH = FH ree i | LONG JOHN. WIENERS 2 packages | SLICED SIDE BACON per lb: LETTUCE - » NEW GREEN CABBAGE 2 Lds_-/ » practices will resume, Practices will commence next week with a ; National: League workout at 4.30 on Tuesday | and a Bantam session at 4.30 on Thursday. MINOR BASEBALL ALLSTARS (Cont?d from pg. 1) Any players who played in these leagues this year are welcome to try out. COURSES COMING TO QUETICO In addition to the courses listed below, other courses will be announced from time to time, Aug. 25 - Sept 1. COURSE: i i | | YOUTH COUNSELLORS The purpose of the course is to pro« ; vide training in program skills essential to | the conduct of youth organizations and to interpret the role and job of the counsellor and the function of the executive members of { youth organizations, i Sept. 10-22, CANADIAN LABOUR CONGRESS | SUMMER SCHOOLS: Henry Weisbach, Regional { Director of Education for the CLC, will i operate two one-week summer schools for trade unionists and a week-end school for | officers of labour councils, Sept. 24-29, CREATIVE COMMUNITY CRAFTS ,; COURSE; Six days of weaving, rug making, ceramics and teaching skills for community ; craft club leaders, Commmnity leaders will meet with highly skilled craft teachers to increase skills and appreciation so that the community leaders can return to their com- munities to improve community craft activ- ities. Leadership for the course will be Miss M,E. Maff, Weaving Instructor, Commnity Programmes Branch, Negotiations are under way for the services of Miss Tess Kittack, rr cee re TERRACE BAY NEWS aad Grade ta" Small ~ ¢ . 2. DOZEN Q] APPLE & STRAWBERRY JAM | McLAREN?S SWEET WAFER 48 on. tin 75 ¢ "ss WAX PAPER 100 ft. rolls VALU- thes ot PK | MEATS | 59¢ 4 lbs. +; ONT.CRISP GREEN TOMATOES - firm & 2_tubes - TOW Pg pect a ls he ee July 27, 1961 MAXWELL HOUSE <A Instant Coffee 10 of. $1 20% size GRANULATED SUGAR 10 LB.BAG, PICKLES - 16 oz, jar . "KRAFT SALAD DRESSING 32 oz, jar - 2159¢ BONELESS ROAST PORK LOINS - per 1b =i 2 heads: -- outstanding Ontario ceramitist and Mrs. M, Rowan, Director of the Rittirmere Rugmaking Studio. Instructors are to be appointed for Teaching Methods and Adult Education, Oct, 6-8, FOLK & SQUARE DANCE WORKSHOP: The Lakehead and District Folk and Square. Dance Association will sponsor a weekend course for square dance callers and com- munity square dance instructors. | Oct. 2022, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SEMINAR: The Seminar is. %esigned for Chamber officers, secretaries, committee chairmen and members who are anxious to examine methods for devel- oping good leadership and good organization in their Chamber of Commerce or Board of Trade. Leadership will be provided by the Canadian Chamber of Conmerce and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Oct. 23-25, WRITING COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS: Norman L, Mathews, QC, will lead a seminar for industrial people responsible for admin- istering collective agreements. Rart of the seminar will be devoted to preparation for arbitration. Mr. Mathews will work with a skilled industrial relations director to be named, Nov. 3-5. AUDIO-VISUAL WORKSHOP: The Northwestern Ontario Film Federation, the National Film Board will sponsor a week-end course on the use of 16mm films, filmstrips and other audio-visual teaching tools. The Audio-Visual course is open to community leaders, teachers, industrial trainers, trade union instructors or anyone else teaching people. Anyone interested in the above courses may obtain further information from the Recrea* tion office, RE ee RR Ew ae sere mene eee ee Sen eR ae meee eee MAE ete